How To Remove Toxins From The Body Naturally?
This post was last updated on September 9th, 2024
Basically the process of removing toxins from the body is known as detoxification which means cleaning the blood. This process is done by cleaning the impurities from the blood in liver where toxins are processed for elimination from the body. Howevwer, human body also eliminates toxins from intestines, kidneys, lungs, lymph and skin naturally but when the system gets compromised some toxins aren’t properly eliminated hence every cell of the body gets adversely affected. Detoxification strengthens immunity, protects from several diseases and maintains optimum health. Removing toxins from the body naturally is very much essential and should be done at least once a year according to the researchers. There are several effective and natural ways to detoxify your body to fight against infections, fatigue, allergies, bloating, menstrual problems etc. Read on..
1. Replace your morning coffee with green tea
Don’t rely too much on caffeine. A little caffeine is okay but try to replace your caffeine intake with green tea which are loaded with antioxidants that our body mostly needs in its natural form.Antioxidants boosts immunity, detoxify your body and blood and keeps you healthy for long-term.
2. Avoid alcohol, tobacco and caffeine
Alcohol, tobbaco, caffeine promote long-term health problems which translate directly or indirectly to the toxins in the body. Too much of alcohol, tobacco and caffeine increases the level of nicotine in the body which leads to cancers, tumors, ulcers and many serious health issues. So, better avoid your bad habits to remove toxins all naturally and easily.
3. Cut out sugar, carbohydrates and saturated fats
Sugar which comes with calories increase the toxin level in our body. Rice loaded with starch and carbohydrate foods affects your waistline increasing fats in your body and saturated fats increase bad cholesterol and fat globule in the body which stimulates toxin processing in our body. Hence try to cut out sugar, saturated fats, fried foods, starch and carbohydrates from your daily diet.
4. Add more natural fibrous food to diet
Whole grains, whole wheat brown bread, oatmeals, flax seeds, apples, pears, vegetables, beans, legumes, beets, cabbage, broccoli are some natural fibrous foods that our body needs for detoxifying process to lose weight, reduce bloating and activate immunity. Fibre loaded food makes your digestion work properly once you get habituated with these foods and your bowel movement would work properly removing all toxins naturally and effectively.
5. Maximize the intake of Vitamin C
Vitamin C is always ideal for promoting good health. Vitamin C will improve digestion and remove toxins amazingly from your body by cleaning your blood properly. The antioxidants present in citric fruits like lemon, orange, lime, cranberry, papaya, guava strengthens immunity and flush out toxins effectively.
6. Drink lots of water
Drinking plenty water at least 5 litres a day is very much essential for good health. Water flushes out the toxins from the body naturally. Water purifies blood too which is the most crucial process of removing toxins from the body naturally.
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7. Replace one of your meal with green smoothies
Try to add green juice or smoothies at least once in a day to your meal. Kale, plums, ripe banana, parsley leaves and lemon are the most effective ingredients of green smoothies loaded with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties which detoxifies your body all naturally.
8. Try more organic fruits and veggies
Fresh fruits like apples, papaya, guava, pomegranate, grapes, raspberries, blueberries, cranberries, blackberries, strawberries and fresh vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, raddish, beets, kale, cucumber, spinach are some of the organic foods to add into your diet to flush out toxins from your body naturally. You could make natural home made juice out of it or simply make salad of it.
9. Get good and intense body massage or scrub
Body massage or scrub at spas or home is a great idea for detoxifying your body. The toxins will be eliminated from the skin pores and the intense pressure on the muscle tissues where toxins build up would be eliminated all naturally.
10. Try fasting for once a week
Fasting once or twice a week is an excellent way if detoxifying body. Replacing your daily meal with fresh fruit juice will give a break to your digestion process to breakdown all those potential toxins in your body to flush them out.
11. Get less exposure to chemicals
Using chemical products like shampoo, body shampoo, conditioners, hairspray, hair gels, deodrants, or pollution loaded with chemicals, deadly fumes and smokes which increase the level of toxins in your body which leads to harmful health issues. Try to get less exposed to chemicals in order to let less toxins enter your body.
12. Get good intense sleep
A sound intense deep sleep especially at night is very much necessary for healthy body to rejuvenate and reactivate your body’s natural systems and process to work much faster and better to remove all toxins effectively. Sleep deprivation leads to improper body functioning and many health issues which slows down the toxin removal process of the body.
13. Do meditate or yoga
Meditation and yoga is always preferred to be master key to bright health. All kind of health problems can be beaten by performing yoga and meditation. Yoga and meditation improves the body and mind flexibility by reducing stress and hence all body process functions properly to remove toxins.
14. Add some superfoods to your diet
Super foods like avocado, spinach, almonds, peanuts, salmon, tuna, olive oil, flax seeds, walnuts, all kind of berries, spinach, kale, tomatoes, carrots, beets, apples are amazing source of all kind of essential nutrients for the body along with ample antioxidants which boost the immunity and toxin removal process in the body.
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15. Try home remedies for ailments rather than antibiotics
These days, antibiotics, tablets, pills are so common and easily available that we people completely rely on these pills fro the treatment of any kind of ailments of our body. But antibiotics and allopathy pills have too much adverse effect on out body natural processes that harms our kidneys, liver, lungs, heart, brain and even blood. So rather popping up the pills go for natural home remedies for treatment of all ailments which are more effective and no harmful.
16. Avoid food with preservatives
Processed foods that are available in the stores are loaded with added colours, sugar and preservatives. Preservatives which weakens the immunity and clogs all the toxins in the body leads to serious health issues. Hence, its better to stay away from the foods which have added preservatives.
17. Get exposed to early sunlight loaded with Vitamin D
Sunlight is a good source of Vitamin D which is ideal for bone health especially for women, but try not to exposed to strong sunlight after 10 A.M. which have strong UV rays which damage skin and skin pores. Sunlight rich in Vitamin D makes skin to breathe naturally removing all toxins out of it.
18. Exercise to sweat out
Try to exercise everyday for at least 30 minutes till you sweat out. Sweating is a natural process of removing toxins from the body naturally which cleanses blood and skin amazingly. Exercise also promotes good health and boosts all body processes including digestion, blood circulation, blood filtration and immunity.
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Priyadarshini Muduli
A full time passionate writer with imperishable determination to bring healthy, smart and pragmatic changes individually and socially. Concentrate especially on lifestyle, life and personal improvement, relationships, mental health and behavior, viral issues and literature based subjects.