Salt Lamp Cures Anxiety, Asthma and Insomnia – Is it Realty or Myth?
Salt is of course something you sprinkle on your cooked foods making them taste better. How can it be good for certain medical conditions? Well, Salt is actually Therapeutic in nature. Ancient people discovered its abilities and it has been passed down generations as an authentic treatment.
From anxiety to insomnia and also asthma to many other allergies, it is known to treat many conditions. When used in the right way, salt can be a cure within itself. Salt Lamps more specifically Himalayan Salt Lamps are such applications of it where you will find a cure for many conditions.
Quite simply, you can go out there in the market on online and buy yourself a good Salt Lamp for under $50 and put it on your side table. It can cost much less than that as well when you know where to buy it from as well.
Best Case Scenario
Well, in the best case for a salt lamp, you would put one on your table and it would treat all the said conditions. It will provide a nice night light for your room as well while it does that. Looking at the money you spend, quite an investment you are making right.
Worst Case Scenario
You buy one and place it on your table and it doesn’t do a world of good for your conditions but still looks great as a nice lamp. Quite honestly, there is nothing wrong with this one either. Most of us have a night light in our bedrooms, why not have one for an affordable price anyway.
Himalayan Salt Lamps
The term ‘Himalayan Salt Lamps’ is attributed to lamps that are made from Himalayan salt. These would probably look a bit like a large jagged crystal and will have a good-looking light bulk fitted inside. The light bulb is supposed to glow and produce little heat inside the piece of salt that surrounds it.
This heat that is produced inside is in turn supposed to make the salt molecules fly off in the air and bring therapeutic advantages along with them. Think of it like a day you spend at the beach. You sleep so dam well after a beach day right. That is because of all the salty air soaking your body does while on a beach. Your skin gets moisturized and clearer and you sleep tight just like that.
The big crystal of pink Himalayan salt with a light inside is meant to bring the same effect to your bedroom. It might be on a smaller scale but it all counts. People living near beaches are not allergy free and also free from all the mentioned conditions for no reason after all.
Pro Tip: Make sure you, your children nor your pets eat this piece of salt. It is not the same as processed salt you get to sprinkle in or on your food. Let it do what is supposed to for best results.
What Makes Them Provide Health Benefits?
When trying to understand the real affects and their causes behind salt lamps, you have to get technical and your science caps on. However, it is really not all that complex once someone tells you what actually is happening in a room with salt lamps in it.
Basically, when you put a warm light bulb inside a piece of pink Himalayan Salt, something wonderful happens on the surface. The actually aesthetical difference is so minute that you may not even see it after a year of use as well. The heat causes some of the Salt Molecules to leave its surface.
These are also ions of salt that get released into the air of room a salt lamp is placed in. Magically (less so), these molecules attach themselves with all the dirt and dust in your rooms. This dust then comes down on the floor or whatever you have in your rooms.
Oh, and yes, your rooms with salt lamps will get little dustier on the floors and furniture tops than they used to before. But hang on here, salt lamps don’t bring dust of their own as they are not orbs or pieces of dust at all. They simply bring the dust already inside your room down by making their heavier ions attached to its particles.
Quite amazing and magical right. Well, its more scientific than magical. Dust particles are light and when ions from a salt lamp get attached to them, gravity does the rest. People of the past might have gotten away by terming this actual fact as magic though.
Rooms with Electric Noise
We live in a time of electricity. Wires and circuits filled with electric charge are so much popular in all homes, offices and buildings that it is a miracle if you can find one without them. Seemingly these are harmless when you are using the right kinds of wires that keep you safe from electrocuting yourself.
Yet, behind the scenes, electric current produces great bit of noisy radiation. Our brains and glands are much sensitive to these radiational noise. Even if we cannot hear it, it is regularly having its toll on us at all times. Natural salt lamps also help with this electric noise as well.
They produce negatively charged ions that cancel out positively charges ones emitted by wires and circuits. This has not been scientifically proven yet but researchers believe this is what happens in actuality. We should take their word until a proper decision is out on this.
Myth or Reality?
Well, this question is very subjective to personal opinion and who you ask. Yet, people who have used salt lamps made from Himalayan salt have reported it to be actually a working cure. Asthmatic patients have reported having to use their inhalers much less when in presence of a salt lamp.
With less dust and other particles in your bedroom’s air, you would be able to sleep tighter as well. Similarly, people with anxiety issues have also reported having much less trouble when in a room with a salt lamp.
Quite frankly, it is more a reality than a myth today. Centuries ago when not much medial and factual explanation was available, these would be considered myths. But today, you are far better off using them as they will provide benefits one way or the other. If you don’t get any health benefits, you will still get a damn good-looking night light with a pink dim light for any room. Cheers.
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