Know The Type of Headache You Suffer From
This post was last updated on January 27th, 2022
Life itself becomes a headache when you have to spend a major chunk of time at the office while juggling with your personal responsibilities too. Apart from this headache, we frequently face mild to severe headaches that distorts our mind completely and makes us unable to perform our routine tasks with concentration and peace of mind. Sometimes, the headaches get so severe that we even feel giddiness or nausea. At such times, loud noise or harsh lights can give us a nerve-wracking experience.
The causes of headaches are different but we generally prefer to take one pill to get a complete respite from the pain. These pain killers however provide temporary relief by not letting us sense the pain for some period of time, but they are not meant for killing the cause of such headaches. In fact, popping in such chemical infused tablets frequently may even cause some serious side effects in the long run.
Stress is one of the main reasons for recurring headaches. However, a sound sleep can sort out this problem. But if you suffer from headaches every other day, then the cause needs to be determined and consulting your doctor for assistance can be helpful if you don’t want to get addicted to pain killers. There are basically 150 kinds of headaches as per medical experts. But here are 12 different kinds of headaches that will help you in analysing if the symptoms match with yours so that you can quickly address the issue:
1. Sinus Headache
Sinus headache is a kind of seasonal headache that occurs due to inflammation of the sinuses and mostly gives you a painful experience at the end of winters. But it can also be due to infection, allergies, air pollution or even structural problems in the nose. You are susceptible to face frequent sinus headaches if you suffer from asthma, poor immunity system or cystic fibrosis. You may have to bear with runny nose, swelling face and watery eyes while you also feel burdened with headache.
2. Headache Due To Tension
This is the most common type of headache and it generally captures a stressed mind. If you are a person who doesn’t know how to manage your anger and excitement, then you are bound to get stressed over petty issues. Moreover, if you lead an extra busy lifestyle, then at the day’s end you will feel highly stressed, physically and mentally. This kind of headache can be recurring if you live a tensed life. Apart from head, even your neck and shoulders will start feeling jammed and strained.
3. Migraines
Migraines are particularly related to cardiovascular issues. When there is an inflammation in the arteries or in the blood vessels of our brain, you start experience staunch pain in the head that bearing loud noises becomes extremely difficult for you. It is said that mostly women suffer from migraines. The pain starts from the temple area and it gives a thumping effect on the head. Along with it, if you feel that your head is being squeezed, then you are surely suffering from migraine. Migraines are generally pulsating in nature and affects one side of the head. It lasts around 2 to 72 hours. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light, sound or smell. Some people even see an aura or visual signalling that a headache might occur.
4. Headache Because Of Urge To Have Caffeine
This kind of headache is generally suffered from people addicted to numerous cups of tea or coffee. People, especially those working in offices, have the tendency to gulp down more and more of caffeine to give their mind the required kick and to keep them attentive. But they are not aware that they have become addicted to caffeine. Therefore, if they decide to quit or lessen the amount of caffeine, they will suffer from severe headaches, which is the body’s demand for caffeine.
5. Cluster Headache
This type of headache commonly occurs to men. This kind of rare headache is a neurological disorder that causes intense and recurrent pain on one side of the head, particularly around the eye area. Since this excruciatingly painful headache surrounds the eye area, your eye lids may swell, you may suffer from runny nose, your eyes may water often and excessive sweating on the face is a common symptom.
6. Headaches Due To Hormonal Changes
Hormonal changes can cause many functional changes in the body. One of the most common types of headaches is due to hormonal changes and it often goes undetected unless severe. Our body goes through major hormonal changes during puberty, pregnancy, menstruation, menopause, etc and thereby, it is women who basically get targeted by this hormone headache. Even medications such as contraceptive pills or those taken to pre-pone or post-pone menstruation cycle can create havoc on your hormone secretion, leading to such headaches.
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7. Dental Headaches
We generally ignore what type of headache we suffer from as the intense pain just allows us to think about the location of aspirin tablets. You may not be aware that your headache might be a result of poor dental hygiene. Dental problems such as bruxism or multiple cavities along with improper handling of oral health can lead to acute facial pain and even swelling. If you suffer from dental issues, then don’t take your headaches lightly. They may actually be dental headaches.
8. Chronic Headache
This kind of headaches can occur to anyone who feels lethargic, sleep deprived, stressed or who consumes medications on regular basis. Chronic headache can even happen if you suffer from cold, head injury or if you speedily gulp down extremely cold food or beverage. Headaches of such nature are generally recurring and many times they last for a week to fortnight and recur during the same time after a month.
Chronic headaches can also be associated with a worsening medical condition, such as brain injuries caused by an accident. Examples of these include slips, falls, and car crashes that can result in blunt trauma to the head and chemicals, toxins, and other caustic substances inhaled or ingested. If you need legal advice about long-term disability caused by serious brain injuries, you can go here to learn more information.
9. Hangovers
One of the most easily curable headaches is hangover. This common type of headache generally occurs due to excessive consumption of alcohol, which gives you stringent pain in the head in the morning. You may even witness numbness in your head for some time. Also nausea, red eyes and giddiness are some of its common symptoms. Just one glass of strong lemon juice can work wonders within minutes.
It also helps to have a snack to recover from a hangover. Bland foods like crackers and bread toast can help boost your blood glucose and calm your stomach. You can take bouillon soup to replace lost sodium, potassium, and other electrolytes.
Taking an over-the-counter analgesic or pain reliever can help reduce your headache. However, excessive alcohol drinking can cause serious liver damage. Sleeping long enough or going back to bed can help reduce your hangover.
10. Headache From Eye Strain
These days the problem of eye straining has become common among adults and children. Watching TV, working on computer and reading books continuously for hours and without enough light can cause strain on eyes. Such activities can cause eyes to water and if continued for longer duration, then it may cause severe headaches and you may find it difficult to detect and treat.
You can avoid eye strain by taking breaks in between online work or classes. It would help to wear eyeglasses with an anti-radiation feature to help protect the eyes from too much blue light that causes eye strain. In addition, it’s crucial to limit your screen time to avoid headaches triggered by using mobile devices for prolonged periods.
11. Headache Due To Gastric Issues
Since oily, junk and packaged foodstuffs have become an integral part of our diet, we are bound to suffer from gastric issues. Even having a lofty dinner and immediately heading to bed can cause acidity problems. Also when you remain hungry for a longer duration, your stomach releases some acids that can cause intense headaches. But such headaches can be cured without consuming pain killers.
12. Headaches Due To Harsh Sunlight
Many people are very sensitive to harsh light of the sun. Even dust and pollution along with sharp heat emitting from the sun can cause dehydration in the body and you may feel headache. Giddiness and nausea along with pain in the neck and shoulders are common symptoms. Drinking adequate water and avoiding commuting in the harsh sun can help in preventing such headaches.
Now that you’re aware of what might be causing your headache, it’s time to plan your course of action to prevent suffering from this symptom. Talk to your doctor if you suspect anything serious or if home remedies or conservative treatments don’t work after appropriate diagnosis and treatment.
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Snehashree Bhat
A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.