10 Reasons Why Finishing Your Antibiotic Course Is Important
This post was last updated on September 9th, 2024

We have stepped into an age where most of us have sitting jobs and have invented things that has made our lives highly comfortable. Most of us enjoy a sedentary lifestyle where we are not indulging in much strenuous physical activities and have adopted a food culture which is less nutritious and high in calories. While managing our multiple roles, we don’t find time to work out and all the accumulated stress robs off the quality of sleep that is needed for rejuvenating ourselves.
Owing to this, we have become more susceptible to many kinds of diseases, in fact, complex diseases, that our ancestors never even heard of. We have become much more prone to infections and disorders ranging from mild to serious intensity. There are different methods for treating these diseases. Some diseases can be cured by providing essential nutrients to the body while there are some kinds of infections that may even need the patient to be hospitalised.
At such cases, doctors prescribe an antibiotic course that helps in killing those infection causing bacteria. Even though your doctor writes down the procedure to take the antibiotic course, you must know these 10 reasons why finishing your antibiotic course is important so that your infected body organs get speedy recovery:
1. Your Body’s Sustaining Capability May Decline
Your body tends to experience diminished resistance power when attacked by infection causing bacteria. Your body may not be resilient enough to tackle the symptoms and therefore, completing your antibiotic course is important so that you get your sustaining capacity back.
2. Right Quantity Of Medicines Must Be Consumed
Medical studies have proven that antibiotics work their best when the body gets a certain dosage of medicines. Doctors know that only after your body gets the right amount of medicines, the antibiotics start working and then they become strong enough to fight those bacteria. This level of medicines can never be fulfilled in the body if you don’t finish your antibiotic course.
3. High Possibility Of Bacteria Growing Again
When you suffer from an infection, then there are various kinds of bacteria responsible for your condition. These bacteria may be powerful in terms that if you stop your antibiotic course, then they may start growing again. Due to this, your recovery will be slow and your resistance power and immunity system will start weakening. You may get re-infected and this time the intensity may be higher.
4. Your Recovery Will Get Faster
The most important reason why you must continue having your antibiotic dosage as prescribed is that they aid in proper and faster recovery. It is for the recovery from the disease that you have consulted the doctor. If you miss out having your antibiotics, then chances are high that your body will take longer time to heal.
5. Your Immune System May Become Weak
The infection causing bacteria not only attacks a particular body part but also plays a major role in declining your immunity level. If you leave your antibiotic course half way just because you think you have recovered, then your immunity level won’t improve and you will be highly prone to bacteria and other diseases. So finish your antibiotic course so that your immunity system strengthens.
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6. You May Soon Suffer From The Same Disease
There is no use consulting a medical expert if you cannot follow simple instructions. The basic reason why they prescribe a complete course despite seeing your fast recovery is that they want to ensure that your body doesn’t get attacked by the same disease again. If you don’t finish your antibiotic course, then you may soon suffer from the same disease again and this is actually very dangerous for your long term health.
7. You Must Ensure That The Infection Has Completely Healed
It is very important that besides recovering fast, you are ensured that the infection in the body part has healed thoroughly. Finishing your antibiotic course is very pertinent even if you are feeling normal as you never know if there are still some bacteria left that might become active again.
8. Your Body Won’t Suffer From Same Infection
You are not the right person to judge whether your body has overcome the infection or not. Thereby, instead of quitting mid-way, if you consume the medicines prescribed for the stipulated period, then you can assure yourself that your body won’t be attacked from the same infection again for some period till you keep yourself healthy and follow the precautionary measures.
9. Antibiotics Help In Killing The Resistant Bacteria
The main task of antibiotics are to attack the harmful bacteria and aid in healing the infection. In the process, antibiotics not only kill the less powerful bacteria but they mostly are effective in eliminating those highly resistant bacteria that may cause the disease again if antibiotics are not taken as per instructions.
Read more: How antibiotics kill bacteria: from targets to networks
Recommended: 10 Best Natural Antibiotics With Amazing Healing Properties
10. Stop Wasting Medicines
Generally, the antibiotics are prescribed as a complete course for some period of time. But after buying them, if you don’t finish the course, you end up risking your health along with wasting those expensive medicines that many needy people are deprived of. If you are paying a price for it, ensure that you invest them in your health rather than throwing them away.
Recommended read: How do antibiotics work?
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Snehashree Bhat
A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.