15 Productive Things You Can Do When You’re Bored
Being productive is not a trait rather it’s a habit to acquire. There are loads of things we do in an entire day but they are not necessarily productive. In our daily routine we tend to work within a fixed schedule but there are some days we just love to relax doing nothing. Taking off from your work, bunking your classes, skipping all day’s household work just to enjoy the silence are some of the excuses we give to ourselves just to enjoy some “me” time. Well, to be honest I do that too and that’s totally fine. But have you ever felt like spending some time with yourself is like hitting the boredom. Realizing you’re good for nothing just sitting idle and wasting your precious time when still you’re enjoying it. Well, that means you are a lazy but creative person. There are few productive things to do when you’re bored however you will definitely spend some quality “me” time but being a little productive.
1. Clear out all your mails
If you’re watching TV all day and still getting bored, checking your piled up mails and clearing them out would be the best option to be little bit productive. That would not make you feel bored rather you would thank me later for making a great use of your leisure time.
2. Clean up your social media
Social media these days have been really over crowded. You cannot deny 100 out of your 500 friends are almost strangers for you. They are just for your fame supporters tagging you all over the Facebook seeking the same in return. So you can clean up your friend list whom you think are not useful and almost strangers.
3. Make a to-do-list for your next week
If you’re hitting boredom and a random thought is hitting your mind that how can you be more productive? Trust me here is the best ever productive thing to do when you’re bored. Get a diary or a notepad or even your notepad app in your phone to make a to-do-list for the entire next week so that the next week you will utilize your time more wisely and smartly to get more efficient results.
4. Call your long distance friends
Tired of making tons of random excuses to your long distance but best buddies? Here is a bright idea to make a good use of your boredom. It becomes really awkward when you get too much busy in your life that you even don’t get enough time to catch up with your best friends. So call those best buddies of your life and talk to them till you finish the list of your friends.
5. Talk to your family
When you get busy at work, family is the first thing that gets affected. You don’t get enough time to spend some quality time with your family. So when you have some time and above that you are bored why don’t you call your family and plan to meet and spend some good times together?
6. Complete your pre-kitchen cooking tasks
Cooking becomes tough when you start all procedures at a time, your cooking time which is actually 30 minutes becomes more than 1 hour just because you have to make some pre-preparations such as making a puree or a paste or cutting some veggies and baking some breads etc. So the best productive thing to do when you’re bored is completing your pre-cooking tasks.
7. Organize your closet and wardrobes
In our daily run, organizing our rooms, closets, wardrobes and even our tables become impossible. If you’re getting some free time and that even wondering to be productive start organizing your closet and wardrobes. Great idea, isn’t it?
8. Select all unnecessary things to dump
So when you are organizing few things such as your book shelf or your closet or even your make up desk why don’t you try picking up things that are no more useful and are unnecessarily eating up your precious space to discard them?
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9. Read a book you always wanted to
If you’re are a regular reader of my blogs and articles, you must have read in one of my article I had mentioned to become more productive you can read books as they are the best option to train your mind adding some more information. So pick up the best ones that you always wanted to and go on digesting the pages.
10. Go for your manicure and pedicures
These days our busy work schedules kill most of our time in office and post office work. Whenever we use to get some time household chores comes first. So if you have taken an official leave to enjoy your lone time definitely hit a spa and try manicures and pedicures which is quite a productive thing to do when you’re bored.
11. Start new workouts to add in your regular ones
Workouts and exercises are always mandatory to lead a healthy life. No matter how busy you’re, find out some time for workouts. And when you get some more boredom time, start exploring some new effective and intense workouts to incorporate into your regular exercising regime.
12. Start for your home decor
What can be more productive than selecting some home decor items and products when you’re bored? Online shopping is always exciting if you’re a shopaholic. Feeling bored, no more! Log on to some of your regular online shopping websites and start filling up your cart with some of the best home decor products to prep up your sweet home.
13. Complete your pending paper works
No matter how advanced the technology becomes, papers will always be there piled up on your desk. Why not grabbing all those with a cup of coffee and checking out all of those important documents out of some unnecessary advertising papers and forms?
14. Cook something special to invite dear ones
We become so busy that we forget the zest of our lives. We forget the spark of our life and exciting factors that make ourselves the most happiest person. If you’re good enough at cooking, try preparing some best dishes of your recipes and invite your dear ones, family, friends to spend a nice memorable time which is one of the best productive thing to do when you’re bored.
15. Clean places you never normally clean
Honestly, if I would be trying to be productive I would definitely go for this option. As I’m a lazy person I would never even give a damn look to the attic, garage or even terrace of my house on regular days. But if I get a free time being bored I would definitely gear up with some cleaning apparatus.
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Priyadarshini Muduli
A full time passionate writer with imperishable determination to bring healthy, smart and pragmatic changes individually and socially. Concentrate especially on lifestyle, life and personal improvement, relationships, mental health and behavior, viral issues and literature based subjects.