10 Money Handling Ways of Happy Couples
This post was last updated on June 2nd, 2016
We all believe that for a long lasting happy married life it is necessary that love between husband and wife remains alive. But marriage brings about a 360 degree change in any person’s life. The biggest impact is in monetary terms. You will find your expenses doubled in comparison to expenses before marriage. Recently, many divorce cases have been witnessed where the reason for separation is money. Couples often argue over the way they maintain their personal finances and how their shared expenses dwindle their monthly budget and savings.
In today’s world, where everyone wants to be ahead in the race of being financially self-sufficient, couples should sit back and relax and plan their fund usage with mutual understanding. This is what happy couples actually do. They know that money can be a cause of fight between them. So they have inculcated in them these 10 money handling ways to remain happy:-
1. They Keep Aside A Determined Amount Monthly For Personal Use
Happy couples know and understand that managing personal expenses commonly can be difficult and at times frustrating if anyone makes a major purchase without involving the other. So they mutually decide to divide a part of their collective income and use them for meeting their personal expenses. In this way they avoid any chance of argument and also they become habitual of incurring expenditures within limits.
2. They Maintain A Joint Bank Account
Happy couples know that having a joint bank account will enable both of them to review its transactions in details. They prefer joint bank account for managing expenses such as electricity and water bill payments, phone bill payments, mortgage and rent payments, installments charged, purchase of groceries and home appliances, etc. Since they both will have an access to this account, they won’t be having the need to constantly get updates from one another about the transactions made from this account.
3. They Have Friendly Discussion About Money
Talking about money even for couples can be bit difficult. Conversations related to money between couples should start on a positive note and should not be offensive at all. While speaking, happy couples make sure that they don’t bring up topics like their money habits in the past, their family’s poor financial status, etc. This topic can be very sensitive for someone and care should be taken that transparent discussion about money should be made without triggering any topic resulting in a heated argument.
4. They Understand Each Other’s Spending Habits
Happy couples know how important their marriage is for them and how much seriously they should handle topics like money, which can affect their healthy relationship. They very well understand each other’s money spending practices. They know if they are high spenders who can crash any budget or are misers who wish to save more and more. On the basis of their spouse’s habits, they draft a plan for spending efficiently, rather than accusing each other for the habits they have.
Related: How To Save Money Like Rich People | 8 Easy Tips
5. They Don’t Question About Their Personal Expenses
Happy couples understand that they both need some space for acting on their own. They know the areas where their partner needs some freedom. After deciding on the budget for personal expenses, they ensure to not question their partner if he/ she is spending more or less. They understand each other’s habit of spending, saving and investing. So both of them will gradually get motivated by one another to spend wisely.
6. They Also Maintain Separate Bank Accounts
Along with a joint bank account, happy couples ensure that they maintain separate bank accounts. Happy couples motivate each other to grow professionally and they respect each other’s independent handling of money and credit cards. They also don’t doubt their spouse’s spending habits by hacking into their accounts.
7. They Believe In Collective Saving
Happy couples know that along with intelligent spending, they need to save for living a comfortable future together. They have their own dreams and aspirations as a couple and they strive their best to save an agreed amount periodically to turns their dreams into reality. They don’t impose the responsibility of saving, on one person. They feel pride in contributing together for their bright future.
8. They Prepare A Budget For Common Expenses And Track Them
Happy couples know that recklessly spending will hamper their savings and investments. They are aware of the fact that by preparing a comprehensive budget for monthly household expenses, they can utilise their finances with proper planning. The preparation of budget motivates them to spend within the set limits and they feel more secure and optimistic. Moreover, happy couples ensure that they maintain a proper record of the expenses listed in the budget.
9. They Prioritize Their Relationship, Not Money!
Happy couples know that in life, there is nothing more important than their relationship. They do talk about money and ways to handle them with efficacy, but they ensure that it doesn’t negatively impact the health of their married life. They know that money is important in fulfilling their wishes and ambitions but for them staying together with happiness is foremost important.
Related: Money Vs Happiness: 5 Things To Know
10. They Maintain Separate Balance For Fun Outings
After spending on common and personal expenses and shelving out a proportionate amount on savings and investment, happy people ensure that their hard earned money works as a cupid for them. From the remaining amount, they make a practise of keeping aside some amount for their fun filled vacations too.
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Snehashree Bhat
A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.