15 Small Good Habits That Could Change Your Life Completely
This post was last updated on April 10th, 2024

45% of your total behaviour is only about your habits, be it good or bad, according to research of Duke University.
And most of your habits are repeated by you every single day. Habits that reflect a person’s attitude and behaviour are of two types, positive habits and negative habits. We people get so much busy in our extra tight schedule that we acquire bad habits instead of good habits. To cope up with stress and anxiety most people indulge in smoking, drinking, caffeine and even marijuana. People drown so much in their work life that they forget about culturing positive habits.
But, don’t worry you don’t have to work very hard to implement some extra large good habits as I have come up with some real effectual tiny good habits that could transform your life entirely. Without much ado, let’s check out the list…
1. Write 50 words at least per day
I’m saying it for the least that you could do. However 50 words could be fused making only 2-3 lines. So make it a habit of writing anything you want in a notebook, or a dairy or a journal. Whatever you feel, whatever comes to your mind doesn’t matter just pour it out on the paper but make sure don’t edit anything. Keep it original and real. You could write more than 50 words too if you want.
2. Read 2 pages at least per day
Again the least for you that you could do for sure. Get anything you want to read be it a novel, or a self improvement book, or a magazine anything helpful for you and your mind. Make it a habit and try to indulge in the essence of any book you want. You could read more according to your comfort.
3. Do compliment one person each day
Well, complimenting anyone through your day, could be really helpful for you and that person whom you compliment. It’s somewhat like a symbiotic relationship in which both sides get benefited. You’ll feel content and happy complimenting one person and for that person it could be a positive feedback which is a form of positive energy.
4. Appreciate any of your family, relatives or friends everyday
Appreciating your loved ones could trigger a positive environment and positive attitude. It not only makes their day, but also creates a strong relationship and bonding.
5. Think at least 2 positive thoughts a day
The least remember! That you could do a day. Think positive at least 2 thoughts that could trigger positive energy in you replacing the negative ones.
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6. Meditate daily for 2 minutes at least
Meditation is normally done for 20-40 minutes. But a meditation never goes waste even 1 minute could make a difference helping you for sure. So make it a habit of sitting for at least 2 minutes for meditation in the morning or evening or even at night. However, meditation can be done anytime and anywhere.
7. Show gratitude to God for three things
If we could complain about the wrong things happening in our lives to God every single day, then why we forget to thank God for the things that we have got. Appreciate what you have, success, money, family, friends whatever.
8. Do one stretch and push up each day
That is exercise. If you are a workaholic then, don’t spend all your time in work. Take out some time to exercise, be it a stretch or a push up or rope jumps. Doesn’t matters if you stretch for 2-3 minutes that even makes a difference. But make it a habit and try to do more.
9. Take 100 steps outside each day
Walking is very essential for our body. Nothing can be beat walking habit. Walking keeps you fit, active, your metabolic system gets updated and you could even expand your lifespan. So, do walk everyday.
10. Learn something new everyday
Doesn’t matters what you learn, be it social, political, personal, technical or even about health. You need to get a new knowledge. Read or know whatever you find. Don’t hesitate even if you find a magazine about sex tips or even improving sperm quality or anything at a waiting lobby. It’s about knowledge, grab it whenever and wherever you find it.
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11. Show kindness
Yes, perform the act of kindness for anyone. Help an elderly person to cross the road, or a pregnant woman to carry luggage or parcel or a small child in a park. Whatever you get to see and need to show kindness and politeness, make a move and do it. You will feel good from inside and will be proud of yourself.
12. Be a good listener
Try to listen people more. Listen them what they are saying. Even if you don’t agree with them, just keep on listening, this is a way of making people happy and free of stress. Try to understand what they are enduring that moment and what is the reason behind their speaking about those things?
13. Sit quietly for 10-15 minutes a day
I am not taking about meditation here, no not at all. Spending quality time with yourself. Sit quietly for 10 minutes at least a day and indulge in self talk. Ask yourself, what makes you angry, stressed, how you feel, why you feel anything. Figure out what’s running in your mind.
14. Smile at one person
You never know, what people are going through in their life. They might have more worries, stress and anxiety in your life, so if you smile at one person you could make their day and make them feel nice and better. But, make sure don’t smile too much they could take it other way. Give a short and simple smile.
15. Laugh everyday
Laughing is my favourite. I love laughing. If you have any kind of stress, anxiety, tension, worry, sadness, nervousness anything, just give yourself a dose of proper laugh, for at least 5 minutes. If you think it’s tough to laugh for you without any reason, don’t worry go for some jokes, or funny videos, funny shows that you love or that could make you laugh harder, or simply hang around with friends, they are the perfect way out to give you a laughter therapy.
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Priyadarshini Muduli
A full time passionate writer with imperishable determination to bring healthy, smart and pragmatic changes individually and socially. Concentrate especially on lifestyle, life and personal improvement, relationships, mental health and behavior, viral issues and literature based subjects.