What Are The Reasons For Bad Body Odour?

Body odour is simply defined as the unpleasant stinky smell given off by the body. Body odour causes actually varies from person to person based different factors. It is the direct result of odour stimulating compounds that are emitted through the skin and sweat. However the source of these odour compounds varies from internal to external factors. Most people have to deal with body odour which greatly varies from person to person. In worst cases, it can lead to depression, stress, anxiety and social withdrawl. Understanding some of the basic reasons for bad body odour will hopefully help to lead people in the right direction of understanding the theory of bad odour and it’s effective treatment.
Here are the reasons which cause bad and stinky odour in the body.
1. Bacteria
There are two components that are directly linked to each other when talking about body odour, bacteria and sweat. Sweat is odorless by nature and bacteria that cover the surface of the skin disintegrates sweat and feed on it. Hence the byproduct or resulting waste material of this process are acid compounds that stinks which we associate with body odor.
2. Anaerobic Bacteria
Underarm body odour is caused due to perspiration which is another reason for bad body odour. Sweating from exercise, hot weather, excess body heat and anxiety can generate this perspiration. Bacteria on the skin develops in moist areas which lacks oxygen, known as anaerobic conditions and due to bacteria proliferation the unpleasant underarm odour takes place.
3. Yeast
Accumulation of sweat on the bottom of the feet leads to the production of yeast infection when the feet is enclosed in socks and shoes, the yeasts get the opportunity to multiply rapidly and hence intensifies the stinky odour. Synthetic socks material may also increase the growth of yeast. Smelly feet are common in locker rooms
4. Hormones
As teenagers enter puberty, hormones begin to change and surge. Sweat glands in the armpit produce underarm moisture which starts stinking. Depending on the rate of hormonal changes both gender teens will give off body odour. During menopause high levels of estrogen leads to hot flashes and increased perspiration, precipitating odor which is yet another reason of bad body odour.
5. Liver disease
Patients with hepatic encephalopathy in simple liver disease may show symptoms of this disease with a strange odour from their breath which smells like a musty or sweet odour. This symptom may be mild at initial stage but gradually worsens.
6. Genetics
Human genetics and biology plays a great role in how a person smells. People of East Asian tend to have less apocrine sweat glands in the body. Fewer glands checks maximum body odour as fewer sweat secretions are released. Bacteria on the skin surface interact with apocrine sweat and release acids that are associated with body odour.
7. Food habits
Our food and daily diet plays a major role in body odour especially our breath. Your body and breath smells according to your food intake like fish if doesn’t get properly metabolized then you might stink fishy or onions and garlics in your meals could emit stinky strong odour from breath. Alcohol intake and smoking another reason for offensive and bad body odours.
Read: 5 Foods That Can Increase Your Body Odour
8. Poor hygiene
Sometimes body odor is simply caused due to poor hygiene. Poor body cleansing or less wash clothing can result to strong body odours. Poor bathroom habits can also increase body odor and men with poor hygiene care of an uncircumcised penis, and women not properly washing their vaginal areas, might get bad body odour. Bad oral health leads to bad breath and unpleasant to odour.
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Priyadarshini Muduli
A full time passionate writer with imperishable determination to bring healthy, smart and pragmatic changes individually and socially. Concentrate especially on lifestyle, life and personal improvement, relationships, mental health and behavior, viral issues and literature based subjects.