Is Your Teen Addicted To Smoking? Here’s How You Can Help Them

This post was last updated on February 18th, 2025

Teen Addicted To Smoking

According to 2018 figures, 27% of US high school students and 7% of middle school students used tobacco products. This is amazing really, considering that the dangers of smoking cigarettes are well known, and have been for some time. Smoking has been shown to cause chronic diseases including stroke, diabetes and heart disease, as well as greatly increasing the risk of at least 15 types of cancer.

Teen smoking is a particular concern because this is not just some teenage phase: studies show that most adult smokers began the habit before the age of 26, and the younger they are when they start smoking, the more likely they will become addicted.

So what do you do if your teen picks up the habit? Check our advice for how to help your teen who is addicted to smoking.

Open Communication

There first step is establishing trust and communication with your teen. If they have admitted the problem and sought your help, you have already made the first step. However, in many cases you they may be denying that they are smoking, and/or refusing to quit.

A good start is to talk to them about the dangers of smoking: teenagers have low barriers when it comes to risky behaviour, however the dangers of smoking are hard to ignore when you spell the out in black and white. Talk to them like an adult and explain to them that you are there to support them, not punish them.

It is also important to understand where they are coming from. Ask them why they are drawn to smoking and what about it appeals to them. Trying to see things from their point of view is more constructive than simply forbidding them to smoke. Above all, it is important to lead by example. Teens are more likely to smoke if at least one of their parents also smokes, so if you are a smoker quitting is the best thing you can do to encourage your child to do the same – you could even go through the process together!

Give Them Good Reasons To Quit

You can of course punish your teen every time they smoke, however it will be more effective to give them persuasive reasons to quit smoking. Along with outlining the health concerns and dangers of smoking (which may or may not have an impact on risk-taking teens), appeal to their vanity. Teenagers are extremely sensitive about their appearance and attractiveness, so remind them that smoking will turn their teeth and fingers yellow, give them bad breath, and make their clothes and hair smell.

You can also appeal to their financial concerns. Smoking is expensive, and most teens would like to buy brand clothes, smart phones, or save up for their first car. Help them do the math as to how much money they’ll save if they quit smoking, and what they could spend that money on otherwise. Finally, ask them if they actually enjoy smoking. Pretty much every smoker will tell you that smoking isn’t a pleasant experience, it is simply something that once they start, they feel the need to do, thanks to their nicotine addiction.

Come Up With a Plan to Help Them Quit

Recognise that quitting isn’t easy: the majority of smokers take between 8 and 15 attempts to successfully quit. Sit down with your teen and draw up a plan to help them quit rather than asking them to go cold turkey. The US Center For Disease Control tells us that nicotine can be as addictive as heroin or cocaine, so kicking this addiction should not be taken likely.

Several health and government bodies in the UK, such as Public Health England, have recommended vaping ecigarettes as a method to help smokers quit. Because the eliquid cartridges used in vaping are available in different nicotine strengths, you can use these to phase down your teen’s nicotine intake and gradually defeat the addiction. You can even make your own vape juice to completely control the eliquid contents.

The additional benefit of switching to ecigarettes is that they do not contain the harmful and carcinogenic chemicals found in tobacco cigarettes, meaning that as soon as your teen switches over their body will start to repair the damage done from tobacco smoke.

Quitting smoking is not easy for anyone, and it can be particularly difficult to encourage your teen to give up the habit. However, with support and understanding, you can work together with your teenager to conquer their addiction to smoking before it becomes a life-long habit that will greatly compromise their health.



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