Mommy & Kids Exercise Tips – Let’s Try Skateboarding!

This post was last updated on June 16th, 2023


It can be hard to balance your family life with work and exercise commitments. There just does not seem to be enough time in the day to get everything done. The problem is that we tend to separate all these task instead of blending them together. So, if you are up for it, why not try something that your kids love to do that will also keep you physically active. Skateboarding is not just for kids; it is fun for adults too. 

Starting Out

The first thing you will need is a good quality skateboard. Have a look at evolve skateboards and see which one you like. It is important to do some research on the subject, so you choose a good board for beginners. 

If your child has experience skateboarding, maybe you can ask them or give their board a try. If you want to exercise together, you will need to invest in your skateboard, and it is a good idea to purchase safety equipment for the inevitable novice falls. 

You should look to buy safety equipment to protect you while you learn the basics of skateboarding. 

  • Helmet
  • Elbow guards
  • Knee pads
  • Hand protection

Here you can learn Skateboard lessons in Canada.

Once you are ready to go, the next step is to find a place what has little distractions. 


If your child has experience on a skateboard, you may want to get some tips off them to help you get started. They will be happy to help as mommy is taking an interest in something they love. When practicing, it is important to choose a quiet location or an area of the skate park that is designed for beginners. Make sure you choose a flat surface that is good for learning and has not cracks or holes. 

Family Bonding

It’s never too late: Develop these 7 health habits from today and forget to consider the benefits of doing things with your kids. Instead of finding time to exercise alone, why not step outside of your comfort zone and try something your kids love. This allows you to spend more time with them and create a closer bond. It is also an opportunity to show them that mommy can also be pretty cool when she wants to be. 

Full Body Workout

Skateboarding is not just a fun activity that kids love to do at the skate park. It offers a full body workout to anyone who wants to get involved. We all know that being activity has many physical and mental benefits. Using a skateboard for 30 minutes a day burns a lot of calories and helps to maintain a healthy weight. 

You use a wide variety of muscles when you skateboard as you are constantly pushing forward with your legs and using your core for balance.  

So, why separate your workout from your kids when you can try a new activity together and create some special moments? You get to challenge yourself in a new environment and build an amazing bond with your kids. Skateboarding teaches you to be patient, persevere, and have fun while learning a new skill. 


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