5 Relationships Rules That Were Made to Be Broken
This post was last updated on July 10th, 2023
There’s a lot of relationship advice out there that’s been in circulation for a long time. People simply assume it’s because it works – all the time and in every situation – and they’re almost right. But like all rules, even the best relationship directives are sometimes better off broken.
Here’s a closer look at some seriously enduring golden relationship rules that every sugar baby should take with a grain of salt and break whenever it makes sense to do so. How many do you still believe in as relationship gospel?
1. Never try to change your partner
It’s true that acceptance and unconditional love are very important in long-term relationships. But two people who are genuinely in it for the long haul also know how to challenge one another. That means they actively motivate and help each other to be better than they are, and that’s as it should be.
If there’s something about the way your partner operates in your relationship that drives you up the wall, it’s ultimately a lot better to try to find a compromise than it is to seethe in silence until you’re completely resentful. No one should ever feel pressured to become a different person for their partner, but they should care whether the person’s needs are met.
2. Don’t go to bed angry
If you and your sugardaddy are the types of people who are actually capable of arguing your way to a satisfactory conclusion, by all means, follow this rule. But if you’re not, don’t feel the need to force things because of something other people have always said about how things “should” be in your unique relationship.
Have you ever noticed how sometimes sleeping on a problem literally finds you waking up with the answer? Well, that often holds true when a sugar baby’s facing a relationship problem, as well. So when you can’t seem to find a solution, try sleeping on things instead. If the issue still seems as pressing in the morning as it did the night before, it will be much easier to find a solution with clear heads.
3. Never keep a secret from your partner
Yes, you should absolutely always tell your sugardaddy anything he has a right to know or that otherwise affects him. But complete and total transparency in a relationship usually isn’t as desirable in practice as it is in theory. There are just some things that your partner doesn’t really need to know.
For example, your sugardaddy doesn’t necessarily need to be in the loop when it comes to things your friends or family tell you in confidence. And he doesn’t necessarily need to know every TMI piece of personal information that might run through your head on the daily, either. Just use your best judgment when deciding what to share and what to keep to yourself.
4. Household responsibilities should be split equally
By all means, if this is the way you and your sugardaddy like to do things, you should totally keep doing them that way. But there’s no need to change any household routine you’re both happy with, even if it means things aren’t necessarily equal across the board. All that really matters is that you’re both happy.
Plus, it’s often more realistic for modern couples to handle these things differently. For instance, if your sugardaddy works a demanding schedule that finds him slaving away at all hours and you’re a pampered domestic type who likes managing a home, it might make more sense for you to handle more of the household duties. You can always pay someone to pick up the slack if neither of you likes housework.
5. Always keep your interests separate
It’s essential for two people in a relationship to maintain their individuality. But what that looks like can vary drastically from couple to couple. If you and your sugardaddy are busy, independent types who like maintaining separate friend groups, hobbies, and interests, for the most part, there’s no need to change that if it works for you.
But for some couples who are very close, it’s more natural and desirable for their interests to merge and overlap more. If that sounds like you and your sugardaddy, don’t listen to people who say you’re too close and that there’s something wrong with spending most of your free time together. This is what normal and healthy looks like for many couples.
In other words, relationship rules of thumb can make great guidelines for many couples. But just as no two people are alike, no two relationships are, either. So use your best judgment when deciding whether or not the so-called golden rules of relationships apply to your partnership. Many modern couples make up their own rules – sometimes as they go along – and that’s more than OK, too.
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