10 Best Natural Antibiotics With Amazing Healing Properties
This post was last updated on November 19th, 2024

As we are modernising and adopting more sedentary lifestyle, we have also ingrained many changes in our food consumption patterns.
This ever busy lifestyle is compelling us to resort to junk, processed and packaged foods that contain preservatives, artificial flavours and colours. These foods are devoid of important nutritive values that our body requires on daily basis. Moreover, indulging less in physical activities and not habituating the body to exercising is yet another cause for lower immunity level, owing to which we are becoming more prone to diseases.
Since our lifestyle is inviting more and more diseases, we are getting used to visiting doctors and consuming those chemical induced antibiotics, which may revive you from sickness in the short term but frequent consumption can put your health at greater risk later.
Hippocrates, the Father of Western Medicine said, ‘ Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food.’ It was the golden period when he uttered these words where people used to resort to their kitchen where natural herbs and other ingredients were used to treat diseases. Still there are many places where people still depend on the best natural antibiotics that not only kills infection causing bacteria in the body but also boosts the immunity level. Lately, mankind has shown greater preference to chemical medicines and this has greatly impacted the working of good bacteria in the body. This in turn, is adversely affecting the immunity system and also lowering the body’s ability to respond to natural foods.
These 10 best natural antibiotics with amazing healing properties that are easily available in our homes.
For leading healthier life and enjoying greater life span, switching to these antibiotics will eliminate the need to gulp down those chemical antibiotics for minor infections in the body:
1. Honey
Most of us are aware of the medicinal properties of nature’s sweet gift, honey. It has been known that during ancient times, Romans used honey to treat external wounds to prevent infection. Honey is stored with antibiotics, anti-septic and antimicrobial properties along with ample amounts of antioxidants, which is proven to be a cure for many diseases. Regular consumption of honey can boost the immunity level and this in turn, makes the body resilient against many kinds of viruses.
Hydrogen peroxide is released by an enzyme found in honey, which in turn, improves your body’s ability to fight infection and inhibits the growth of bad bacteria. Moreover, honey soothes the digestive system and flushes out toxins from the body to enable your liver work with more efficiency. Care must be taken that you consume only raw organic honey as the pasteurised ones kill its antioxidant properties.
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2. Cabbage

Your not so favourite vegetable can prove your immunity system’s best friend as cabbage comprises of sulphur compounds, which are proficient in eliminating the free radical effect that are even responsible for fatal diseases like cancer. Most people are not aware that this wonder vegetable is rich in vitamin C to an extent that consuming one serving of cabbage can fulfil 75 percent of your daily requirement.
Having a plate of freshly shredded raw cabbage as a salad will not only improve your dental health but its enzymes and juices have some many vitamins and minerals stored in them that you will enjoy better digestive health too.
3. Garlic

Garlic has recently sought popularity as one of the best natural ingredients that is rich in antioxidants, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-parasitic properties. Raw garlic when chewed releases a compound named allicin, which has similar properties like penicillin and can be effective in discarding bacteria and viruses of various kinds of infections. Since ages, garlic has been used for its medicinal properties that can cure external and internal illnesses. This therapeutic spice is also known as heart’s best friend because it helps in lowering LDL cholesterol levels in the arteries. Even doctors recommend heart patients to consume at least 2 soaked garlic cloves every morning on an empty stomach for tackling cholesterol and blood pressure issues.
For people who don’t incorporate garlic in their diet due to its pungent taste or flavour or due to some rituals, then they can still get the health benefits of garlic by having them in form of natural supplements. Besides, the vitamins and minerals stored in garlic gives a catapult to your immunity system, thereby, saving you from the expensive and harmful chemical treatments.
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4. Echinacea

Being native to North America, Echinacea is one of the best natural antibiotics that has been used since centuries for its versatile medicinal features and was widely used to treat pain and sickness. Having similar effects like garlic, Echinacea is well tolerated and stimulates the growth of white blood cells that fight mild to severe infection causing bacteria. However, unlike garlic, this ingredient is a very powerful medicine and thereby is recommended to consume for first 10 days of illness only and is easily available in the form of natural supplements.
5. Grapefruit Seed Extract

Grapes as a fruit have abundant quantities of antioxidants and works well in improving body’s resistance power. But many scientific researches have found that the grape seeds when extracted and consumed in the form of tablets, syrups or other food items, then they drastically improve the functioning of your immunity system.
As per a study, the grapefruit seed extract has been found effective in warding off more than 800 forms of viruses and bacteria including many fungus and parasites. Its antioxidant properties kills the free radical cells and also alkalises the body naturally along with improving the gut flora for better digestion.
6. Herbal Oils

Herbs have come as a boon to mankind and even scientists agree that herbal oils are extremely beneficial in improving overall health and wellness. Since we have become highly prone to sickness and illness (thanks to our modern yet sedentary lifestyle), incorporating herbal methods of healing and treatment will definitely aid in improving our immunity system.
The herbs are naturally packed with oodles of anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-parasitic and antibiotic properties and can be used externally and internally for treating wounds, restoring respiratory and digestive health along with enhancing skin’s beauty. Some of the common herbs which you can add in your daily diet are allspice, thyme, chilli peppers, cloves, ginger, rosemary, oregano, turmeric, basil, cinnamon, cayenne, anise, mustard seeds, fennel, etc.
7. Extra Virgin Coconut Oil

The health benefits of coconut as a whole is enormous and speaking about the healing properties of coconut oil, it has been used since ages in cooking and massage therapy in various parts of Asia. Packed with the goodness of vitamins, minerals and essential fats, this magic ingredient available in your kitchen also has humongous amounts of anti-fungal, antibiotic properties and antioxidants that makes your body sturdy from within.
Apart from giving the required kick to your body’s natural defence system, coconut oil helps in balancing thyroid, cholesterol, blood sugar level and also shoots up the cognitive functioning of the brain. Consuming a glass of milk with one teaspoon of coconut oil in the morning can relieve you from a variety of skin and health disorders.
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8. Apple Cider Vinegar

Lately, people are becoming aware of the health benefits of apple cider vinegar. Many medical studies have proved that consuming apple cider vinegar on daily basis can suffice the requirement of antioxidants and its anti-fungal and antimicrobial properties help in fighting off infection causing bacteria. This natural antibiotic helps in alkalising the body and even reduces the risk of cancer and heart diseases. For people seeking to lose extra pounds, they must consume apple cider vinegar regularly while having a balanced diet.
9. Fermented Foods

Fermented foods contain probiotics that work to boost and preserve the natural gut flora in the digestive system. For maintaining overall wellness and to prevent cancer and even heart diseases, doctors are suggesting to incorporate more of fermented foods in the diet. Packed with good bacteria and antioxidants, your body’s internal processes get restored and your body responds better in kicking off infection causing viruses. Yoghurt, apple cider vinegar, raw pickles and local dishes that are made through fermentation process can be excellent for keeping the intestines healthy.
10. Colloidal Silver

Yet another natural antibiotic is colloidal silver, which is a mixture of silver particles in fluid. It has been used since ancient times but it is used a temporary treatment because silver being a metal can prove toxic when had regularly or in large amounts. But as a matter of fact, it has been stated in many medical studies that the colloidal silver definitely is successful in destroying viruses and bacteria when used in small quantities.
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Snehashree Bhat
A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.