The 7 Key Reasons For A Relationship To Terminate
Relationships tend to have its own phases, Upturns and downturns, its healthy as well as delicate aspects. If you experience positivity and satisfaction out of a relationship then its definitely working for you. However, relationships do turn sour and take a backseat and you find yourself left high and dry with absolutely no idea of whom to look upon.
Here, we take a peek at the 7 immediate reasons as to why certain relationships fail to work and simply fall apart.
1. Keeping a relationship Directory
Maintaining a catalog of characteristics which you want your partner to have within himself can be very demanding and creates tremendous expectations. Besides, it leaves very little for the surprise element and the enjoyable moments which are the life-force of a relationship. A perfect relationship exists inside the heart instead of the mind. Trust your intuition and quickly discard such directory.
2. Being excessively critical of themselves
Loyalty is a valuable element in any alliance, but being in the company of a person who is hyper-critical can be very demeaning and it diminishes your self-worth. It can cause you dejection and leave you hurt all over. Critical attitude comprises of ridiculing your body weight, stature, looks, your acquaintances, traits and even your occupation so as to belittle you. Always question yourself whether such remarks are fair, genuine or unwanted?
3. Overlooking the jealousy factor
Envy often plays a major role in a relationship and its early signals are reacting in an illogically angry manner whenever the other individual receives pleasant news like finding a new buddy or switching over to a great job. Jealousy can also be judged when a person demand to gather a lot of personal details, flies into a rage when their companion communicates with their opposite sex, or falsely blame them of dishonesty or infidelity. A relationship which is going strong is always supportive and caring.
4. They view honesty to be insignificant
Involvements don’t terminate upon a white lie, but constantly lying about significant matter reflects utter disregard for your companion’s sentiments. Being deceitful with your partner and more so doing it continuously creates suspicion, anxiety and immense anger. It is very vital for a relationship to remain open and transparent during crisis. If your relationship is robust and compact with your partner then surely your answer would be a positive yes to the following questions: Can I rely on my companion to be truthful? Can I expect my close associate to have the same expectation out of me?
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5. They tend to get unreasonable emotionally.
Relationship related wisdom is not dependent on age, rather a mature partnership is based on the willingness to keep it going by co-sharing the blame and the readiness to accommodate each other. Always be alarmed of beginning a relationship with an individual who becomes agitated over minor issues. During the initial stages of an involvement many persons try their level best to refrain from fights, so pay special attention to their behavior under special circumstances, and also watch closely the way they handle people. At times emotionally rigid persons are also eager to grow and develop themselves on the emotional plane but be cautious; pressuring a person to change randomly is equally immature.
6. They simply want to exercise their influence over each other.
Remaining attached to a relationship with a person who is always commanding it and exercising influence often become emotionally tiring. Catering to the whims and fancy of a dominating person is nearly impossible as they always make you lead your life according to their rules in which you are not allowed to think independently, which can make you feel dissatisfied and fed-up. Look out specially for such signals: they inform you as to the manner you should dress or behave, they inspect your emails as well as your phone calls, arrive at your house even when not asked for or they start examining your personal possessions without seeking your acceptance.
7. Not fixing up unresolved issues.
Certain relationships have unsettled problems which may be related to someone from their past contacts either an ex-wife or a former male acquaintance. A companion often may create an impressive notion of their ex or may nurse ill-feelings or outrage towards them. They tend to place their new partner to an unfair comparison yardstick and maintain a standard that they are unable to attain or shift their pending anger over to their new companion. It is always prudent to completely sort out your past baggage before moving ahead into the future and begin a new tie-up. This makes your new relationship thrive and have a fighting chance.
Potentially, never underestimate yourself or your existence more so, after your relationship breaks. Go on with a firm belief that there is a Mr. Right lurking for somewhere! Who knows it didn’t work out due to the fact that all along you were with a defective person.
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Sujata Sanyal
Sujata Sanyal has been in the writing circuit for the past 7 years and has touched upon various genres like travel, health, lifestyle, a wee bit of technology, cuisine, product descriptions and a bevy of others. 1 part of her is interested in animated political discussions, 2nd part interested in studying biographies and the remainder part in love with music and socially relevant work. Too many parts?