7 Natural Ways To Boost Endorphins
This post was last updated on May 9th, 2024
As our life is getting hectic, we are trying our best to juggle between multiple tasks while facing mixed circumstances that arouse mixed feelings in us. Due to this constant working of our mind in different arenas, we have become more susceptible to suffer from mood swings, sadness, sudden period of depression, etc. In fact, medical experts have revealed that our exhausted mind releases many negative hormones that drains our energy levels and makes following our daily routine more difficult.
To combat these frequent burst of emotions and to gain a positive dose of energy, we need short-terms fixes in the form of endorphins. In technical terms, endorphins are group of hormones that are secreted within the brain and the nervous system. They have numerous physiological functions and are peptides that trigger the body’s opiate receptors. Basically, endorphins are some feel-good chemicals that interact with the brain’s receptors, which in turn, helps in reducing the stress and sensation of pain while stimulating a positive or happy feeling in the body. Therefore, endorphins are also known as happy hormones.
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When these chemicals are released in the brain, the sudden rush of blood makes you feel a certain sort of accomplishment and you start feeling lively. You feel more connected to people around you and the feeling of stress and anxiety subsides. This kind of kick of energy is generally received after performing intense workout or by running a marathon. But since you don’t need this much high in your daily routine, there are some interesting and natural ways that can make way for sufficient endorphins production within your body. If you want to see your energy levels soaring and want to get rid of those irritating mood swings, then welcome these happy hormones by reading and implementing these 7 natural ways to boost endorphins:
1. Laughter Is The Best Medicine
This ancient saying is backed by many successful researches. Similar to jogging, laughter is a great exercise for the internal organs and it helps in secretion of happy hormones. Besides, laughter helps in reducing blood pressure, stress levels, triggers production of infection fighting cells and boosts immunity level. If you want to instantly boost the production of endorphins, then try laughter therapy.
Read: Health Benefits of ‘LOL’
2. Get Your Nostrils To Work
Have your ever noticed that when you sniff those lovely aromatic scents, you feel a certain kind of relaxation? Yes, even studies have stated that there are certain aromas such as vanilla and lavender oils, which helps in influencing the secretion of these feel-good hormones. Also, these fragrances are highly effective for reducing anxiety and balancing mood swings among patients suffering from depression.
3. Join Group Workout Sessions
Many people basically quit working out as it becomes monotonous after certain time period. According to some recent researches, if you workout in groups, then it becomes a fun-filled activity. The sense of accomplishment is greater when you face healthy competition. You will start striving harder to get optimum results and the interaction with people during workouts will induce in you positive feelings. Learning new exercises will excite you and this excitement will stimulate production of endorphins.
4. Spend Romantic Moments With Your Spouse Daily
What else can make one happy other than spending the evenings embracing their spouse! One of the most natural ways of improving endorphins level is making love to your partner. Enjoying those cuddling and romantic moments with your spouse for hours can shoot up your endorphins level significantly. You can even start your romantic foreplay by massaging each other with aromatic oils to let the romantic ambience last longer.
5. Incorporate Ginseng In Your Diet
Ginseng is a powerful ingredient that has been recognised in many cultures as a revitalising agent. It helps in bringing back lost energy and is also prescribed by doctors to people who suffer depression, fatigue and lethargy. Besides, ginseng also helps regulating production of hormones and releases accumulated stress. Medical studies have revealed that ginseng must be consumed in small amounts of daily basis either in the form of supplements or tea as it helps in improving endorphins level.
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6. Give A Spicy Treat To Your Taste Buds
Don’t you feel that the tangy and spicy foods play with your taste buds when you have them? Don’t they instantly make you feel refreshed and perked up? The chili peppers are basically hot because of the compound named capsaicin. This assists in holding together the proteins and pain receptors of the nerve cells in the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth thus making you feel relaxed and diverted. This is a sure-shot way to instantly boost endorphins level.
7. Indulge In Chocolates
Though spoiling yourself with loads of chocolates for increasing production of endorphins is a bad idea, but having small amounts of chocolates will be actually beneficial. Dark chocolates in particular have concentrated amounts of cocoa, which contains essential antioxidants and polyphenols. These components help in lowering blood pressure, controlling cholesterol levels, maintaining health of arteries and reducing inflammation while acting as a great stress-buster. Have limited quantity of dark chocolate each day to keep your endorphins level rising.
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Snehashree Bhat
A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.