Reasons Why Your Loan Application Is Always Rejected
In today’s world, the market condition is tough. There can be tons of reasons why your loan application keeps getting rejected by the lenders, but there is still hope. You can do a lot of things to fix your current condition and start getting approved by lenders. All the lenders have a criterion by which they judge whether an applicant is eligible for a loan or not. We are here to tell you the main reasons why your loan application is always rejected.
5 Reasons Why Your Loan Application Is Always Rejected:
1. Charge-offs in your credit report
Charge-offs can be a big reason for you not getting your loan approved. They not only make your credit report look bad but also reduce your chances of having the loan application approved.
If you have a loan marked as charge-off, then it will definitely hurt your credit score. A charge-off stays in your credit report for as long as seven years, but there are ways you can get the charge-offs removed from your credit report. Visit to know how you can remove charge-offs from your credit report.
2. Fewer Funds
Online lenders always want to reduce their risk of not getting paid. In case you fail to pay, they would want to be able to sell your property and get their money back. If you make a deposit of less than 20%, then they will make you pay for a lenders mortgage insurance. Too little deposit can definitely be a big cause of your loan getting rejected. The best thing you can do to avoid this is by not buying something you cannot afford.
3. Bad History of Employment and Previous Loan
An Unstable history of employment can be a big reason for you not getting your loan application approved. Most banks and lenders tend to offer loans to people who have a stable income. If you have a history of constant job hopping, then your loan application will most likely get rejected.
Most lenders want to lend to people with a stable monthly income. Too many loans can also be a big reason for getting rejected on your new loan application. Banks and lenders will definitely check your previous loan history, and if they find out you are already in debt from too many loans, then your application will get rejected.
4. Details submitted in the application
Make sure that you double check all the personal details you submitted for the loan application. If the bank or lender finds any discrepancy with the details you submitted, then you will definitely get rejected.
Check all the details and look for any kind of credit card report errors. Any kind of wrong payment or identity theft will bring down your chances of getting accepted for the loan.
5. Too many applications
Every rejected application reduces your chance of getting the next one approved. The system kind of works like this. Whenever you apply for a loan, the lender approaches your credit bureau for your credit card history.
Your credit bureau treats this as a term called ‘hard inquiry’. The more often you apply for loans, the more hard inquiries you will have. Increasing the number of hard inquiries will bring down your credit score which will eventually reduce your chances of getting the loan application approved.
There can be many reasons why your loan application is always rejected. Once you figure out the main problem, it will be easy for you to solve it. Good luck!
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