7 Quick Tricks To Stay Organized
This post was last updated on July 10th, 2023
If you are feeling that you have an utterly messed up work space or home and it is impacting you in a way that you are constantly getting irritated over petty issues, then its time to organize. Whether it is the stuff, meetings, commitment, etc, it is necessary to be organized in life to ensure your daily dosage of positivity and motivation.
There is nothing that can make you organized in a day or so. It should come into practise. The first thing from where you should mark the beginning of staying organized is keeping your mind free from stress. Secondly, you must know what you need and what you don’t. Thirdly, just follow these 7 Quick Tricks to stay organized:
1. What’s Your Definition Of Staying Organized?
When it comes to organizing things, no one can follow the same principle. So instead of imitating the organizing methods followed by others, try to create your custom organizing technique. Organizing your home and work station doesn’t mean that it should tidied up. Rather it means that everything needs to be allotted a particular place and after use, you should develop the habit of keeping the things back on the rack. For example, if you have many books with you and you decide to maintain a book shelf for them, then instead of keeping the books neatly in shelf, it is important that you organize the shelf in a way that books pertaining to one category is kept together.
Moreover, before organizing your things, decide the preferred layout of the room and clean the items before you organize them. Also you can decide alternative ways to make your room look spacious.
2. Maintain A Notebook
You don’t need to burden up your mind by memorising all the necessary pending work to ensure that you organize well. You can maintain one notebook each for all the diverse functions performed at home and at your office. Everyday, make a habit of writing down the date and mention the to-do-list for the day so that you don’t forgot to pay your bills, to prepare meals for guests coming tonight, pay your instalments, dates given for servicing home appliances, etc.
Also ensure that you note down all important dates and events, along with your household shopping list. But most importantly, the list mentioned in the notebook, should be followed efficiently keeping aside all excuses.
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3. Organize Your Home/ Work Station
At home, you need to focus on one room at a time. In case you want to organize your kitchen, then you need to segregate the items on the basis of their utility. The items required frequently should be placed in a shelf or closet, where it will be handy to use. In your room, you need to organize to make your room look more spacious. Your bed, wardrobe and other furnitures should be well aligned and all the small random things should have a proper place. Finding what you want should not be a treasure hunt at your own home.
At work, you need to well organize your work station. Your computer system should be properly placed and all files, presentations and important papers should be put in their particular folders. In office, prepare your to-do-list on a sticky note.
4. Multi-Task And Delegate Responsibilities
If you are trying to manage your tight schedule by switching over to tasks one by one, then you will attain nothing but boredom and burden! Try multi-tasking to attain better results. Organize tasks together such as doing one work which requires usage of mind and other that requires physical activity. Such as if your to-do list requires you to go shopping, then club it with other task such as making important phone calls while you are on the go.
For work at home, you can easily manage your tasks by involving your family members and delegating a portion of work to them. While you are busy at your kitchen or washing laundry, then you can ask your child to water the plants or clean up his/ her room. Moreover, you can announce a mega cleaning day on weekends to ensure that your spouses do their bit in keeping the house well-organized.
5. Set A Deadline
Procrastinating work is a factor that deteriorates your performance level and you will become less keen to stay organized. So to avoid passing on your work for later, it is better to set deadlines for each job in advance. Deadlines motivate you to finish your work on time and eventually you will end up completing all tasks listed in to-do list without wasting time. Just take time to allot manageable deadlines to each work and ensure that it is done accurately without haste. Also make sure that similar activities should be clubbed to save more time for relaxing after a busy day.
6. Enjoy Staying Organized
You cannot develop the habit of being organized in a day or even in a week. You need to incorporate this habit in your lifestyle. As you are habitual of going to walk or jog every morning, you also need to practise staying organized on daily basis. You should be able of doing the tasks only by organizing them. Once you again get messed up with your schedule, you will find it hard to come back on the track. So instead of considering it as an added work, treat your organizing task as a fun experience, where you win by yourself.
7. Give Yourself A Treat
In childhood, you used to get goodies for excelling in studies and other extra curricular activities. Similarly, try to excel in organizing your way of life in the best possible manner and try to find new ways to improve your organization techniques. When you are satisfied with the way you are handling your routine jobs, do not forget to reward yourself because treating yourself will motivate you to keep up the pace.
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Snehashree Bhat
A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.