Huge number of medical errors occur each year worldwide, leading to life threatening injuries to patients. You or your loved ones can suffer from medical laxity anytime and it is very important that you should know when to sue your doctor!
“When Should I File A Case Against My Doctor?”
Suing a doctor for medical laxity is not easy. It can be very time consuming and may cost you a lot of money. Furthermore, the final decision might not even be in your favor.
However, the following malpractices are an immediate pointers to file your case against the doctor who was treating you:
1. Wrong Diagnosis: Any diagnosis by the doctor that may lead to a life threatening disease like cancer or certain auto immune diseases that might lead to death. In these cases, you must file an immediate case against your doctor. Incorrect diagnosis may often lead to faulty prescriptions that can cause adverse reactions due to wrong medicines.
2. Surgical Errors: Surgical errors are the second most common malpractices after wrong diagnosis. These errors are vast and may include the following mistakes:
- Leaving foreign objects inside the body.
- Surgery on the wrong side.
- Nerve damage or organ puncture
- Wrong dosage of anesthesia.
Unlike wrong diagnosis and incorrect prescriptions, they are easier to claim and prove.
3. Fetal Injuries And Birth Problems: If a doctor is not skilled enough to be operating a childbirth, he/she may cause fetal injuries or even death of the mother or the child. In that case, you should file an immediate case against the doctor and the hospital claiming that they did not provide the level of care required for you or your loved ones.
4. Dental Negligence: Dental negligence are avoidable mistakes that occur due to the negligence of the dental surgeon. Dental negligence may involve:
- Late, missed or false diagnosis.
- Extracting the wrong tooth.
- Faulty implant placement leading to dental nerve damage.
- Facial trauma arising from mishandling of the instruments.
Dental laxity can result in serious cosmetic problems. They can also lead to more expensive treatments for correcting the damages. Thus suing your dentist in that case can help you recover those expenses.
5. Incorrect Medical Reports: A wrong medical report may lead to misdiagnosis that may further cause incorrect prescriptions. Thus in any case where your reports were proved medically incorrect, you can claim your case showing the wrong medical reports as a proof.
Incorrect medical report might have the following mistakes:
- Omitted data
- Wrong printing
- Incorrect data resulting from faulty lab procedures.
“Should I Consult A Medical Malpractice Lawyer?”
Suing your doctor without a medical malpractice lawyer is a major fault. You might be unaware of the legal matters. But suing him on your right will be beneficial for you, like if you do it in Vanderbilt medical malpractice, you would get a good compensation. Filing a case without prior knowledge might waste your entire money spent on the filed lawsuit. Here you can visit Law Offices of William F. Underwood, III, P.C. website.
Therefore, you should always consult a professional lawyer before you decide to sue your doctor for medical laxity.