Positive and Negative Effects of Masturbation
This post was last updated on January 9th, 2025

Masturbation is a kind of topic which is normally avoided by people as they consider it as a taboo.
However, masturbation is healthy and completely normal sexual behaviour. There are so many myths associated with masturbation which are really not true. However, masturbating can have some adverse effects but a few. This article is for the people who can’t talk about masturbation to their doctors or friends, and here’s some benefits and some drawbacks associated with masturbation. But, hey masturbation is not dirty and doesn’t make you less as a person, so don’t feel ashame or bad about masturbation and activities related to it.
What is Masturbation?
Masturbation is a process in which a person derives sexual pleasure and satisfaction by stroking or rubbing his/her genitals by his/her hands manually and using sex toys. It is normally done solo but, also performed in relationships to get orgasm and sex arousal. It’s completely a normal activity of humans which has got no harmful physical and emotional effects. Masturbation has got so many benefits to human body and in the case of excessive masturbation it could lead few harmful effects.
Recommended: Is Masturbation Normal?
Myths Attached to Masturbation
- Masturbation minimizes sexual performance and libido later in life.
- Masturbation reduces the quantity of semen.
- Masturbation badly affects the quality of semen.
- Masturbation makes semen thin in texture making it watery.
- Masturbation causes blindness.
- Masturbation causes mental illness.
- Masturbation causes infertility.
- Masturbation causes growth of hair on palms.

Positive Effects (Benefits) of Masturbation
For Women
- Provides sexual pleasure without any risk of pregnancy.
- Reduces stress and sexual tension.
- Increases self awareness about sexuality.
- Helps to get rid of insomnia, making you feel relaxed and getting nice sleep.
- Makes you feel good, refreshed and enhances your mood.
- Increases your better cervical health by flushing out unfriendly vaginal bacterias.
- Strengthens relationship supplementing your sexual desire.
- Relieve menstrual cramps.
- Cures UTI, the infection in Urinary Tract.
- Boosts up your immunity.
- Enhances your intercourse with you partner.
Read more: Benefits of Masturbation for Women
For Men
- Manages your premature ejaculation.
- Reduces the risk of Prostate Cancer.
- Makes you pelvic muscles strong to prevent erectile dysfunction.
- Improves sperm quality and motility.
- Helps your sexual intercourse to enhance by increasing your sexual longevity.
- Reduces nasal congestion during cold and flu.
- Reduces stress and depression.
- Enhances your mood.
- Helps to get good sleep for insomnia patients.
- Makes you aware of your sexuality.
- Enhances your immune system.
- Satisfies your sexual desire and strengthens your relationships.

Negative Effects (Drawbacks) of Masturbation
For Women
- Lead to abrasions or bruises if done roughly or too vigorously.
- Insertion of external objects or sex toys might lead to injuries or infections.
- Can cause obsession for masturbation leading to change in psychological behaviour.
- Can cause Bipolar Disorder which means inability to reach the orgasm.
For Men
- Can cause parasympathetic nervous functions which leads to over production of sex hormones and neurotransmitters which cause side effects like fatigue, memory loss, hair loss, groin pain and blurred vision.
- Cause obsessive compulsive behaviour like addiction to masturbation.
- Cause bruises if stroked too vigorously.
- Leads to hardening of the penis skin.
- Causes desensitized of penis skin.
- Can cause seminal leakage.
Masturbation is nothing evil or sinful, so no need of getting ashamed of yourself. Rather it’s a matured sexual activity to keep yourself sexually active, sexually satisfied and your mind in control. It is totally normal and safe sexual behaviour for both men and women. It enhances your health in every aspect, but remember too much of anything can be real bad. So, do masturbate more often to stay healthy and keep enjoying !!
Recommended: Negative Effects of Over Masturbation
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Priyadarshini Muduli
A full time passionate writer with imperishable determination to bring healthy, smart and pragmatic changes individually and socially. Concentrate especially on lifestyle, life and personal improvement, relationships, mental health and behavior, viral issues and literature based subjects.
Lots of thanks.
can.u help me for having more sex or not?
i had sex with more than 60/70 ladies, i am 28yrs old now.
shud i continue or get out of this and stop doing sex with more ladies
You will get infections if you continue. Just masturbate and feel good . Diseases like Aids are so traumatic and stressful
Guys according to me we can control the desire with our will power provided u want to achieve something or anything .Its easy ,go search internet about ‘OJAS ‘.It is this sexual energy which gets converted into OJAS in brain over a period of time with determination & temperament.Just do not waste your life energy for seconds pleasure instead conserve it for higher goals in life.Sex is for married people that too maintaining balance.Thanks.
is it health to do it three times a day or three round a day