Recurrent Pregnancy Loss: Definition, Etiology, and Treatment
Pregnancy is an emotionally trying time for couples. Unfortunately, some women cannot experience miscarriage, which is a failure to carry a pregnancy to term. Repeated miscarriage is a condition called recurrent pregnancy loss and involves still high and neonatal death, traumatic experiences for a couple. Fortunately, there are essential diagnostic tests that women can undergo to help physicians like Dr. Susan Wolf Hasbrouck Heights understand the underlying cause of recurrent pregnancy loss and thus develop a management protocol to ensure a successful pregnancy. Recurrent pregnancy loss is two or more failed pregnancies. However, a physician should confirm pregnancy loss during clinic visits using ultrasound technology.
How common is recurrent pregnancy loss?
Many women experience recurrent pregnancy loss due to different underlying factors. However, there is no clear reason for recurrent pregnancy loss. Most women have an underlying reproductive condition affecting their ability to carry a pregnancy to term. Physicians should conduct a comprehensive reproductive examination in women to detect any abnormalities contributing to complications.
What are the most common causes of recurrent pregnancy loss?
One of the main causes of recurrent pregnancy loss is uterine abnormalities. The uterus has an important role in pregnancy, including carrying a fetus and the placenta. An unhealthy uterus cannot support fetal development, thus resulting in miscarriage. Some of the most common uterine complications leading to repeated miscarriage include fibroids and endometrial polyps. A septate uterus may also be a concern because it involves uterine cavity division by a wall of tissue.
Women with hormonal disorders may also experience complications supporting a pregnancy. Some of the underlying conditions contributing to hormonal imbalance include diabetes and thyroid disease. Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a condition that causes estrogen imbalance. Physicians focus on correcting hormone levels to maintain a pregnancy to term.
A fetus may develop with an abnormal chromosome count. For this reason, a woman’s immune system will flag the fetus as foreign and attack, thus terminating a pregnancy. Although chromosome disorders may occur spontaneously, most develop due to genetic inheritance.
Infections may also cause recurrent pregnancy loss, thus the significance of regular prenatal clinic visits for early diagnosis and thus improved treatment outcomes. Physicians also focus on the implications of risky lifestyle choices like substance abuse, smoking, and sedentary living while pregnant.
What is the treatment for recurrent pregnancy loss?
If a woman loses two pregnancies, there is a need for emergency medical interventions to restore the integrity of reproductive health. Several underlying factors hinder successful pregnancy. Patients should collaborate with physicians to receive an accurate confirmation of diagnosis that will influence the treatment approach.
In vitro fertilization is an effective approach to genetic abnormalities leading to recurrent pregnancy loss. Surgical interventions may solve uterine problems. For example, physicians can leverage surgical techniques to remove fibroids.
Patients should seek medical assistance in improving their lifestyle and thus promoting the wellness necessary to maintain pregnancy. Contact University Reproductive Associates if you have experienced more than one miscarriage for a comprehensive approach to fix the underlying factors causing recurrent pregnancy loss and improve your odds of becoming a parent.
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