Protecting Skin From Sun Damage Naturally Without Cosmetics
This post was last updated on August 5th, 2019
Source: pexels
UV rays from sun are way too dangerous and damaging for your skin. It damages your skin in many different ways like sunburns, premature ageing, skin cancer, wrinkles and skin infections. And applying chemical loaded cosmetics and sunscreens can wreak havoc on skin. Well, it is totally possible to protect your skin from sun damage all naturally without using cosmetics and sunscreens. All you need to do is following some real essential rules about what clothes you need to wear, natural herbs and ingredients to use and healthy foods to eat to boost up antioxidants in your body. Here are the ways to protect your skin from sun damage naturally without cosmetics and sunscreen.
Drink lots of water
Nothing can beat sun damage like a hydrated system and skin. Keeping your system and skin all hydrated is very much important as in summer your skin gets parched and the dehydration causes dry skin, sluggish skin, lack of glow, frown lines. Drinking lots of water makes skin glow naturally flushing out all the toxins from your body which reduces your skin essential nutrients.
Eating healthy
Boost your diet with essential nutrients which fights UV rays from sun all naturally keeping your skin healthy and tan free. Adding beta-carotene (sweet potatoes, spinach, most yellow and orange veggies), lycopene (tomatoes, watermelon, papaya, pink guava, pink grapefruit, red cabbage), lutein (spinach, kale, broccoli, peas), flavonoids (citrus especially the citrus peel), cruciferous veggies (cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli) and the foods rich in antioxidants like green tea and vitamin E which reduces damages after getting exposed to sun and could help your skin to cope up with direct sunlight and protect against harmful UV rays.
Rosemary, lavender, golden serpent fern are some best herbs that gives maximum protection against direct sun. You could make a paste out of this or could use their extracted oil to apply all over the body as these protect your DNA and skin compounds from UV induced damage.
Common foods and drinks
Eating dark chocolate, drinking coconut juice, tomato juice, green tea and black tea could shield your skin against harmful UV rays from sun. These are natural sunscreens that reduce the damage from direct sun light.
Cover up your maximum skin
The best way to protect your skin from sun exposure is getting your maximum skin covered by clothes. UV rays protected clothes are also available in shops to protect your skin. Wear full-sleeved shirts which fully cover your torso. You could wash your clothes with detergents that have UV protecting crystals that inhibit the sun light and UV rays to get absorbed by clothes.
Accessories in summer are really very useful get your neckerchiefs or stoles to hide the skin of your neck, hats to hide your face and protect from direct sun exposure and UV protected sunglasses which protects your eyes from getting damaged.
Avoid makeups and perfumes
If you are addicted to makeup and your favourite fragrances then apply minimal and natural makeup as harsh chemicals when gets mixed with sun rays wears and tears your skin and avoid applying perfumes directly to your skin as the psoralen present in perfumes could permanently stain your skin after reacting with sun. You could spray it on your clothes and neckerchiefs.
Avoid going out between 10 a.m. to 3 p.m
Sun after 10 a.m. gets too strong and till 3 p.m. and the UV rays from the sun are very effective and harmful during this period. It’s better to stay indoors and if you need to go out then try to be under any shade to protect your skin from direct exposure of sun. If it’s cloudy, then don’t be fooled as UV rays easily get penetrated through clouds harm your skin. If you are in water pool or swimming pool, there are also chances getting sun burn.
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Priyadarshini Muduli
A full time passionate writer with imperishable determination to bring healthy, smart and pragmatic changes individually and socially. Concentrate especially on lifestyle, life and personal improvement, relationships, mental health and behavior, viral issues and literature based subjects.