10 Ways To Get Relief From Kidney Stones
This post was last updated on September 9th, 2024
Our kidney acts as a strainer that strains all the impurities and filters all the toxins from the body. These bean shaped organs are essential to the urinary system and helps in regulating electrolytes, maintaining acid-base balance while regulating blood pressure too. Being the natural filter of blood, kidneys function to remove water soluble wastes in the form of urine and is directed towards the bladder.
However, owing to less consumption of water or inappropriate diet or even due to hereditary factors, you may suffer from kidney stone. Even people suffering from gout or who are under medications or supplements are at a higher risk of suffering from kidney stones. Kidney stone is basically a solid piece of mineral formed within the kidney or urinary tract and it typically leaves the body via the urinary stream. A small stone may pass without causing pain or symptoms but larger stones may cause blockage of the ureter and leads to moderate to intense pain in the beginning of the flank or lower back.
Common symptoms include nausea, blood or pus in the urine, fever, vomiting, pain while urinating, etc. One in every 20 persons is suffering from kidney stone and kidney being an important organ of your body, you must never take such symptoms lightly. It is always better to consult your doctor when you have noticed some of the kidney stone symptoms, but along with medication you can just follow these 10 ways to get relief from kidney stones to keep your urinary tract free from such blockages:
1. Kidney Beans
As the name suggests, kidney beans are called so because of its similarity with the organ’s shape and colour and these beans help in regularising the functioning of the kidney. It heals the kidney while eliminating the kidney stones. Kidney beans comprise of fibre in abundance and are also potent source of non-animal protein, vitamin B and minerals that enhances the health of the kidneys. For eliminating kidney stones, boil kidney beans in water till they become soft enough to eat. Strain the liquid and allow it to cool off. You can drink this strained liquid to get rid of kidney stones and also have those boiled beans to ensure good dosage of fibre for great kidney health.
2. Basil Juice
Basil or tulsi juice is the best tonic for improving overall kidney health. You can even consume basil tea twice a day to eliminate kidney stones. Taking one teaspoon honey with basil juice for up to six months can significantly help in getting rid of kidney stones while lowering the risk of build up of such stones. Ensure that you consume this juice early morning on an empty stomach to ease the pain while dissolving the stones.
3. Celery Juice
Celery in vegetable or seed form works best for promoting urine and removal of toxins from the kidneys. Being an excellent source of vitamin C and proteins, celery in juice or in vegetable form can work wonders to restore kidney health by timely removal of kidney stones. If consumed regularly, you can even prevent the risk of stone formation.
4. Consume Less Processed Or Junk Foods
The more toxins you intake, the more difficult it is for your kidney to strain them. As per medical experts, having a diet filled with junk food, oily foodstuffs, too much sweets or cholesterol along with artificial juices or soft drinks can ruin your kidney’s health. Prolonged consumption of such heavy foodstuffs and alcoholic beverages that lack nutritive values can diminish your kidney’s health and increase the risk of build up of stones. Try to include more fruits and vegetables in your diet and indulge less in alcohol or soft drinks.
5. Pomegranate Juice
A study conducted in 2008 revealed that pomegranate juice is extremely effective in regulating the functioning of kidney by removing toxins and even kidney stones. Besides promoting production of blood and purifying them, pomegranate juice is extremely beneficial in maintaining optimum kidney health due to its high antioxidant content. The sourness and astringent properties are said to play a major role in removing toxins and stones from the bladder.
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6. Include More Of Magnesium In Your Diet
Many medical studies have proven that people who suffered from recurrent kidney stones when consumed magnesium regularly as per suggestions had a 92 percent improvement in the rate of reduction of kidney stones. 300 mg of magnesium orate is the recommended dose for reduction and prevention of kidney stones and it can be taken in the form of high magnesium fruits and vegetables but the results would be more satisfactory if consumed through high quality supplements.
7. Drink Sufficient Amount Of Water
In general, most of us are at a risk of developing kidney stone and thereby, it is very essential for us to keep our internal body hydrated for timely flushing out of minerals and other substances that can crystallize to form kidney stones. Your urine’s colour is the indicator of water content in the body. An ideal urine must be pale yellow and in case your urine is dark in colour, it means your body is not getting enough water.
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8. Lemon Juice & Olive Oil
People suffering from smaller sized kidney stones can effectively remove them by consuming a concoction of lemon juice and olive oil to break them and flush the stones out. Mix two tablespoons of olive oil and lemon juice and drink it with 8 ounces of water. You must ensure that both these ingredients are in their purest form and comes from the best brand. Continue this for a month and you will start feeling relieved from the pain and even stones.
9. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is used in many countries for treatment of various bodily infections and to improve immunity level. Even in case of kidney stones, regular consumption of apple cider vinegar can help in breaking down and flushing them out while also ensuring that more kidney stones don’t get formed. Consume one and a half teaspoons of apple cider vinegar thrice a day to make most of this natural medicine for improving overall health condition.
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10. Have More Fibre
Fruits and vegetables are great source of fibre and it is basically insoluble fibre that plays an incredible role in halting the growth of existing kidney stones while preventing further formation of stones. The calcium deposits in the urinary tract is reduced by the insoluble fibre by flushing them off through stool to prevent crystallization of minerals. Incorporate more of fibre in your diet to ensure freedom from kidney stones while having a healthy digestive system.
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Snehashree Bhat
A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.