9 Drawbacks of Long Distance Relationships
This post was last updated on July 10th, 2023
Every relationship endures some ups and downs, even if it’s not long distance relationship. Long distance relationships need many efforts and understanding to make it work out. However, most of the long distance relationships get breached due to several reasons and are not flexible. These relationships are very fragile and very much vulnerable to break ups. I am not saying, all long distance relationships end up drastically but, some do. The reasons why, these relationships endures rough patches and troubles are my own experiences, which I am gonna share with you, so that if you are in a long distance relationship or outlining to be in, then, you could make it work better and could make it flexible. So, here we go…
1. Trust
Well, every kind of relationship needs this factor. Trust is the major characteristic of relationships, and if tampered it reaches to its terminal point. For example, if your boyfriend/girlfriend says you “I was hanging around with my friends last night”, oops you might get into a blur thought that your partner might have a night stand with some guy or girl. If you love someone, you have to trust him/her.
2. Jealous
If you get to know that your partner has got a new friend who is quite good in looks than you, or more hot than you, then you might get jealous, however you might keep it inside for long so that it bursts out on a real rough day with your partner.
3. Fights
Every person has got his/her own issues, which makes the person little bit tensed and stressed. If you are in talks with your partner, and at some point both of your opinions get clashed badly, then it could be a serious problem. Sometimes, this situation leads most people to behave roughly and rudely which hurts their partner creating a huge mess. So better avoid conversations when you are not in a good mood.
4. Meetings
It’s obvious that when you are in a long distance relationship you can’t meet your partner every single day. You can’t even touch, cuddle, kiss, hug each other. Yeah, smart technology works amazing today, Skype can relax you a little bit, but the thing is in your busy schedule when you get no free time, distance from your partner leads to a monotonous relationship which ends terribly. In many cases some even get into other relationships beside their previous one. We can’t consider it as cheating, as I think its human nature to find love nearby.
5. Costs
Long distance relationships needs perfect partnership. Transportation, phone bills and internet bills. There should never be “My money, your money”. Better help each other financial. Financial problems often cause break ups in relationships.
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6. Loneliness
Busy work schedule gives a stressful life and at the end of the day, when you need to share your feelings, all day matters, worries, happiness with your loved one you find yourself all alone. All your friends might be busy with their partners and you probably miss your partner so much, which makes you feel down.
7. Fear
What if, she/he would cheat me? What if she would find a more handsome/beautiful guy/girl than me? What I’m gonna do, if he/she gets bored of me? Fear might lead to negative thoughts which create more confusion. So better, call your love unexpectedly or text him/her. If you are partying, then text or call them to let them know how much you miss your loved ones. These things make things run smoothly.
8. Schedule
Whenever you’re free, your partner may be not. You get it tough to meet each other which would be holiday friendly for you both. If you both don’t have free time to travel or spend some quality time together, then plan out, schedule days, reschedule it, ask your boss to set up a remote office for you so that you could work from home, plan both according to your availability, this might help you for sure.
9. Talk
This is the most crucial factor due to which most of the relations ends disastrously. Guys if you have got any doubt or any question, any feeling share it with your partner. Don’t keep it inside. Sometimes, little disturbances get piled up in your mind and gets out in a pressure wrecking it all. So whenever you feel bad or low talk to your partner. It’s the best way out to make your relationship last long.
So, don’t worry if you are in a long distance relationship or if you want to be in. You just need to work on these very factors which make the long distance relationship fragile. Do remember you need patience, trust, logic and lots and lots of love to make your love work out. Keep smiling and be loyal to your love!!
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Priyadarshini Muduli
A full time passionate writer with imperishable determination to bring healthy, smart and pragmatic changes individually and socially. Concentrate especially on lifestyle, life and personal improvement, relationships, mental health and behavior, viral issues and literature based subjects.