13 Interesting Reasons Why Life Is Awesome!
This post was last updated on April 30th, 2024

This article is for those who think “life really sucks”. There are many people out there who believe life is full of pain, tears, sufferings, sadness, negative elements in short life is full of bullshit!
But the fact is life may be sometimes hard, difficult and rough but it’s never impossible, unfair and negative. If you can drive your car again, even after meeting with an accident 6 months back then why can’t you live and enjoy your life even if it sucks? Look, things get ugly and tough sometimes and we all get discouraged. But the most important thing is to get over it and carry ourselves with full self confidence, trust, faith and audacity.
You have to believe that life is like a coin that has got two sides. It doesn’t really matter if one side of the coin gives you negative emotions and outcomes, because the other side is always the better one which gives or will give you hopes, happiness and excitement. There are many such interesting and obvious reasons that will make you believe life is awesome. Read on..
1. Oxygen is free of cost
The most essential factor of staying alive in this world is oxygen and without oxygen life is impossible. And in this big world oxygen is totally free of cost. Yeah, almost everything can be bought but the best part is you don’t have to buy oxygen to breathe. Isn’t it great?
2. You wake up alive every morning
You never know what’s gonna happen next but when you wake up alive every morning you feel like you got one more day to live your life, your dreams in this huge world according to your terms and conditions.
3. You have the right to make decisions
You are not bounded by anything. No one can impose anything any rules, any conditions on you. You are totally free and authorized to take your life’s decisions and live according to it.
4. Your life is luxurious
If you have a well neat bedroom with a bed, a cozy couch, a smartphone, branded clothes, a PC, a home, burgers and pizzas to treat yourself then your life is awesome absolutely because there are many people who are still alive without shelter and enough food.
5. You work and earn money
You are a model, an engineer, a doctor, or a CEO whatever you have atleast a job to earn for your bread. At least you’re not a beggar depending on other’s mercy and favour. You are very lucky.
6. You’re loved by your loved ones
Your loved ones parents, siblings, lover, spouse and friends love you and you are their lifeline. Their love is eternal and your support makes them alive. There are many people who are orphans and surviving life without anyone beside them.
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7. Many people love you
Your office workers, colleagues, a stranger whom you helped, a girl whose PC was fixed by you, your friends parents and lots of people are there who love you for your nature, honesty, humbleness, kind heart and you. Isn’t that enough?
8. Nature is all yours
Green leaves, woods, hills, mountains, streams, waterfalls, rivers, sand, sky, rain are all nature’s elements that is totally free and available anywhere you want. You can feel it, live with it and enjoy it without any stress, worries, rules and hesitations. Don’t you think life is awesome this way?
9. Hard work pays off
Well, in this world nothing is permanent and nothing is impossible too. If you want something with full dedication and devotion, your hard work can help you to achieve it. All you need is hard work and perseverance and you will get what you want. So simple!
10. Dreams come true
When you achieve it which was used to be your dream, then, we call it dreams come true. Now dreams are achievable too.
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11. You have precious gems, “friends”
You have your friends, you have the greatest happiness of this world because your friends are way too precious than gems. “Gems may be precious but friends are priceless”
12. Every day is new
Every single day is a day of hope, positivity and new dreams. No matter how much broken and shattered you were last night, the next morning is a new day filled with opportunities, happiness, new ideas, new thoughts and new perceptions.
13. Time changes and heals everything
This world is huge, lives are perishable, emotions, relations and situations all are fugitive but one thing stays forever is time which keeps running every second. And time is very powerful factor that changes every second and heals everything your sorrows, your regressions, your faults, your lifestyle, your perceptions and even you. So, life is awesome, totally awesome!
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Priyadarshini Muduli
A full time passionate writer with imperishable determination to bring healthy, smart and pragmatic changes individually and socially. Concentrate especially on lifestyle, life and personal improvement, relationships, mental health and behavior, viral issues and literature based subjects.