6 Easy Ways to Enjoy That Salon Like Scalp Massage at Home
After a month of hard work, you must surely give a treat to yourself by heading to your favourite spa or salon. You generally go in for a hair cut or for styling your hair and you want to settle for nothing but the best treatment, especially if you are getting ready for a date with your Prince Charming!
But be honest….is it the hair cut that satisfies you more or the professionally done scalp massage while getting your hair washed? It is really amazing that we are unable to relax ourself in the same way like that of those professional massages at salons. It is certainly not an easy job that they do with such a finesse. They get our hair squeaky clean and our heads feel so light after that amazing shampooing experience.
The scalp massage is actually a very necessary part of our hair cleansing regimen and we generally ignore it. Life is getting busier and we hardly find time for giving a relaxing massage to our scalp. But if you really want to enjoy a great scalp massage, then there is nothing better than professional hands. And if you really want to know the secret of a good scalp massage (like that of these professionals), then read these 6 easy ways to enjoy that salon like scalp massage at home:
Massage Scalp With Oil Before Washing
The best time to massage your scalp is before you head to your bathroom for shampooing your hair. Choose a good hair oil like an olive or almond oil that have huge amounts of vitamin E and gently apply on your scalp and hair. Massage gently on the scalp as rubbing will damage your hair follicles and may cause breakage. Moreover, if you oil your hair before washing it, then you will see that there will be less hair breakage as oil keeps your hair shafts moist and strengthens them.
Avoid Using Nails While Shampooing
While washing your hair, take a good quantity of shampoo on your palms and apply it evenly on your scalp and hair and make sure the action is as gentle as possible. Many people love to scratch their scalp while shampooing to remove the excess dirt and oil. It gives them loads of satisfaction! But doing this will give rise to problems such as irritation and a burning sensation followed by excessive dryness of scalp. Instead of nails, use your finger tips to give a soothing massage to your scalp so that it becomes a relaxing experience not a frustrating one.
Reach For All The Area Of The Scalp
One of the biggest benefits of getting shampooed by someone else is that they are able to see the top of the head and can reach out to all the spots of the scalp. But when you do it yourself, then you need to have a strategic approach. Once your hair is completely wet, apply shampoo equally and divide your head into 3 sections – front, centre and back. Start massaging in circular motion from the middle of the front section moving towards the sides and reach towards the centre. Then move towards the back of the head and intensify your actions and then start massaging from the back to the front so that you don’t miss any spot on the scalp.
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Massage Your Hairline Too
As per hair experts, the area around the hairline is considered as the dirtiest part of the scalp due to deposits of make-up, oiliness and sweat. This part is taken good care while washing the scalp at salons. You need to scrub and massage this area well in a manner that it gets thoroughly cleansed and at the same time you relax your brain muscles by the vigorous massage. Start the massage with hands on the temples moving in circular motions to the top of the head and repeat the same from top of the head to the hairline area.
Don’t Forget The Back Of Your Head
You must have noticed that those hair care professionals spend more time in massaging the back of the head portion and you also experience oodles of relaxation in the process. This is because the back of the head is the area that meets with neck and it sweats a lot while carrying most of the stressed muscles. You must place your hands on both the sides of the head with thumbs at the lower part of the head and fingers on the centre. While your fingers move in circular motion, you must put some pressure on the base of the head with your thumb and try to gently push the skin in upward direction. After this massage, you will feel completely rejuvenated.
Massage Scalp While Your Hair Is Getting Conditioned
After this scrubbing and massaging exercise, you might feel that your hair ]has become too dry and shampooing will further cause the hair to get rid of its natural oils. If that is the case, then you can divide your massage regimen between shampooing and conditioning. Rinse off the shampoo with flowing water and then even apply the conditioner on the hair strands. Then massage your scalp section well in circular motions and now massaging will be easier as the hair is now soft and manageable. When you finish with your massage, wash your hair with cooler water so that you lock the moisture and shine provided by the conditioner on your hair.
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Snehashree Bhat
A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.