6 Benefits of Exercising on Orbitrek (Elliptical Trainer or Cross-Trainer)
This post was last updated on December 30th, 2024

Since life is becoming busier every moment, we find less and less time to look after ourselves. Sometimes, our over engaged life makes us so lazy that we are ready to deal with issues related to overweight rather than paying some attention to exercising for attaining physical and mental fitness.
Moreover, we live in an age where everyone loves to have instant results without taking much effort. And when it comes to exercising, people hardly find time and zeal to wake up and put on their running shoes and try various kinds of running workouts such as running on the incline, stair running and running while maintaining low and high intensity at frequent intervals.
Many people therefore, opt to exercise in a gym as the most important benefit of exercising in a gym is the availability of highly advanced machines to perform versatile exercises. One such machine that is capable of exercising the complete body is Orbitrek, also known as Elliptical Trainer or Cross-Trainer. It is a stationary exercise machine that is used to render the effect of stair climbing, walking or running by ensuring that the joints don’t get excessively strained. This exercise machine is very useful for people of all ages and even for people with cardiovascular disorders as the person using the Orbitrek can easily adjust the intensity levels.
Orbitrek is one of the most loved exercise equipments these days, as it combines movements and benefits of hiking, cross country skiing and biking with legs moving in an elongated circular motion. In fact, more and more people are preferring to workout on Orbitrek instead of treadmill.
If you are thinking to change your workout pattern for an efficient one while making sure that you keep yourself safe from injuries, then you need to know the following 6 benefits of exercising on Orbitrek:
1. Non Impact Workout
Most people keep away from doing workouts in gym because they suffer from bone and joint conditions such as osteoporosis, arthritis or have weak ligaments and they fear that their condition may get worse if they perform exercises. But when you exercise on Orbitrek, you can ensure that your joints are completely safe as it does not have impact on them. In fact, it provides the same kind of workout as jogging but without causing wear and tear of your joints. When you have regularly jogged for some time and that too without a proper pair of sneakers, then you must have noticed acute pain in joints, back, knees and ankles.
The best part about working out on Orbitrek is that your feet will be firmly placed on the gliding platform ensuring that your feet moves along with it. This is therefore, a safer exercise option for people who are elderly or are obese as they fear of weakening their joints further.
2. Enhanced Aerobic Capacity
Aerobic capacity is defined as the maximum amount of oxygen used by the body within a given time frame during intense workouts. In fitness trainings, experts have laid much importance to the aerobic capacity. It is said that if the aerobic capacity is low, then you will soon find yourself tired and will be unable to workout for a long time. On the contrary, if it is high, then you will have the endurance to exercise for long periods without finding yourself getting out of breath. When you workout on Orbitrek, your rate of heart beat will increase and you will sweat out more. This will gradually help you in enhancing your aerobic capacity. If you workout on Orbitrek for around 4 days a week for 20 minutes, then it is enough for augmenting your aerobic capacity.
3. Complete Body Workout
When you start running outside or on the treadmill, you tend to have complete body workout at the cost of strained legs. You may even experience cramp on legs and even if you properly run on treadmill, then you will have not have significant effect on your upper body. But when you workout on Orbitrek, then you will enjoy a complete body workout as it works on the upper and lower body at the same time. It effectively helps in toning the legs, chest, shoulders, arms and back. It is said that if you don’t hold the bars while exercising on Orbitrek, then you will find your abs are working harder while stabilizing your body. In all, nothing can give you the results of a complete body workout as better as Orbitrek, in matter of just 20 minutes.
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4. Effective Lower Body Exercise
People mostly want to strengthen their leg muscles and joints while toning them. Since the target part are legs, Orbitrek makes you use the leg muscles a lot while working out. If you want to use Orbitrek for effectively toning and strengthening your legs, then you need to workout on Orbitrek by placing your hands on the hand bars and just use your legs to move the pedals. If you want to have a variation while using the Orbitrek, then you need to just reverse the direction of the pedals and you will notice that your legs are working more intensively.
5. High Calorie Burning Capacity
Many studies have claimed that Orbitrek has the capacity to burn high amount of calories in comparison to running outside or on treadmill. As per a health publication, depending upon your weight, you can burn around 400 calories in just 30 minutes of exercising on Orbitrek machine. It has been studied that the more weight you have, more will the calories burnt. Even the intensity levels play a major role in burning of calories. So you need to play with the intensity levels at frequent intervals during these 30 minutes so that you burn calories optimally.

6. Highly Comfortable
You don’t need to adjust yourself for the Orbitrek. It is an equipment that can be comfortably used to maintain your physical fitness if you don’t want to exert more energy. Moreover, when you stop, the machine automatically stops. You can determine your own speed by your movements. Also, if you are thinking of purchasing the Orbitrek machine for your home gym, then you must know that it consume very less electricity and is economical to use. Since the impact is less, there are hardly any chances of wear and tear of the machine and this saved cost of maintenance gives Orbitrek an advantage over the treadmill.
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Snehashree Bhat
A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.