Finding it real difficult to say no? Are you tired of being so nice to everyone? Well, all you need is just to practice with your ‘NO’ muscle. Now if you’ve been asked to do someone a favor, and you really don’t feel that you can make it, then better learn to say a nice and clean ‘NO’. Most people find it tough to turn down the requests because of various reasons, they are afraid of being rude, they want to help but over loaded with too much work, fear of conflict, fear of losing opportunities, fear of hurting one’s feelings and serious misunderstandings. Hence, it would be helpful to know how to get through rejections easily without experiencing such threatening emotions and potentially harmful physiological effects. 9 easy simple ways to turn down requests saying ‘NO’:
Find out why you’re saying no
If you understand, where your negative reaction or unwillingness is coming from, then you’ll be able to communicate with the people much better who ask you to say yes. So, find out your reason of saying no.
Recognize that saying no can be stressful
It’s essential to know that saying no and feeling bad is real. The discomfort you experience while turning down the requests are real. Better acknowledge those feelings, and you’ll be better prepared to confront and get over them.
Know how to say no without hurting others
You don’t have to say it directly as rejecting directly is quite disturbing for many people. So, try it politely such as “Hey it sounds great, but unfortunately I’m full.” Try to be neutral, and find a non-attacking way of stating your case.
Find something positive in the situation
Coming to saying no in personal life issues, such as you and your partner may have an unsolved dispute about, spending holidays with whose family might have got some brawls and disagreements, but if your recognize you will find a positive reason shared by you both of spending quality time with family.
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Be proud of yourself to stick up to say ‘no’
When brawl involves differences of opinion you have to accept the fact that you can’t just go along with the majority opinion. So, stick to your opinion and rejection.
Keep your answer short
No need of lengthy or a huge description or reason, if you don’t wanna do it or you can’t then make it short and straight. “I’m sorry, but I have other commitments..” but remember be polite.
Focus on the task
Focus on your work, draw a limited line of your work. Don’t get emotional or let your feelings go weak for others. Accept works or commit to your work that you can easily and comfortably handle.
Don’t let the situation challenge your sense of self-esteem
If you disagree or turn down requests, it’s not bad at all, people still gonna like. You have got your priorities, no one can force to do favor.
De-stress after the disagreement ends
After saying no, don’t feel low. De-stress yourself that you are capable enough that you are getting requests, and it’s nothing rude if you can’t handle much requests.
Better learn to say no to requests that don’t cater your needs, and once you learn it you’ll find it easy. You need more time for yourself, your work and things that are most important to you.