How To Use The Power Of Visualisation To Realise Your Dreams?
This post was last updated on January 19th, 2025

Lately, you may have read or heard about the how the visualisation technique can be used to fulfil your innermost desires. It is a fact that every human is a creative creature of God and everyone is gifted with intellect. We all have great imagination power, however, we don’t squeeze our minds to the fullest to unveil our true potential. Visualisation is an act of our mind that starts working when we see or hear something and start capturing them in our memory. This natural mental process is one of the easiest and fastest ways to imagine your desires and this act of envisioning broadens your outlook, making it easier for you to draft suitable action plans in the direction of goal achievement.
Researches, eminent speakers and many successful people have accepted that using this technique actually generates quick results. With visualisation, you can imagine a realistic and comprehensive picture of your goal and can attach sounds, scents or compelling benefits, which can drive you to chase and attain them.
First of all, it is a stress free mind that is capable of utilising its creativity quotient so that it becomes adept in visualising its dreams. Your mind projects a series of images that you look with your intellect using imaginary inner forces. Your each thought has its own vibration, whether positive or negative and it has been scientifically studied that when these vibrations are positive, the results generated are favourable and positive too. On the contrary, when your inner vibrations are negative, you will definitely attract negative results to your life.
Materialising your dreams via the power of visualisation is not a cakewalk. It needs constant practise, positive approach and a sorted mind to allow imaginations take the right leap.
If you want to explore the height of your imagination skills, then here are some useful tips that teach you how to use the power of visualisation to realise your dreams:
1. Imagine Things That Are Appealing
No doubt our brain tends to hold memories that are impacting and since we are creating images using our intellect, then it has to be bold, colourful and attractive. The images must be clear and has to be captivating so that it depicts how strong our desire is to fulfil that particular dream. When we have such clarity in our mind in regards to what we want, then we automatically move a step ahead in the direction of its accomplishment.
2. Your Thoughts Must Look & Feel Realistic
It is vital that you attach sensory impressions with your imaginations because they render a certain sort of reality to them. When you are connecting with the universal forces with your creative skills, then attaching sounds or fragrance or any other kind of sensory impression will make your imagination life-like.
3. Concentrate On Things That You Immensely Desire
When you are working on your vision to churn out the results using the power of visualisation, then it becomes necessary that you focus your mind on things that you are hell-bent on attaining. If your mind gets diverted to concentrate upon things that you want to get rid of, then your are sending negative vibes to the universe, which will in turn, generate undesirable results. Your mind has the ability to attract things that it desires. So be careful with your thoughts.
4. Make Yourself An Integral Part Of Your Imagination
Being a part of your imagination makes the image more memorable and will drive you to devise actions to let the universal forces work for awarding you with desirable results. Integrating yourself with the visualised image makes you the main protagonist and you are no more a mere spectator.
5. Keep Imagining Yourself With The End Result
The positiveness within you can be boosted when you see yourself with your fulfilled dreams. If you are whole-heartedly desiring to become rich, then imagine yourself with loads of money and let your inner-self say to you that you are a rich and prosperous person. Your vision gets closer to reality when you understand and feel what life would be like when you will fulfil this desire of yours.
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6. Have Faith In The Universal Forces
You don’t have to shell out money for imagining so why not explore it to the fullest. When you have decided to test the power of visualisation, then give your 100 percent concentration and confidence to it. Besides visualising the things you desire, convince yourself to connect with the universal forces and feel confident that your positivity and hard work will definitely get paid handsomely.
7. Your Visualisation Works Only For You
Your imagination is a result of your mind’s thought process which is unique to you. You cannot expect any other person to imagine the way you do. Don’t exert mental pressure on others on the basis of your visualisation. Your vision will affect you and your actions. Thereby, instead of projecting your imagination to your ambience, keep it engulfed in your mind.
8. Practice Visualisation Constantly
Since visualising and sticking onto the images and getting equally motivated each time your practise visualisation is not easy, you need to start training your mind to develop a high level of concentration. The best way to let your mind visualise seamlessly is by staring at any particular object for a while and noting down its details precisely. Then close your eyes and think of the object again and chalk out the picture with every details noticed. Finally compare your imagined image with the real one and with regular practise, you will attain perfection.
9. Visualisation Is A Kind Of Meditation
Meditation is form of connecting your body, mind and soul in a manner that your body becomes stress-free and your mind and soul attains peace. Visualisation is a pertinent part of meditation and this is why, you require undeterred focus and an active mind to practice it. You must get completely engrossed in your own thought process in a way that your attention is not getting succumbed to any kind of distraction. You must not be tense and must rather be steady, clear and relaxed. The practice of visualisation must be enjoyable and not a mind pressurising one.
10. Attach Your Imagination To Emotions
Being humans, we mostly are impacted by emotions. The emotion appeal of advertisements shown on television stimulates our buying behaviour and hence determines our actions. Thereby, give your vision an emotional touch. The whole dream manifestation process requires triggering of positive feelings within you so that your complete mind and body enjoys being a part of your imagination.
11. Let Your Imagination Fly
You will stress up your mind if you think of feasibilities or possibilities while practicing visualisation. Leave your comfort cocoon when you are playing with your creative skills. Instead of thinking whether your desire is possible or whether the action needed to be taken is right or wrong, focus on what you deeply desire and just keep trusting yourself and the situations. No matter what the consequence would be, but it is important that you let the pressure out of your mind and keep imagining things that are positive and gives peace to your inner-self.
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Snehashree Bhat
A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.