Scientific Proof That Reiki Works
This post was last updated on February 24th, 2024
Is there any scientific proof that Reiki works?
You have a heated argument with your partner, be it your business partner or your life’s. If you feel and observe closely, after the disagreement and the heated exchange, the moods change. If you happen to come across the party, the ‘uneasiness’ and feeling of ‘embarrassment’ is always there.
This uneasiness has much to do with our energies. We pick up the frequencies. The metaphysical frequencies are sensed by the body and mind. These energies are part of your instincts, sixth sense and many undiscovered powers.
Okay, take this example, if you recall, back in the school days when we missed our homework; we could pick the teacher’s feeling without a word spoken. We were amazed about this, how come we predicted it right. It’s the energy communicating.
Remember, when we broke something at home, the angry parents never said anything but we could ‘pick’ the air of the mood in the house? That’s energy communicating again.
The metaphysical frequencies, energies are defined, controlled and managed by our minds and bodies. The mind is the control tower but it’s the body which takes the elevated flight or descends. To understand it better, our body has 7 energy centers. It is necessary for these energy centers, chakras (the Sanskrit word which translates as ‘Wheel’), to be in harmony and balance for your body and mind to work in sync.
For example, when you are stressed out mentally, your body too feels lethargic and energy-drained. Even though you just spent 8 hours working on a solution which required mental energy, but it saps all of your body’s energy too.
This is nothing but the loss of balances of the 7 seven chakras.
The Seven Chakras are
Root Chakra – the root and support power zone, it is based at the base of the spine. This chakra or power zone focuses the financial and emotional security.
Sacral Chakra – the home of the creative life force energy which helps you to enjoy your life positively, this energy helps you to enjoy your sexual life. The Sacral Chakra energizes you to take fruits of your efforts and labor.
Solar Plexus Chakra – the power and energy zone where your self-confidence, personal power, identity, endurance and courage are born and found at. If this is disturbed, your personality reflects it. If you notice, people who have a mild to high to acute sense of inferiority complex, their body language reflects it.
It is like when you are window shopping and when you are actually spending on shopping – the shopkeepers pick up the energy. So when you are actually shopping, they approach you much proactively, to make a sale.
It’s the reason they pick up the energy frequency from one of your chakras, through the body language.
Heart Chakra – the energy center for love, compassion, humility and kindness.
Throat Chakra – the energy that voices your personal truths. This is the place where you form energy to speak your heart out. So if heart chakra is underactive or overactive but your throat chakra is disturbed due to illness, mental stress, all these centers will be disrupted.
Reiki healing balances and attunes these energy centers at one synchronized level. When these energy forms are balanced at one higher level, the chakras then harmonize your mind and body. You start performing at the optimum level, you grow more energetic, more intelligent, more wise.
3rd Eye Chakra – the chakra which governs the wisdom, the knowledge and the elements which go beyond the material world. This chakra receives information from beyond the primary 5 senses.
Crown Chakra – this is the energy zone of Pure Consciousness Energy. The energy which resides on top of all, governs all, it is more of like the part of the universal energy which is around us. This is the energy from which all other energies are derived from, take and spread more energies.
What has Reiki to Do with Chakras
Chakras or Energy centers tend to take influence and overreact or underperform, depleting in energy levels hence our mind and bodies are not communicating the positive frequencies. Symptoms like stress, de-energized selves, lethargy, cluelessness are point to the disturbed balances of the power chakras.
To bring back the chakras to the original power level, Reiki healing is effective in bringing back and re-energizing the chakras. It usually takes one or more sessions to revive the chakras. People who get treated with Reiki, feel immense if not immediate effect.
The chakras take time to heal and revive the energies. Once the energies are zoned and focused, other chakras too get the energy share and the revival process is faster.
So in effect, Reiki Healing is centering and positioning of the energy zones of your mind, body and soul and energizing these spots for your body to function in sync with your mind and soul. Once all the energy zones are in one place, you feel energetic, refreshed, positive and a better decision maker. One feels the swiftness flowing through the body hence lethargy is put to a minimum.
How Does it Start?
Reiki healing realigns the chakras and the energy spots which activate the self-healing process. Reiki is particularly effective for stress disorders, anxiety, negativity, mood disorders, mood swings and indecisiveness.
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