6 Must-Do’s for Anyone Looking to Become More Independent in Their Day-to-Day Life
This post was last updated on April 10th, 2024
It’s something that we all deserve, but coming by it can be easier said than done depending on your personal situation.
Perhaps you’re stuck under your parents’ roof and feel like you can’t do much for yourself.
Or perhaps you feel like you rely way too much on your spouse on a day-to-day basis.
Either way, take solace in the fact that you don’t need to feel like a follower that’s stuck in a rut. Thinking for yourself and doing what you want to do represent a form of freedom that more than likely isn’t out of your grasp.
To help put yourself on the path to freedom, we’ve put together a quick list of six must-do’s for anyone looking to become more independent. No matter what your situation might be, taking these simple steps can be potentially transformative for your life.
1. Take the Wheel
This might seem like a no-brainer, but you can’t do much if you’re cooped up at home and can’t get from Point A to Point B.
You’d be surprised at how many people simply never take the initiative to drive despite having a vehicle available. Likewise, you may have missed out on getting your license at a younger age and have no idea what to do next.
Relax. You can actually test your driving knowledge for free to put yourself on the literal road to getting your driver’s license. The ability to travel on your own terms is the ultimate game-changer and can immediately make you feel less trapped or restricted by those around you.
2. Manage Your Own Money
Of course, getting your own ride or just about anything else in life means having money.
Financial freedom is daunting in and of itself. If you’ve relied on someone else financially long-term, you might have a poor grasp on what you actually need to in terms of cash flow to maintain your lifestyle.
Beyond employment, consider some key tips for first-time savers such as automatic deposits and slashing expenses to keep more money in your pocket for the long-term as you figure out what your financial goals are in the first place.
3. Try to Advocate for Yourself
Sometimes the most significant things we can do for our independence don’t involve anything material at all.
In fact, learning to speak up is arguably one of the most important skills for anyone to acquire to ensure that people aren’t walking all over you. Simply know that you deserve to be heard and have opinions worth listening to, even if you’ve traditionally been quiet around others.
4. Find Your Unique Sense of Style
Anything you can do to express yourself is a major point in your favor.
As such, everything from your clothing to how you style yourself speaks volumes to how you want to be treated.
Developing an authentic sense of style might require a bit of soul-searching, but it’s totally worth it in the long-run. Rather than simply go with the flow, strive to find fits and inspiration that speak to you and your personality. You might be surprised at how much better you feel when you start “dressing the part,” so to speak.
5. Develop Your Own Opinions
If you’ve been in the dark about news, politics or current events, we don’t blame you.
That said, staying informed is a crucial piece of becoming more independent and thinking for yourself.
Following current events for the first time without getting overwhelmed means sticking to “just the facts” news sources and simply trying to become more away of the world around you. If nothing else, this sense of awareness will open you up to tons of unique conversations and educations you’d otherwise never experience.
6. Open Your Mind
Last but not least, remember that becoming more independent is a learning experience.
If you acknowledge that you’re too dependent on others, your head is already in the right place.
Don’t worry about how much you feel like an adult or compare yourself to others. Instead, try to keep an open mind and take on day at a time as you work toward personal growth. Remember: this isn’t a race.
The final takeaway here? Achieving a sense of independence might seem worlds away to you now, but doing doesn’t have to be out of your grasp.
Simply understand that you’re going to need to get out of your comfort zone if you want to take control of your life once and for all. From the “small stuff” like fashion to more adult-oriented responsibilities like money management, just take it one step at a time. You’ll be glad you did.
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