Get Set To Make Your Life Plan With These Easy Steps
Do you sometimes encounter with the feeling that your life isn’t pacing ahead the way you desire? Have you ever felt the need to reduce stress, lay more focus on health or spend more time with family or just let yourself enjoy by getting hooked to your hobbies or long lost passion? Have you talked to yourself about the need to make a career shift or handling your personal relationships in better manner?
Most people think of bringing a transformation in the way they live for leading less stressed life along with paying more attention to health. But lack of innate desire, mounting stress arising from juggling between personal and professional life along with failure in attaining consistency in the execution of life plans are the major reasons why your dream of living as per your life plan remains an unattainable dream.
With complete dedication and a specific action plan comprising changes that are not hypothetical and strictly adhering to it, you can actualise your life plan in a more systematic and less stressful manner. If you find yourself deviating from the plan, re-route your activities and focus more. In order to get set to make your life plan, follow these easy steps:
1. Identify What Areas In Your Life Need Change
When you are trying to figure out how your life plan should be, start with the things that need to be changed. Identify the areas in your life that must be sorted and note that in a journal either in the form of a list or narrative or any other comprehensible format. But it should definitely not leave any aspect that is important to you, such as career, wellness, family, relationships, home environment, recreational activities, etc. Reiterate yourself about what you value in life and analyse how these areas in life are working at present.
2. Prioritise What You Value The Most
When you are about to make your life plan, it becomes important to work around things that you value. This means, start prioritising to bring the much desired equilibrium in your life. You may be valuing your career but not finding yourself in the right career path. Also, family may hold great value to you but the current work schedule is leaving no time for you to dedicate enough time for them. Despite valuing fitness, you find yourself gorging on to heavy and junk foods. Spend time wisely and analyse the things that hold immense value to you and understand that changes in these arenas can bring significant change in your life. After assessing and noting down what you value the most, don’t forget to include activities that aid in fulfilling them.
3. Look At The Bigger Picture
Making a life plan seems difficult as you have to incorporate serious changes in your lifestyle, which may have substantial impact on your future. Your goal is not to make these plans for the few months to come but for the future. Look at what you value and think how you want your life to be in the next few months and say next 3 to 5 years. This will guide you in devising steps for investing your time, money and efforts that will bring the imagined results into reality. For example, you are planning to work in a new career stream, then undergoing a training now, establishing new contacts with people associated with the stream you desire to take will eventually lay a great foundation for the goal that is to be achieved in future. Take small steps now to be a part of the bigger change you desire in the years to come.
4. Plan Your Steps Cautiously
Understand where you are now and take a glance at your life plan to know where you exactly want to be, for every single goal. This will help in breaking down the path into small steps that you can manage to take. Devise these steps cautiously and focus on taking small leaps each time. This way, you can taste success consecutively, which will further motivate you to include other positive changes to improve your consistency. Moving hastily and bringing drastic and sudden changes can ruin your plan and eventually de-motivate you to make a fresh start.
5. Find & Eliminate Obstacles
As you move ahead in your life plan, review your list of identifying the areas of change and concentrate on finding out the potential reasons that are restraining you from getting success. Focus on single goal at a time and note down the things that are holding you back and start eliminating them one by one. Find ways to cut down what drains your mind. See what your choices are and take the necessary leap to ensure that your life plan is being followed no matter what.
6. Bring These Actions Into System
Voluntarily trying to implement changes and attaining consistency is difficult unless and until to bring it into a system. After you make your life plan, it is time to create systems that will support the required changes. For instance, if you are planning to start working out, then join a gym, find a partner to keep motivating you and make it an indispensable part of your routine. If you are planning to spend more time with your family, compulsorily set a day aside per week for fun filled outings or activities. Set up structures in your life and let your plan fit seamlessly in your routine.
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7. Ask Support From Your Near & Dear Ones
One of the best ways to stick to your plan is by sharing it with your near and dear ones and asking them to track your progress. If one of your goals is to spend more time with your family, then ask your family members to keep reminding the steps you need to take. In case, you want to become fitter, then get support from friends and family to help you avoid habits that can have ill effects on your health. Get yourself stocked with the resources that encourage you to take actions in the direction to make your life plan a successful one.
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Snehashree Bhat
A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.