Murph Workout: Should We Choose This Method?
For choosing a workout method one must know the details about that specific pattern. Murph workout is a set of exercise inspired by a real-life superhero Lt. Michael Murphy.
Things you should consider before you start:
Murph workout is an advanced level workout that takes a lot of dedication to complete every phase daily. If you are someone who gives up easily then this is not for you. It is meant for breaking one’s shell and become much more. So naturally, it is a hard nut to crack. But if you already have made up your mind that you will leave your mark in this world, this is for you. So if you think you are not ready yet to do something great, Murph workout is here for you.
In Murph workout, there are 5 phases.
1) One mile run
2) 100 pull-ups
3) 200 push-ups
4) 300 squats
5) One mile run
All those exercises are done wearing additional weight or the weighted vest.
How to do those phases and why are they serialized this way:
Murph workout is a well-researched method, it starts with warming up and then gradually contracts upper body, upper and lower upper body, lower body and ends with enhanced blood circulation and muscles relaxation.
Now, let’s discuss this in a little detail.
Number one
If you have a habit of working out you already know that before starting specific muscle concentrated exercise our body must be warmed up so that our muscle can cope with the stress it may face during the workout. One mile run will warm up and stretch our entire body so that, there is less risk of muscle tension.
Number two
After one mile run second step is 100 pull-ups. For a well-toned body hardest part is done first then gradually the easier parts are done. Because it influences our brain to think ‘let’s do it this one is easier than the last one’. This technique is used in Murph workout. Pull-up focuses on our upper body and in this part, we use our hands to lift the maximum weight than the other parts of this method.
Number three
This part contains 200 push-ups. Push-up is the most commonly accepted and practiced workout all over the world. Because it is easy, effective and its outcome is longlasting. Though 200 push-up is not an easy task. It concentrates on the upper-body and the lower-upper-body. Push-up is popular for shaping chest and biceps effectively.
Number four
This part of Murph workout focuses on the lower-body muscles. You can see that the number of squats to be done is greater than the rest. The reason behind the number is, you’ll need strong legs to support strong body. Legs are usually made stronger than any other parts of human body as it has to carry our body weight efficiently. Regular 300 squats will give you the ability to carry three times more than your body weight which also means it enhances the ability to land on your legs if you jump from a higher ground. Usually, this exercise is common to defense force who are training themselves for every possible situation. This part reduces the risk of lower body muscle stress as well as it increases your speed.
Number five
The last part of Murph workout is another one-mile run. You may be wondering, do we need to warm up again? No, it’s not about warming up right now. This last one-mile run will enhance your blood-circulation so that you can get the maximum output from your exercise. It also ensures that those workouts are effective for a long-lasting period. While running it contracts with every muscle so the stress caused while working out spreads to all over the body.
Why weighted vest
You can ask why I am doing all those exercises wearing a weighted Clothing it’s a lot easier without additional weight. Let me explain some reasons behind it.
# When you workout wearing a weighted vest, gradually your brain will think that you usually weigh this much. So when you put off your vest you’ll find yourself a lot lighter.
# Pushing your limit is the key to your ultimate version. The weighted vest will improve your muscle strength as well as your bones.
# When we feel tired or exhausted our body feels a little heavier than other times. A Weighted Vest makes us used to with our heavier version. As a result, you will not find that you are not that easily tired and even if you are you can still do a lot more than before.
# If you want to lose weight additional weight will enhance your fat burning process and if you want to gain weight additional weight will increase your muscle growth. But for this, you have to maintain a balanced diet according to your health.
So are you ready to unfold your true form?
Author Bio
This guide is contributed by Carlos Moore. He is a personal Trainer. He is developing his personal blog
Follow him to get updated fitness tips and guides.
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