As a responsible community group director, you want to make sure that your community is properly protected in the event of an unexpected incident. But what insurance does a community group need? One of the best ways to ensure your organisation is adequately covered is to regularly review your community insurance coverage to ensure it’s still sufficient for your needs. Here are just a few reasons why this is so important:
1. Changes in Risk Level
Your community’s risk level can change over time, which means that your insurance coverage may no longer be sufficient. For example, if you have a lot of new construction in your community, the risk of fire may increase. Or if you have more young families moving in, the risk of liability claims may go up. By reviewing your coverage on a regular basis, you can make sure that it still meets the needs of your community.
2. Changes in Coverage Needs
Even if your community’s risk level stays the same, its coverage needs may change. This could be due to changes in state or federal laws, changes in the types of events that are covered by insurance, or simply because your community has grown and now has more assets to protect. Whatever the reason, it’s important to stay up to date on your coverage needs so that you can make sure they’re being met.
3. Increases in Premiums
Over time, the cost of insurance premiums can go up – this is usually due to inflation and other economic factors beyond your control. However, it’s still important to review your coverage on a regular basis to make sure that the premiums are still affordable for your community. If they’re not, you may need to consider switching providers or altering your coverage limits.
Is it time to review your coverage?
As you can see, there are many good reasons why you should regularly review your community insurance coverage. By doing so, you can ensure that your community is properly protected and that you’re getting the best possible value for your money. So don’t wait; start reviewing your coverage today!