Sandeep Kumar Mishra is a multi-talented person who performs many valuable able things in his life. He was born in India on May 6, 1975. He is an Indian Poet. He is also a lecturer in English literature. He is also doing work as a Political Science.

Different colors of Sandeep Kumar Mishra
As a Poet
Sandeep Kumar Mishra is one of the artists who give every single thing to the world. He grew up with a great passion for poetry, and he really loves his work. He is the example of that poet whose poetry is still alive, but they are do not exist more. These famous personalities made their name in world books, and Sandeep is one of those. He worked hard. He put his word on paper and gave them a different look through his writing style.
As a Lecturer
Mishra is a lecturer in English Literature. Great poets in history work in literature as the same Mishra also works for teaching literature to other people, and he observes the life of a common man nearly. His poetry is related to women. Everyone cannot write so correctly about a woman and with such healing effects.
He has a passion for his work and also loves it whole-heartedly. Recently, he published his latest work, ‘One Heart – Many Breaks,’ and it is a heart-touching work or poetry done by Sandeep. He has the experience of 20 years. In the journey to 20 years, he learns many things and is used to educate people more appropriately. He also works as a teacher at Kislaya Outsider Art Academy.
As a Political Writer
Hence, Sandeep is a poet or lecturer, but at university, he used to learn about politics, and then he started his interest in this field. He took more interest and started writing about it. Soon, he published some articles related to politics. Then, he starts reviewing articles about politics. In this way, he called a political writer. He loves to write about the world’s current conditions, and he gives motivation and inspiration to people to do good and healthy things. This multi-talented person has skills from his genes. His father and sister was a famous writer of their era. They use to work hard for the poet. They are passionate thoroughly.

As an Artist
He was born with a passion for painting. He can view a real lifestyle in a good manner through drawing and painting. He also does water paintings on paper. From here, it is proved that one pencil and paper can change your life.
Sandeep Kumar Mishra did many astounding things in his life and the latest and newest Sandeep’s upcoming work, “Feel My Heart,” published in 2022. He will convince people by his words, his healing thoughts, and the major source of his Writing style. He has a big following and success in his career. He is a Role model for the upcoming generation. He inspires the generation through his hard work and qualities and qualification.
Social media
If you want to get to know more about Sandeep then we suggest you to follow him on Instagram. He is actively post on his official account where he used to post different pictures and videos of his work and personal life. He is an inspiration for the young people.