Top 10 Natural Ways To Prevent Diabetes
These days having diabetes or high blood pressure is common among those above 40 years. Of course in certain cases like juvenile diabetes or Type I diabetes prevention is not possible, you can always delay or even prevent Type II diabetes by following certain natural ways as well as taking precautions. Usually, when the symptoms start showing a person is in a pre-diabetic state which can be easily reversed. If you start being careful about your sugar intake, followed by regular exercising and testing your sugar levels then you can delay the onset of Type II diabetes and in most cases prevent it completely.
Here are the top 10 natural ways to prevent diabetes which can be greatly helpful in keeping this life condition at bay:
1. Cut Down On Refined Sugar Intake
Refined sugar is a total no-no if you want to keep diabetes away. Simple starches and refined sugars get broken down easily in the blood and produce glucose thereby giving energy to your body cells. The sudden rise of glucose in the blood leads to the release of a hormone in the pancreas called insulin. During the prediabetic or diabetic stage, the body starts showing resistance to insulin due to which the sugar continues to remain in your blood.
As a result, your pancreas is forced to release more insulin and thus an unhealthy cycle begins which is called diabetes. One of the best options in such a case is to cut down on refined carbs and sugar which breaks down this cycle. Spikes in blood sugar levels can lead to cravings. You can control these cravings by consuming low-glycemic foods with an index lower than 55. Some of the foods that come in the low GI category include multigrain, wholegrain, rye, legumes, healthy fats like milk, yogurt, cheese, and fruits like apple, peaches, apricots, and more.
2. Adapting Portion-conscious Approach
You should be conscious of the amount of food you eat during every meal. Eating too much food at one time leads to an increase in blood sugar and insulin levels thus increasing the risk of diabetes. Studies say that reducing portion size can cut down the risk of diabetes. How can you cut down the size of your food? Here are a few tips:
- Pay attention to what you are eating so that you know when you are feeling full.
- Eat slowly enjoying the taste, flavor, and texture of each bite.
- Use foods high in carbs and sugar as condiments
- Request for takeaways at restaurants instead of eating the entire portion if you are already feeling satiated
3. Eliminate Processed Food
It’s a proven fact that processed food does not carry the nutritional properties offered by whole foods. Moreover, these foods have preservatives and hence are not fresh. More often the manufacturers add extra sugars and fats to ensure that the food continues to taste the same even after processing or after a long time. Swapping raw fruits with canned juices, home soups with canned or dried ones, sliced fruits, and yogurt combinations in place of fruit-flavored desserts can be a few of the effective and natural ways to prevent diabetes.
4. Add More Fiber To Diet
According to health experts, an adult needs around 30 grams of fiber in his daily diet. Fiber helps to lower insulin and blood sugar levels in people who have shown prediabetic symptoms. Moreover, fiber intake can also help in the management of weight and digestive issues. Some of the good sources of fiber include beans and legumes, nuts like walnuts and peanuts, fruits and vegetables, and wholegrain. You can increase the consumption of raw foods to enhance your fiber intake.
5. Eating Wholegrain Regularly
Refined flour is a part of almost every dessert and ready-to-eat packaged foods that you find on the shelf. But that does not mean that it should be a part of your daily meal. Instead, it is always better to avoid it the most by replacing it with wholegrain versions that are now readily available in the market. Replace the white flour with steel-cut quinoa or oatmeal, or a wholegrain toast.
From avocado butter and toast to whole-wheat kinds of pasta lately, there has been an introduction of an array of new and healthy things occupying the shelf in the market. Pick up these to keep your sugar levels under control.
6. Avoid Sugary Drinks
Sugary drinks are known for spiking blood sugar levels leading to diabetes. Studies have shown that artificially induced soft drinks are the leading cause of diabetes and also increase the risk of obesity, heart disease, and more. If you love flavored drinks then you can add fruits to water to make them taste fresh. Adding watermelon, cucumber, berries, lime or orange can serve as one of the most beneficial natural ways to prevent diabetes.
7. Drink Tea Or Coffee To Manage Diabetes
This might surprise you but studies show that regular habit of drinking tea or coffee goes a long way in managing diabetes symptoms. It is better to opt for plain tea or coffee. You can make it interesting by adding almond or oat milk but you must avoid the fancier versions that are rich in sugar and cream.
Recommended: Is Drinking Coffee Good or Bad If I Have Diabetes?
8. Exercise Is A Must
Make workout a regular habit as it is extremely helpful in slowing down the progression of diabetes. It can be anything from brisk walking, jogging, swimming, strength training, aerobics, Zumba, or more. Pick up a workout form that interests you as it will encourage you to stick to the routine. If you have other health conditions like hypertension or rheumatoid arthritis then it is better to consult your healthcare practitioner before starting your sweat session.
9. Get Your Daily Dose Of Vitamin D
Vitamin D is a superhero when it comes to managing or preventing diabetes. Studies have shown that low levels of Vitamin D enhance the risk of both Type I and Type II diabetes. If for any reason you cannot get outdoors, you can increase its intake by consuming Vitamin D-rich foods such as enriched milk, egg yolks, salmon, swordfish, tuna, beef liver, and fortified cereals.
In the case your body is low in Vitamin D, your healthcare expert may suggest supplements to prevent the onset of diabetes.
10. Meditating To De-Stress
Stress can also lead to diabetes. Hence similar to your physical health your mental condition also takes priority. Never overlook issues like depression, anxiety, irritation, or frustration. These do affect your blood sugar levels. The best way to approach such tensions is by meditating, doing yoga and Pranayam, and if possible taking a break to de-stress. In case you are acutely disturbed it is advisable to consult a counselor.
Practicing yoga on a regular basis has been one of the proven natural ways to prevent diabetes.
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Sangati Jogwar
Sangati is a writer, poet, voracious book reader, singer, movie-buff and critic. Loves to discuss, interact and have a strong belief in spirituality.