Keys to Increase Followers on Facebook
This post was last updated on August 29th, 2023
One of the biggest obsessions of a person who has or starts an online project with a Facebook page is to get as many fans as possible. That is, the greater the number of followers on Facebook, the better.
It is true that if today you want to be successful in your business, it is very important to be present in the world of social networks. However, the audience you are targeting should be of good quality. It does not help to have more than 300,000 followers if then you have an average of 10 likes in the publications. Although that does not mean that, in view of others, fan pages that have more followers are often the most credible. It’s crucial to mention that you can buy FB likes from the trusted sources to increase your quality followers count.
What are quality followers?
Quality followers are those who interact with you, and your content, when you publish. If you upload an image and they give you like, share or comment, they are said to be quality followers.
Having an active community that adds value to your publications will generate more dynamism in your social network profiles. For example, if someone likes your post, surely they share it and thus, your Facebook page will become more known.
Get followers on Facebook
Facebook Ads
This social network offers a wide variety of ways to advertise your business. You can make the content you show on your Fan Page seen by the right people.
How is such a thing achieved? You can make use of Facebook Ads and make your page and contents visualized by the people that most interest you. You can segment the audience in age, sex, tastes …, and even exclude people. Your campaigns will be very personalized and will go directly to your target audience.
We recommend that you try several ads to see which works best among the audience you have selected.
Regular publications
When you have a public profile, with or without followers, you have to have a record at the time of publication. You can not make 3 posts 3 days in a row, and then be 5 without uploading anything.
The ideal thing is that, at least, an image is uploaded every day. If you want to know the best hours to post on your Facebook profile and the scope, more or less, you can have.
Funny content
It is clear that to get engagement you have to upload content that interests your audience, but you also have to do it in a happy way.
Depending on the sector to which you dedicate yourself, the publications can be with a more or less formal tone. If you are a company specializing in toys, you can make publications in which you ask people what toy they like the most. In the image will appear two articles of yours that, in addition to promoting, are generating engagement by making a call to action for your followers.
Another type of content to upload can be motivating phrases, tips, games, gifs, memes, images, videos …
Draws and contests
One of the most followed techniques on social networks today to get followers is to make sweepstakes and contests.
It is true that you can not ask the user to follow you like your Facebook page. But I know it’s true, that when uploading this content, you get to build an audience will end up giving ” likes ” to your Fan Page, to keep abreast of the news that you post.
It is very important that the contest is fun, easy and that the prize that is drawn is very attractive and goes according to the needs and tastes of your followers.
Be active when your users are
Social networks emerged to talk with other people and express what you feel, either in writing or through images. If the users are active and leave your public comments in the publications, answer them as fast as you can. You can try Facebook Reverse Image Search here.
The same goes for private messages. It is true that only the user who has written to you privately can see when you have answered, but do not lose sight of the response indicator of each page that is available to followers on Facebook.
Promote your page
Once you have your Facebook page created and in motion, share it in the newsletter, in the rest of your social networks, on your website and even in your emails.
If in addition to wanting to have a greater number of followers on Facebook, FBskip will help you.
Do you have any other suggestions that we have not put? If you want, you can tell us in the comments of this post. We are happy to meet new ideas!
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Suvangkor Chakma
Suvangkor Chakma- a dynamic Freelance Writer and Marketing Advisor. With a passion for crafting captivating content and a keen eye for strategic marketing, Shirley brings words to life. Join her on a journey of storytelling and marketing brilliance.