How To Keep Your Room Well Organized?
This post was last updated on October 10th, 2018
Cluttered and unorganized room with mess all around is a big headache for everyone. Living an uncluttered, clean and organized life is a stress free life with less health issues. Many people start feeling overwhelmed, anxious and stressed about the idea of decluttering their rooms and home which is quite sad. The idea of organizing your home and rooms is not that painful and stressful as there are some easy and creative to ways to keep your room organized. Decluttering your home not only saves your time, money and energy, but also helps you to lead an organized and disciplined lifestyle. Let’s have a look on the easy and effortless ways to organize and declutter your room.
Categorize all your stuffs
The first and foremost thing to do while decluttering your room is categorizing all your stuffs to place and organize them according to that for getting quick access to them. Make a category for things like frequent usage, occassional usage, seasonal and may be usage. You can also follow some expert reviews of patio furniture and accessories to get an organized home.
Feel free to discard things
Unless you make up your mind to be ready for discarding and eliminating things you can’t keep your room organized. Eliminating the useless things in the trash can is very important to keep your room clutter-free and spacious.
Keep the latest newspaper on or below the tables
Your newspapers and magazines are the look spoilers of your living room. Try to keep 2 latest newspapers or magazine on or below the table or you could keep them in paper-shelf to give your living room a little sophisticated look. If you want your newspapers for some commercial use you could keep them in a box or a container in your store room.
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Get a separate basket for seasonals
Seasonal things like goggles, ant sprays, room freshners, mosquito repellant, or pesticides are good to keep in a separate basket or box to use it when needed but would be well organized and easy to access.
Clear your medicine cabinet every month
Medicines, ointments, capsules lose their expiry date, hence need regular check. Clear and clean your medicine box each month to get rid of useless and unnecessary slips and to keep your room organized.
Hang your usual daily clothes
If you feel it little tough to put your daily usage clothes in the closet, then you could get cloth hangers to keep them hung up for easy usage and access. But don’t forget to put them into laundry basket when they get dirty.
Think vertically
Keeping things more horizontally consumes maximum space of your home which makes your room quite clumsy which creates a jumbled look. Vertically organizing things will be more attractive and easier to de-clutter things. Like a vertical book shelf or a wall shelf to put your miscellaneous things that you use everyday like keys, remotes, candles or magazines etc.
Keep the containers and boxes that you need
Try to keep the boxes that you need and eliminate all unnecessary boxes and containers to create some space in your storeroom to keep your room organized.
Keep less furniture
Excess furnitures kills the space of your home and rooms. Try to get limited furnitures that you need to make use of. For example your living room needs a set of sofa, a coffee table, a book shelf, a wall shelf and a TV stand.
Keep your keys hung up
Keys are used everyday for sure and creates a messy look when kept on shelves or tables. So get a key hanger or wall pockets to keep them more organized for easy access and creative look.
Get a separate bowl on table for quick access
Things like keys, remotes, candles, paper-weights, sprays when lie around on your table create an unorganized look. So to give your room a sophisticated and creative look keep a separate stylish decorative bowl to keep all these things.
Keep a record of incoming things
Once you declutter your home or rooms doesn’t mean you are done. You have to keep an eye on every incoming things to make more new space or categorize them to keep them clutter free.
Maintain a diary
If you find it difficult to recall where you have placed what then maintain a diary named ‘room declutter’ to add in different categories with location and things kept in that for quick and easy access.
Spare 5 minutes every day for decluttering
Organizing your room needs a constant effort so you have to spare minimum 5 minutes every day to organize things in their respective places in case they are misplaced or messed up.
Get a separate ‘may be’ box
According to me, every person needs a ‘may be box’ in his/her home for those things that you might need in future but not in present. So, if you’re not sure about such things get a box or a container named ‘may be box’ to keep all those artefacts in it to keep your room organized.
Learn to love organized room
You need to learn how to live an organized lifestyle. Unless you love the decluttered room, you can’t keep your room organized.
Finish your task completely
Whenever you declutter or organize your room, try to finish your work completely. Because when you keep some work for later you might forget where to place the things which consumes extra time and energy.
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Priyadarshini Muduli
A full time passionate writer with imperishable determination to bring healthy, smart and pragmatic changes individually and socially. Concentrate especially on lifestyle, life and personal improvement, relationships, mental health and behavior, viral issues and literature based subjects.