10 Reasons Why It’s Good To Eat Eggs?

This post was last updated on September 21st, 2024

good to eat eggs

Source: Awguarantee

Eggs are consumed mostly in breakfasts all over the world as it is easily affordable and easy to prepare which has many health benefits. Eggs usually are loved by teenagers, youngsters and adults and the most easiest and common healthy way of consuming eggs is boiling the egss.

Some people add eggs to their diet on a regular basis but it would be wise to add eggs to your diet after consulting your doctor as drastic and sudden changes in your diet might create a dietary disturbance.

Now let’s find out the 12 reasons why it’s good to at eggs.

1. Omega-3-fatty acids

There are some types of pastured eggs which are loaded with omega-3-fatty acids which helps amazingly to minimize triglycerides in blood.

2. Antioxidants

Antioxidants like Zeaxanthin and lutein are present in eggs which good for eyes and prevent from eye cataract and mascular degenarion.

3. Good cholesterol

Regular consumption of eggs increases HDL levels in your body which helps you to prevent certain diseases especially heart diseases.

4. Vitamins and minerals

Egg has got most essential nutrients like Vitamin A, B2, B5, B6, B12, E, K, Phosphorous, Folate, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Selenium, Calcium and Zinc and most importantly 6 gm of proteins which is why health conscious people prefer eggs everyday in their meal and is the amazing reason why it’s good to eat eggs.

5. Amino Acids

Eggs are loaded with 9 types of amino acids and is world’s most nutritious and healthiest food available to us.

6. Choline

Choline which is not consumed by anyone of us usually is less found in our usual diet list. But egg is a nice source of choline which is good for brain health, pregnancy, heart health and nervous system and helps in building cell membranes and cell repairing.

7. Healthy Fat

Each egg contains 5 gm of healthy fats and healthy fat is no bad as it is the most important factor of our body which protects our system consistently. And if still you are so much concerned about healthy fats, then let me tell you that one egg has got 77 calories only.

8. Beauty benefits

Another reason why it’s good to eat eggs is either you consume eggs or apply eggs are always gonna help you. Eggs which is widely known for its skin benefits are always a good option to add in diet for healthy skin and system. You can also apply eggs externally on your skin and scalp.

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9. Good for weight loss

As a single egg has 77 calories and trace amount of carbohydrates is always the first choice for weight loss diet. According to a WHO, 65% of people have lose weight and they have always consumed eggs in their breakfast.

10. Easily affordable

The best ever low cost highly healthy food supplement for a regular basis with so many health benefits and nutrients. Eggs are easily found in supermarkets and food stores.

These 10 reasons are worth it to eat eggs on a regular basis and is always a good idea to add it in your healthy diet on the way of losing extra weight.


One Response

  1. Banimibo-ofori Jack


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