Science Behind Visiting Temples & Praying God
This post was last updated on January 9th, 2025

India which is known for its rich Hindu culture, religion and tradition is the ultimate venue of hundreds of mesmerising temples which are different in shape, design and location. However, a temple is established in a location where earth’s magnetic wave passes through densely, doesn’t matters if it’s in the middle of the river or a town or even a hilltop.
Most of the people visit temple due to peace of mind and soul, however today it’s something different as many people visit along with their unending demands and desires. But there are some scientific reasons behind every visit paid by people to the temples.
Here are they…
1. The Location and Structure of the Temple
Temples are established consciously at a place where the positive energy is ample from the magnetic and electric wave transferences from north/south post. The idol of God or Goddess is framed in the middle core center of the temple which is known as “Garbhagriha” or “Moolasthanam”. And basically the structure of the any temple is built only after the idol has been established in a high positive wave pivoted place. This “moolasthanam” is the place where the earth’s magnetic force are found to be most extreme.
2. Entering Temple after Removing Footwears
Temples are the ultimate locale that emits pure vibrations of electric and magnetic fields with positive energy. However, long back temples were built in a manner where the floor of the center of the temple were made sure as the good conductors of these positive vibrations and forces which allows them to pass through human’s feet to the entire body. Hence it is good and essential to walk bare foot while you enter the temple. Another reason which is quite expectable that is shoes and sandals are impure as they get contaminated with dirt, germs etc which spoil the pure and positive environment of the temple which is nothing but a source of negative energy.
3. Senses of our Body get energized
As we all know Five Senses Of Human Body Are Sight, Hear, Smell, Taste and Touch gets energized and activated by the positive energy dwelling in the temple which is absorbed properly only by all our five senses when we are in the temple. Even it’s discovered that the place of worship gets pleased only if our five senses are pleased.
4. Temple Bell Ring
People who visit any temple do ring and should ring the bell before entering the inner centralized temple that is “Garbhagudi”, “Garbhagriha”, “Moolasthanam” where the main idol is established because the bells are crafted in such a way that when they create a sound it generates unity in our both left and right brain regions. The moment we touch the bell to ring it, it produces a sharp and persistent sound which lasts for at least 7 seconds which is in echo mode. The duration of the echo is good as it activates all the seven healing centers of our body which drifts away our negative thoughts.
5. Offering Flowers
Flower is pleasant for eye, spreads good fragrance which soothes our smelling sense, very soft and tender to touch hence it is perfect for using at the temple. However, some specific flowers are only used for offering to God like rose petals, jasmine, marigold, hibiscus which are based on different factors and the fragrance is most important factor. The fragrance of the flower, camphor and instance sticks all together have the strong influence to keep our smelling sense active and providing calmness to the mind.
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6. Fruits Offered
Fruits like Coconut and Banana are the only two fruits which are mostly offered in temples as they are known as sacred fruits. However, apples, grapes and oranges are too offered. But, coconut and banana are mostly offered as the shell or the sleeves is never used for anything. To grow a coconut tree, you have to disperse the entire coconut itself and banana tree grows with the sampling.
7. Igniting the Camphor
The inner central core of the temple is normally dark where the idol is established. The camphor which is ignited to do the Aarthi in front of the idol lightens up the dark and activates our sight sense. The lightened camphor is also for the idol to absorb the heat and vibrations within the Garbhagudi for certain period of time.
8. Taking ‘Aarthi’ Flames with both Hands
When the camphor is brought to us after offering it to God, we usually put our both hands over the flame to make our hands warm and then we touch it to our eyes with the warm hands. This action activates our fifth sense that is the touching sense.
9. Drinking Theertham or Caranamrta
Theertham is the nectar from God’s feet which is which is holy and spiritual, purifies our soul and mind. Theertham ideally stored in a silver or a copper vessel. The water which is considered as theertham usually contain Thulasi (Basil) leaves dipped in milk, honey and coconut water and is compulsory to be stored at least for eight hours in the copper vessel. It has some ayurvedic effects as the water stored in a copper vessel has the ability to balance all the three flaws in our body, (vata, kapha and pitta) by positively charging the water. And drinking Theertham one could activate the taste sense. The other benefits of drinking theertham from a copper or silver vessel cures soar throats, fever & common cold and coughs, respiratory disorder, kidney stones, heart disorders.
10. Getting Tilak
Tilak is applied on the forehead, between the two eyebrows, which is the major spot of nerve point in human body. The Tilak is normally either of chandan or or red kumkum which helps you to regain energy and cools your mind, as Chandan (Sandal Wood) is known for it’s cooling effect. Also the tilak helps in improving concentration as the spot is the nerve point of entire body.
11. Pradakshina (Doing Rounds) around the Moolasthanam
After praying and performing all rituals most people walk around the idol inside the Garbhagirha or Moolasthanam which is the inner most cell of temple and even in clockwise direction for seven or nine times. Pradakshina is derived from Sanskrit word means right side. The idol inside the Moolasthanam absorbs all the positive energy from the bell sound, camphor heat and vibrates for a certain period of time. And doing the pradakshina at that point of time, one can absorb all these positive vibrations and energies.
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Priyadarshini Muduli
A full time passionate writer with imperishable determination to bring healthy, smart and pragmatic changes individually and socially. Concentrate especially on lifestyle, life and personal improvement, relationships, mental health and behavior, viral issues and literature based subjects.