Revealing Top 12 Secrets that Men Hide from Women
We all have got our own dirty and funny secrets. However, peeking into someone’s secret diary is bad manners, but hey revealing some helpful secrets can give rise to a symbiotic relationship. Man’s secrets are nothing as compared to woman’s secrets, as a woman’s heart is an ocean of deep secrets. Men, however keep secrets due to various reasons besides their dirty no entry zone, as they are not so good at expressing their feelings. Now, I’m going to reveal some of their secrets that they more likely hide from women. Here we go…
1. They go blank on their first date
Most men freeze on their first dates as they don’t know what to say on a first date. They find it painful because they don’t have any clue about what to talk and from where to start a fair and easy conversation.
2. They do have sexual fantasies
The most common secret that men hide from their lady loves is the fact that they do have sexual fantasies. However, they deny this fact when they are asked about it. Well, there’s nothing to hide as men and women both have their sexual fantasies. May be they fear that we women would get them wrong or scared about their fantasies.
3. They like to keep it short
Yet another fact that men surely can’t deny is that they don’t care about every little details of our stories and talks. They use to skip the unnecessary lines and cut to the chase, as they like to hear or know the most important point of the topic. They like simple and short conversations, as they can’t over-analyze things because for them it’s a waste of time, energy and effort.
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4. They don’t say it, but they want us to be shut up sometimes
Yeah, that sounds rude and rough to know this fact that men want their partners to just shut up sometimes and they want it all quiet for a while. Male brains are linear as they communicate at work all day and get exhausted, so they seek some lone and quite space for themselves.
5. They don’t like to do all dirty work by themselves
Another fact, men don’t want us to know that, they don’t want to do all dirty works by themselves, as they think revealing this fact might get us upset. Sometimes they don’t only need appreciation but some serious help too. Well, my lucky boy doesn’t have to do it at all!
6. They often lie as they want peace
Ahh! Here come the peacemakers. Lot of men don’t really say what’s on their mind while serious fighting with their partner as they feel saying the truth might hurt their lady loves and hence lie to keep the peace in their relationship.
7. They want to look attractive too
Like women, men have got insecurities too. Lot of men love dress their best and look attractive. They want their women to notice them and let them know what they thing about their beloved partner.
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8. They get jealous too
Well, men do get jealous however never show it to us, as they think that might prove their weaker point. If we keep on gushing aver any hot celebrity or any old or new crush, they obviously don’t like it. But they pretend their best to show that they are not bothered by all these stuffs. They too don’t want to lose us as they get jealous of other men.
9. They “CRY’
Crying never depends on gender. Be it woman or man, if something hurts, they do cry. But, men cry over some major reasons like, decease of loved ones, or serious illness close to death of loved ones or any kind of emotional movies. But most men succeed in hiding their feelings.
10. They want to feel special
Men also crave for love. They want to be treated something more special by their wives or lovers. The way you treat them, the same you will get. However, they adore goodbye kisses or goodbye hugs, or holding hands while walking, or watching TV or small little smooches. They just want to know how much you care for them.
11. They want to make us happy
Sometimes, we feel like our partners doesn’t care for us, but the chances are he might be trying his best. Sometimes, most men don’t even know how to please women. As I said, they are not good at expressing their inner feelings and love.
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12. They have some unrealistic desires
Men don’t say it, but every man wants his woman to be perfect. They see their favourite stars and models in magazines with perfect and flawless figure and skin. They actually crave for beautiful and intelligent women. It’s really good that their standards are high but, still they are unrealistic expectations.
Secrets never end. There are a lot and lot of secrets that men hide from their ladies, as we don’t know all of them. Smart men are less likely to reveal their top and ugly or dirty secrets. However, secrets are sometimes good as it let us know about their wants, likes and dislikes.
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Priyadarshini Muduli
A full time passionate writer with imperishable determination to bring healthy, smart and pragmatic changes individually and socially. Concentrate especially on lifestyle, life and personal improvement, relationships, mental health and behavior, viral issues and literature based subjects.