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Do you ever stop and give thought to the balance you have in your body? Did you know that in order to be perfectly healthy and feeling great, your body needs to find that perfect balance and somehow remain like that? It is a fairly difficult task, especially when there are so many outside forces that can be working against you and your body’s health.
Oxidative stress is one of those things that is rarely talked about but can be very harmful to your body. Should there be an imbalance of antioxidants and free radicals in your body, it can very well lead to oxidative stress. So how does this imbalance happen? What are the effects on your body and more importantly what can you do about it? Let’s take a closer look.
What is Oxidative Stress?
As described, oxidative stress refers to an imbalance of antioxidants and free radicals in your body. This imbalance can be brought on by a number of factors such as certain medical conditions, environmental influences (radiation and pollution), your lifestyle, and your diet. Should you choose to ignore this imbalance and not remedy it, over time it can lead to chronic conditions and illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes, chronic fatigue syndrome, inflammatory disorders, high blood pressure, asthma, and even cancer.
It should also be noted that oxidative stress doesn’t always lead to negatives; there can be some benefits as well, depending on how your body chooses to react.
Oxidative Stress and Sleep
Now here’s something that isn’t as widely discussed when it comes to oxidative stress, and that’s the fact that scientists have now found that it has influence over the body’s sleep-control neurons. A chronic lack of sleep can cause oxidative stress. In other words, addressing sleep issues is imperative to helping you fight off oxidative stress.
This brings us to an interesting supplement by the name of Kavinace Oxidative Stress from NeuroScience, which contains a blend of ingredients meant to help with the onset, duration, and efficiency of sleep. Some of the key ingredients in the product include magnesium, zinc, melatonin, L-theanine, selenium, and resveratrol.
By addressing your body’s lack of sleep and using a product that helps you to relax and fall asleep easier, you will be reducing your odds of developing oxidative stress in the first place. It is suggested you take two capsules at bedtime each night, and start to enjoy the benefits of a good night’s sleep. Of course, if you have any questions at all, currently take medication for a health condition, or are pregnant or nursing, you’ll want to speak to your doctor first.
Learn How to Combat Oxidative Stress
So what’s the best remedy for fighting oxidative stress? It is to limit your odds of developing it in the first place. Because lack of sleep is a huge contributing factor in developing the condition, one of your best lines of defense is to ensure you’re getting enough sleep each and every night.