Regular in-home physiotherapy can work wonders for Seniors. Many people think physiotherapy is only a treatment athletes use after an injury. However, for Seniors, physiotherapy is just as focused on preventing injuries and increasing mobility as it is on restoration and recovery.
Seniors often prefer to age at home, especially those with chronic or life-threatening illness. Additionally, there are countless benefits from recovering at home rather than in Hospital for Seniors who have experienced an accident, injury or fall. There are services that bring registered physiotherapists straight to your loved one’s door, which means there is no struggle with transportation and getting to appointments.
Physiotherapists are registered health professionals who focus on light exercise, stretching, and massage to treat injury, pain, and chronic illness. Many Seniors suffer from pain in various ways such as arthritis, joint pain, muscle stiffness, injuries, and the list goes on.
Pain medications are not always effective, and they can also cause harmful side effects such as nausea, breathing problems, confusion, and problematic interactions with other medications.
Consider the benefits of including in-home physiotherapy as part of the beloved Senior in your life’s healthcare plan.
Physiotherapy and Palliative Care
Seniors in palliative care who experience chronic pain benefit greatly from regular, gentle physiotherapy exercises.
Physiotherapists who specialize in palliative care provide compassionate care bringing comfort to their clients, and apply gentle exercise routines to help alleviate pain from illness and side effects from medication.
Builds Strength and Stability
Accidents and falls are dangerous at any stage of life, but Seniors need to be particularly mindful about it. In Canada, about one-third of the population over the age 65 falls each year, and since many incidents regarding Seniors go unreported, this statistic is likely very low.
Physiotherapy treatment helps Seniors build muscle strength that they will need in order to prevent slips or falls, and it helps build bone strength with mild stretches and exercise routines.
Provides Safe Exercise
Monitored by a respectful professional, physiotherapy gives Seniors the opportunity to stretch those limbs without risk of a fall or an injury.
Treats Back Pain
Back, neck, and joint pain are often the result of tight or weak muscles, limited blood flow, and inactivity. Regular physiotherapy can increase blood flow, flexibility, mobility, and core strength.
Provides Social Interaction
Isolation and loneliness is common among Seniors, and in-home physiotherapy offers a social experience. Seniors can work one-on-one with their physiotherapist to work toward their health goals and achieve overall well-being.
Benefits Mental Health
It is a well-known fact that exercise releases endorphins, which helps alleviate anxiety and depression. Seniors are prone to depression and anxiety as they adjust to physical pain, illness, retirement, or changes in their lifestyle.
Maintaining mental health is just as important as maintain physical health, and physiotherapy helps with both.
Staying active is an integral component to healthy living. However, the physical pain and emotional stress from chronic pain or life-threatening illness can often prevent people from maintaining the healthy lifestyle that they need.
In-home physiotherapy provides compassionate care and gentle, supervised exercises and stretches to help motivate your loved ones achieve the healthy life they deserve.