How to Manage Life After Breakup
This post was last updated on August 13th, 2016
It was not exactly a breakup, but our ways were separated for some reasons. It was merely five or six months we were in love or attached with each other beautifully, I’m still in confusion. I think, I was in love with my fiancée, but things didn’t go well and everything got ruined. The detachment was so painful that I was feeling like my heart was stabbed and left for bleeding. So, if the pain associated with just 6 months could be so awful, then we all could imagine the heart breaking pain behind the breaking of every relation of 1 year or more than that.
It’s true that dealing with breakups is way too difficult and challenging as well. But, getting over breakups and managing life after it, becomes more stressful and distressing, even some people get so much depressed that they think of suicidal attempts. I’m gonna share some of the best ways and methods to deal with breakups to make a new start, and trust me, it worked and will work definitely.
1. Let all your emotions flow out
It might sound weird or illogical. But, confining your most crushed emotions inside your heart and mind could be real stressful. If you feel like crying hard, screaming loud, then do it. Get an isolated place, let all your emotions, tears, anger, regression come out. But make it sure, that this emotions flushing out idea should be once and for all. Flushing out your most devastated and impaired emotions could bring you relief. You will feel better and lighter.
2. Don’t rethink over your breakup
Try to avoid thinking over your broken relationship again and again. If it was your decision, then focus on it and don’t rethink over it, if it was your counterpart’s decision then let it go, don’t think about it as you can’t help it.
3. Maintain your space
If it’s over, then it’s over. Don’t answer any phone calls, texts, emails or don’t try to call, send any text to make it over. Stick to your self-respect.
4. Accept the truth and move on
It’s totally fine if you feel messed up, broken, sad or depressed. You are human and you have got the feelings. Accept the truth that your counterpart never ever deserved you. Move on with this truth.
5. Get connected with your friends
It’s a great idea to stay connected with friends. Your friends never gonna hurt you. They might not help you in your relationship but can make you laugh and lively.
6. Keep yourself busy
You have to indulge in activities, work or hobbies. Don’t sit idle, as this could bring on the dark cloud of memories and sadness. Spend time in working, household works, hobbies if you have got like painting, planting, music or anything, hang around with friends or watch your best movies back to back.
7. Write a journal
This really helps you to fight your heart break and depression. It helped me a lot. Write down your feelings, whatever you feel, be honest with what you write. Don’t think about your grammar or perfect writing, just write what comes into your mind.
8. Make a list of reminder
The list of reminder should include why you broke up, or why your partner was not the one for you. Keep it in a place where you can see it most of the time, to remind you that whatever happened was for your betterment.
9. Get active
Start exercising, work outs, yoga and meditation. Now you have got a free time, so do your best to look good and attractive. But, don’t over exercise, as some people find it as a way of bringing an end to their anger and frustration. Over exercise can adversely affect on your health.
10. You have got many reasons to live
If you think your relation is over and hence you are over too. You don’t have got any reason to live your life, then let me let me tell you that there are many people who are living their life for you. Your parents, you brothers, sisters and your friends. Think about them, make a new start. I’m sure you can’t love anyone more than your parents.
11. Remember you have got a future
You have got a future, your career. You need to focus on them. Relationship is a need of your life, but not an essential part. So, if it’s over, then let it be. You can go for new jobs, can travel and explore new cities and places. Make yourself successful and career oriented.
12. Forgive
The best ever way that I have learnt to make a new start. Whatever happened was beyond your and your partner’s reach. Forgive whatever happened with you. Let him/her go and live their life. Forgiving would help you to be happy and satisfied with your life. Move on with what you have.
13. Time is the player
Life has got ups and downs. Every cloud has a silver lining. So, you never know what’s gonna happen next, as life is full of surprises. May be God has planned something better for you. So, have trust on God and never lose hope.
So, guys don’t be scattered and broken by breakups. If God has taken away something that you’ve never expected of losing, then he will replace it with something that you’ve never imagined of having. Find new reasons to live your life. Life is way too short to cry over things that are not in your fate. Be practical. Live your life let other live their life.
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Priyadarshini Muduli
A full time passionate writer with imperishable determination to bring healthy, smart and pragmatic changes individually and socially. Concentrate especially on lifestyle, life and personal improvement, relationships, mental health and behavior, viral issues and literature based subjects.