20 Positive Things to Say to Yourself For a Better Day
This post was last updated on July 17th, 2024

Your thoughts every morning prepares you for the entire day. Your affirmations reflect your all day activities.
Feeling good and saying some positive words to yourself actually makes your morning a good one, sorry the best one. Waking up in the morning is as usual and quite easier thing to do, but the beautiful and the important thing about the morning is waking up your self-confidence, your focus, your strength and your positive perceptions, which can only be done by saying few positive words or you can say some lines to yourself.
Oh no no!! If you thinking for doing all these is like a session you gonna do everyday sparing 10-15 minutes, you are absolutely mistaken. You could say this in your mind while drinking water, brushing your teeth or could simply shout while doing exercise or say it clearly while you are in a shower. These positive affirmations never consume your precious time for sure. It’s totally time friendly. Guaranteed!!
Now let’s move on to the positive things that you need to say to yourself for a better day ahead.
1. Today is a brand new day
Yesterday was a bad day or was less good day. Yesterday made me weak and I confronted some troubles. No worries, nothing is permanent in this world. Bad day gone, bringing up a brand new day to start over with new hopes, projects and ideas. Make a fresh start today.
2. Today is a day of miracles
Today is always a new day with new gifts and opportunities. Life is full of miracles, we never know what’s the best waiting for us. So, let’s believe in miracles every day.
3. I am the best form of myself
I am the best, I can achieve according to my plans and thoughts. Doesn’t matter what others think about me, as for me I am the best version of myself.
4. I can do this
Yes I can do this. I am strong, intelligent, calm and optimistic to get things done which I failed to do yesterday, will do it today. Because I can do it.
5. Yesterday’s failure doesn’t define me
Yesterday is gone. Failures are also the part of my past. And past has no place in the present. So, past is not a part of my life. Hence all that matters is today, the present that defines me.
6. Everything is not exactly what it looks like
Everything be it errors, difficult tasks or urgent deadlines are not that tough or bad like it seems to be. Things could be different when looked into more closely.
7. We all do mistakes
No one is perfect. And no one is there who have never committed a mistake in his/her entire life. Mistakes are the inspirations to move forward with new and corrected ideas.
8. I don’t know everything
Neither do everyone. None of us knows every single thing about this world, if someone knows he is almighty God. So, it’s totally fine and acceptable if I don’t know everything.
9. I am capable to achieve my goals and dreams
I can achieve my dreams no matter how tough it is or how long it takes. I am capable to do it and will do every best attempt to achieve it.
10. I am proud of myself
Whatever I did in the past, everything makes me strong to fight for this present day. Hence I am proud of myself that I am strong enough to overcome fear, stress and negativity.
11. It’s not too late to start again
It’s never late to make a fresh new start. I will make a new start over again to step into the course of achieving my goal, doesn’t matter how many times I failed.
12. Happiness is my birthright
No one can make me feel low, or no one can be dominant on me. I have the right to be happy and enjoy my life. Happiness is my birthright which can’t be taken from me by anyone.
13. I am the owner of my thoughts
My thoughts are only mine. I am the in-charge of my thoughts. No one raise any question on my thoughts and views. My life is unique with its unique thoughts.
14. I don’t have to give anyone any explanation
I am what I am. If anyone doesn’t like me the way I am, it doesn’t affect me. I don’t owe anyone anything.
15. Life doesn’t stop
Yes, life goes on, and so the bad and good days. Nothing lasts forever be it failures, be it success, be it bad experiences, be it amazing experiences. So, I need not to be worried.
16. I deserve the best for me
I am a person who has the right to live life on my own terms. And I deserve the best for me, and what’s best for me will be recognized by me.
17. Pain for gain
If I want to achieve something, I have to fight for it. As life is not full of roses, however a rose always comes with thorns.
18. Nothing is impossible
It could be tough, but not impossible to achieve. There’s nothing in this world that has no solution and can’t be achieved or can’t be overcome.
19. I choose to fight rather to fear
There are some scary things in this world. But I will fight them, rather getting scared of them. I am strong enough to fight for.
20. My life, my rules
My life, my thoughts, my goals, my body and my choice are all ruled by me. No one can make me deprived of my rules of my life. The way I represent myself, the way I sleep, I eat, I walk, I think, I choose are all my rules.
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Priyadarshini Muduli
A full time passionate writer with imperishable determination to bring healthy, smart and pragmatic changes individually and socially. Concentrate especially on lifestyle, life and personal improvement, relationships, mental health and behavior, viral issues and literature based subjects.