Effective Tips for Morning Skincare
This post was last updated on May 7th, 2019
Have you ever wondered why few women always look gorgeous and well maintained even when they have hectic schedules? The answer is effective solutions for morning skincare that not only gives your skin a radiant and healthy glow, but also keeps it looking fresh all through the day.
Unlike the common belief that a good skincare routine can take hours and is simply difficult to adjust in your daily schedule, the tips given below can be easily used without sparing much of your time. What is needed is the right motivation and regular follow-up to ensure that the solution works and shows its effect on the skin.
The PAH Factor You Must Know About!
If your morning skincare routine has been strictly a wash and go then, you are surely not being fair to your skin. Your skin is exposed to lots of aging factors such as smog, pollutants, water droplets, pollen, soot and more that attract the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) which cling to these airborne nano particles. The PAH are then converted into quinones that are a major factor causing premature skin aging apart from the exposure to UV rays.
So what are you waiting for? Here are some of the quickest and the most exclusive morning skincare fixes that will have your skin looking young and refreshing once again.
Exercise Improves Health of the Skin
Exercise not only improves your health, but it also gives your skin that radiant glow which makes you look fresh and beautiful. So, if you think that exercise is only for muscles then you need to revise your thoughts.
Regular exercise helps to lower the stress hormones that cause damage to the cells of the body including the cells of the skin. Walking, swimming, biking or martial arts at least 30 to 45 minutes per day improve the health of your skin and gives your face that natural pink color that no amount of cosmetics can bring. So, always start your day with some form of exercise.
Exfoliate Regularly
Your skin is daily exposed to lots of dust, pollutants and toxic substances that sometimes stick to your facial skin and is not washed off even with a mild cleanser. Give your skin a wakeup call every morning by exfoliating the skin in the shower or just after brushing. The process speeds up the turnover of the skin cells and contributes in rapid elimination of dry skin so that newer and fresher skin shines through.
According to Marianna Blyumin, cosmetic dermatologist, how often you should exfoliate depends entirely upon the type of skin you have.
- If you have a dry skin you, must use a moisturizing scrub daily and exfoliate only once a month.
- Normal skin can do well with a weekly exfoliation with a body cleanser that contains fine beads.
- For oily skin, scrubbing three times a week using a body cleanser with exfoliating beads or loofah is necessary.
After exfoliation, it is important to slather on a moisturizer as a barrier for preventing exposure to external skin damaging components. Choose a moisturizing cream for dry and normal skin and a moisturizing lotion for oily skin containing ceramide lipid that prevents water loss and also rebuilds the skin.
Use Light Stuff for Daytime
Greasy and heavily loaded creams are for the night. For the daytime pick up light moisturizers and light makeup cosmetics that do not make your skin greasy. According to Blyumin you should choose moisturizers with natural ingredients that are rich in antioxidants such as soy, vitamins A, C and E, coenzyme Q10, green tea and more. These ingredients counteract free radicals that cause premature aging and lead to skin cancer.
Drink Water at Regular Intervals
Just as topical moisturizing of the skin is important to keep it nourished, similarly, you must drink adequate amount of water to quench the thirst of your skin from within. If your body does not get enough water, it directly reflects on your skin and looks dry and dull. So, start your day by drinking one or two glasses of water every morning as a part of your morning skincare routine.
Proper Skin Protection against the Sun
Too much exposure to UV rays can lead to premature aging and skin cancer. To combat the negative effect of harmful sunrays, you must give a layer of protective covering to your skin by using sunscreen of SPF 30 or more. Choose the sunscreen lotion or cream that contains zinc oxide or titanium oxide. Sunscreen containing ingredients such as avobenzone can cause irritation to your skin, especially if you have sensitivity to chemicals.
Discover The Secrets of Dragon’s Blood
Another secret ingredient which can revolutionize your morning skincare routine and help give your skin an amazing glow is dragon’s blood. What is dragon’s blood? This is a natural substance which comes from the sap of Dragon Trees, a family of trees found in the tropics. It can be found in some cosmetics and skin care products, and has amazing benefits including anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, as well as improving skin repair and boosting blood circulation. Look for products which contain dragon’s blood in order to enjoy these advantages!
The Glossy Touch
Once you have exfoliated, cleaned and moisturized your skin and covered it with a good sunscreen, it is time you give a final touch by protecting your lips. It is very much important to protect your lips with sunscreen just as the skin. Health experts advise that applying sunscreen on the lips is extremely important as cancer on the lips can spread inside the body and is dangerous. For better protection, you should use a lip balm with minimum 30 SPF.
It’s Makeup Time
At morning you are really short of time and with so much to do as the day progresses, you really would not be interested in sparing extra few minutes on dolling yourself. According to Pati Dubroff, the famous makeup artist of celebrities likes Kate Bosworth, Naomi Watts and Charlize Theron, when you are short of time, just as in the morning you must prioritize your makeup needs.
The first need is to make your skin look flawless and then focus on points such as lips, brows, or eyes. Keep your routine short, by using tinted moisturizer, a concealer and a full foundation. The Clinique global color artist, Jenna Menard suggests using fewer products with maximum benefits.
It takes a bit of practice to complete the entire routine of morning skincare in a few minutes, so start by implementing the tips on the weekends. Once you get used to them, you will be easily able to finish them off in less time and ensure that your skin looks beautiful and bright always.
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Sangati Jogwar
Sangati is a writer, poet, voracious book reader, singer, movie-buff and critic. Loves to discuss, interact and have a strong belief in spirituality.