7 Myths About Sex You Should Never Believe
This post was last updated on July 11th, 2024
Sex is one topic that takes the major share of content on the internet. Whether it is just for curiosity or for fun, it is one of the most browsed subjects on every search engine. Although most of us nowadays talk about it and also engage in it regularly, there are still some unanswered questions that linger in our minds. And we rarely talk about them openly either because we do not want to be tagged backward in this zone or simply because many of us consider it not worth discussing or a taboo.
Here we are answering few such myths, which you always wanted to be answered, but never knew where to look for. Most of these conventional thoughts of sex wisdom when scrutinized closely turn out to be just mere baseless myths.
Myth 1: People in a relationship do not masturbate
Truth: One of the best ways to derive sexual pleasure is by self-touching. A natural action that is perfectly normal, children in their growing up years automatically start fondling their sexual organs and the act continues even in the adulthood. It certainly does not have any connection with having a healthy sexual relationship with your partner or not.
Rather, sexologists opine that masturbation generates the feel-good emotion and helps in improving your other sexual encounters. It is nothing but exploring your body and recognizing the points that help to give you utmost joy. A person with good knowledge of his sexual needs is a much better sleeping partner who can guide his lover to a new level of intimacy. Only when you have explored your body well and known the special responses, you can share them with your partner and improve your sex experience.
Myth 2: Only orgasm can satisfy you
Truth: When you fake orgasm, it means you are cheating your partner in some way. Most of us fake orgasm because it is considered the highest point of sexual satisfaction. But the truth is that orgasm is not always a part of perfect sex. Many times, you feel happy and ecstatic purely due to the level of intimacy you achieve during sex.
Even if you or your partner fails to produce an orgasm it does not mean that, the whole act of sex was a failure. Several problems such as health issues, stress, unexpected leg cramp or sleepiness can deter you from reaching the ultimate climax. Thus, judging your sexual satisfaction or performance solely based on whether you have achieved orgasm is not justified. Rather, many people enjoy their sex more even when they fail to produce orgasm.
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Myth 3: Big size more pleasure
Truth: It is more a question of the ego of men than the pleasure they can provide to their women partners. Sexologists have told since long that there is no relation to the amount of pleasure you can get during a sex act and the size of your penis. But sadly, no one is ready to listen! That is why; it is annoying to find many men giving in to the exploiting ads that promise longer penis with their massaging machines, special gels and pills.
The G-spot is located just 2 inches from the mouth of the vagina and almost all the men with normal health are naturally blessed with a penis size that can reach this spot easily. The moment the head of the penis enters the vagina it hits this spot and stimulates the pleasure. Rather, many experts think that with a larger penis, there is a possibility of missing the ‘G’ spot. So, it is just a matter of personal preference because size certainly do not deter you from having satisfaction of the highest level.
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Myth 4: First time sex is hurtful for women
Truth: Absolutely wrong! Having sex for the first time will hurt a woman as much as it will hurt her the second time. The vagina of a woman is flexible enough to accommodate the penis and is naturally prepared to adjust the thrust, be it the first time or second or third. Each time the action will be the same and hence effect will be similar as well.
Yes, there are women who experience pain during sex for the first time, but it is more because of lack of proper knowledge about sex, which reduces arousal level. When a woman is not aroused properly, the body fails to release the lubricants causing tearing or abrasion in the area. So, it’s nothing but inexperience or non-arousal that leads to hurt and it can happen anytime.
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Myth 5: Men desire sex all the time
Truth: It is an exaggerated notion, which everyone believes. However, the truth is that men are not always looking for sex. Unlike what is believed, they are not sex machines who are constantly looking to take up an opportunity to engage and explode. They have their mood swings, a sense of self-worth, health issues, stamina and emotional states. Also the comfort level of the partner plays a key role in determining the frequency of sex between the two.
Just like any other feeling, the desire to have sex comes, goes, and is never at the same level of intensity. But mostly out of fear and insecurity, men do not always clear off such myths about them.
Myth 6: Do you need a vibrator for sensual pleasures? Then, your sex life is in trouble for sure!
Truth: Vibrator is widely used sex toy and women use it to achieve orgasm. The direct and intense stimulation helps to achieve a certain level of peak point that sometimes a sex act cannot provide. But it certainly does not indicate that there is anything wrong with you or your partner.
Women can achieve orgasm without using a vibrator, but it can take more time. That is why, when they want to reach the climax quickly without putting stress on their partner, a vibrator can serve as a very important tool. It helps a woman to identify her pleasure points quickly and can be a good toy to increase intimacy between two lovers.
Moreover, a vibrator can only stimulate the points inside, but women still needs to be kissed, hugged tightly and fondled to make her reach the climax.
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Myth 7: Couples stop having sex as they become old
Truth: This myth comes from our false notion that to enjoy sex, two people must have perfect bodies, young and beautiful. In our society, sex between teenagers is a taboo whereas in between young couples it is celebrated. A general expectation is that sex activity will ebb away as you age because older people cease to look attractive. That is why, more often, it is believed that older couples do not have sex.
The truth is that as you old, you are less worried about children and conceiving and hence an older couple can continue to enjoy a relaxing and satisfying sex life way into their ripe age. The only concern is that such people can be infected with sexually transmitted illnesses since they are more liable to practice unsafe sex because at this age there is no need to use condoms to prevent pregnancy.
Irrespective of all the myths, you must always remember one fact that sexual pleasure is all about individual experience. No defined one-way path exists that can be applicable to all. So, never hesitate to try out new ways and give your sexual life a boost.
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Sangati Jogwar
Sangati is a writer, poet, voracious book reader, singer, movie-buff and critic. Loves to discuss, interact and have a strong belief in spirituality.