Top 10 Natural Remedies to Reduce Belly Fat
This post was last updated on August 4th, 2023
Belly fat, mostly the fat that is present on the lower stomach is very difficult to lose. It is the most dangerous and can lead to heart diseases, diabetes, strokes and dementia. Since it leads to serious diseases, losing it is high priority. It can be frustrating at times to follow strict diet plan and exercise routine because the visceral fat is very stubborn and takes time to drop.
It is obvious that if you are interested in losing weight, there is no other way out but to exercise and eat a balanced diet. That is what most people follow when they are advised to lose weight. However, belly fat is too stubborn and even when the other body areas lose an inch or a two, the fat in this area refuse to budge.
That is when; people start following alternate remedies such as the natural remedies to reduce belly fat. And you would be surprised to know that with just small changes, you start noticing results in a very short time. So what are those remedies?
Here we are giving you a thorough breakdown of such top 10 natural remedies to reduce belly fat. Choose the ones that you can easily follow and get ready to witness a flatter and shapelier abdomen.
1. Lemon Water Drink
Lemon water is ideally recommended for detoxification of liver because when the liver is stressed, its capacity to metabolize fat receives a jolt and the fat starts depositing around the waistline. Lemon water is known to increase the necessary enzyme content in the body essential to detoxify the liver so that all the basic functions are carried out effectively.
- Take a lemon and squeeze it in 1 glass of warm water.
- Mix well and drink it the first time in the morning on an empty stomach.
- Avoid drinking or eating anything for 30 minutes.
2. Include Fish Oil, Healthy Fats in Diet
Eating the right kind of food helps to break down belly fat. That is why, health experts recommend including foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids as these acids effectively break down the fats accumulated around the midsection and also control the weight gain. You can snack on various foods that are high in monounsaturated fatty acids such as nuts or avocados, and prepare food in coconut or olive oils, both of which are known to contain a good amount of healthy fats.
Another important food source that is rich in omega-3 acids is fish oil. It contains omega-3 acids such as docosahexaenoic, eicosapentaenoic and linolenic acid that are good at breaking down fats and reducing storage around the abdomen. If you want to avoid fish oil, you can include fish that are rich in these types of acids such as salmon in your diet.
For better effect:
- Take 6 gm fish oil every day- approximately amounts to a generous serving of one tablespoon.
- You can also have mackerel or salmon two times in a week to increase your intake of omega-3 acids.
- Other fishes to consider are halibut and tuna.
3. Regular Exercise
Crunches and push-ups are the most popular exercises generally followed when you want to lose belly fat. However, stomach crunches do not contribute much in making you lose fat, although it does help to make your abs stronger. Rather if you do only crunches as a form of exercise, your stomach may protrude out more a bit because of the development of abs. That is why; you need to try out something different that can help you break down the visceral fat. A well-planned exercise routine that includes cardio such as biking or running and strength training with weights help you lose the belly fat quickly.
4. Cran-water or Cranberry Juice
Cranberries are packed with plenty of organic acids such as citric acid, malic acid and quinic acid that work as digestive enzymes thereby increasing metabolic rate. These acids emulsify the accumulated fats in the lymphatic system by transporting the waste products that liver cannot process.
Cran-water or cranberry juice helps to digest these lymphatic wastes and thus help reduce the belly fat. But to ensure promising benefits, you need to pick up the unsweetened variety of cranberry juice or water, otherwise you may end up adding a few more pounds around the midsection than losing them.
- Take 1 cup of unsweetened cranberry juice
- Dilute it adding 7 cups of water
- Keep on drinking the cran-water, thus prepared all through the day starting with the first cup in the morning.
- You may have another cup at the time of breakfast and lunch and then during supper and dinner.
Recommended: Best Foods For Belly Fat Reduction
5. Ginger Green Tea
Green tea is rich in catechins- an antioxidant group that burns body cells. On the other hand, ginger is a natural digestive herb that increases the temperature of the body and burn more calories. Its thermogenic ability ensures that the belly fat is burnt fast and the production of cortisol, a hormone essential for burning energy is increased.
You can add lemon to the ginger tea to enhance the metabolism boosting effect. Green teabags are readily available in the grocery shop. For preparing ginger tea, follow the given steps:
- Take 4 cups of water, ½ inch peeled and sliced piece of ginger, 1 lemon and 1 tbsp honey
- Boil water and add ginger to it.
- Simmer for 10 minutes
- Remove from the flame and add honey and lemon
- Stir and drink this freshly prepared ginger and lemon tea first time in the morning
- Having 2 cups of green tea or ginger tea everyday helps to boost fat reduction process
6. Sleep Early
Stress hormones can lead to increased fat accumulation. When the cortisol levels increase due to stress your chances of adding more fat around the mid section increases. If you are not getting required amount of sleep, then you are more probable to collect weight around the belly. Sleep deprivation leads to increased cortisol levels. Moreover, lack of sleep also makes you tired and can trigger a hormone, ghrelin that stimulates food cravings for sugar and fat.
That is why; you must get a sleep of at least 7 to 9 hours daily.
7. Cut Down Sugar
One of the most effective natural remedies to reduce belly fat is avoiding sugar. Most of the fat accumulated around the waistline is due to the high amount of sugar intake. Eliminating or reducing the sugar quantity in your diet by avoiding sugar-rich foods such as processed foods, snacks and sweets help to break this fat. Replace the sugary food options with other healthier versions made up of proteins and veggies. Replace dessert with 100% organic, locally grown seasonal fruit.
Cut down the amount of sugar you take in tea or coffee, stop drinking alcohol, soda to ensure quick weight loss.
8. Herbal Infusion
Nothing works better against belly fat than herbs. And you do not need to go on hunting for these herbs at the grocery shops as they are easily available in your kitchen closet. You daily use them for adding flavor and spice to your salads and dishes. Some such herbs include cucumber, mint, garlic and ginger. When combined together with lemon it can work surprisingly well to reduce belly fat. Cucumber provides fiber to the body; cleanses the body and aids in weight loss.
Similarly, mint soothes tummy and calms down your cravings for food. Together, these herbs detoxify the body and help to eliminate belly fat.
- Soak slices of 1 cucumber, 1 to 2- inch grated ginger, 1 sliced lemon and 10 to 12 sprigs of mint in 2 liters of water overnight.
- Drain the water and the infusion thus prepared should be drunk all throughout the day to remove the belly fat.
9. Cinnamon Topping
Cinnamon is sweet, but it does not increase weight. Rather, it aids in reducing overall body fat. Just like ginger, cinnamon has thermogenic qualities meaning, it boosts metabolic stimulation by producing heat. That is why; cinnamon is an integral part of most of the Ayurvedic fat reducing medicines.
Make sure that you take ground cinnamon and not the bark oil as it may lead to mouth burning, mouth sores and ulcer. You can use this spice as a topping on different foods. Here are some ways in which you can introduce this fat bursting spice in your daily diet:
- Sprinkle ground cinnamon on a muffin, toast etc.
- Add cinnamon powder on the top of tea, milk or coffee
- Sprinkle the powder no sauces, dips and salads
- Add it to your breakfast cereal
- You can use it in the herbal infusion or herbal tea
Recommended: Health Risks Of Having Belly Fat
10. Eat Right
It is the single most effective of all the natural remedies to reduce belly fat. What you eat affects the most whether you lose or gain weight. And this holds true with the belly fat as well. In general, you must not eat foods high in calories, and substitute them with low calorie healthier options. Apart from that, you must also include foods that boost metabolism and help in burning belly fats. Some such foods are:
- Chia Seeds: These seeds are loaded with minerals, vitamins, protein and fiber and are one of the healthiest food options for burning belly fat. They do not have any flavor and hence you can add them to any dish without disturbing the taste.
- Dark Green Leafy Vegetables: Vegetables such as Kale, collard greens and spinach are full of iron, zinc and fiber and turn your body into a fat burning furnace.
- Lean Meat: Lean meat options such as turkey breast, chicken, fish, buffalo induce the body to work harder for digestion. Moreover, lean protein is never stored as fat and hence is converted into energy for instant use.
- Cayenne Pepper: If you are aiming to lose belly fat then, the capsaicin, a biochemical in the cayenne pepper can be of great help. This ingredient in red peppers improves the flow of blood to the stomach and improves nutrient absorption and digestion. It will make you feel fuller and more energetic simultaneously burning belly fat faster.
With all these natural remedies to reduce belly fat, reducing fat around the waistline does not seem to be a daunting task. However, you need to be consistent in your effort and you will be surely rewarded with the right results.
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Sangati Jogwar
Sangati is a writer, poet, voracious book reader, singer, movie-buff and critic. Loves to discuss, interact and have a strong belief in spirituality.
This is a really great article with some very useful information . For years I really struggled with my weight especially after the birth of my son . But eventually I lost over 20lbs and feel great . You have to really be ready and prepared to change your lifestyle and for myself I had really great results with this method.
Have a look at it after years of struggling I’ve never looked back and was really worth it !