Is It Worth Having Multiple Master’s Degrees?

This post was last updated on January 3rd, 2025

Master’s degrees are quite helpful when it comes to supporting students who want to advance their careers.

The best part?

You can earn such degrees as many times as you want, without any restrictions whatsoever!

But there is a catch.

Getting can call for hard work and associated expenses, which is the leading cause for many students to shy away from giving a master’s degree a shot, the second time.

In many instances, however, having two master’s degrees (especially from top countries like Singapore) under the belt can prove beneficialꟷ not just for professional growth but personal as well.

In this blog post, we have laid out all the possible outcomes that pursuing a master’s degree in Singapore can come to bring forth.

Higher Education

When it comes to gaining a spot for top-notch degrees, students with two master’s degrees holds a better chance at getting a shot at the selection.

With just a few applicants being selected from the thousands who apply, getting through the door of PhD programmes can become competitive.

But earning master’s degrees that span across related fields automatically makes you appear as a better candidate to get recruited for the doctoral programme.

More so if the research work you are aiming for involves overlapping of these areas.

Favourable Impression

As both the resources and knack to undergo advanced courses of study is rare to find, showcasing two degrees emphasises your high academic calibre. 

Besides high academic accomplishments, the admissions department is sure to be impressed by the time spent and effort put in by you.

Even in business settings, multiple master’s degree qualifications can reinforce your image as an industrious leader.

Greater Job Opportunities

Specialising in two fields via postgraduate degrees will take you closer to landing lucrative job opportunities.

Not to forget that you will have the scope of applying to positions in not one, but two core areas! 

For example, pairing a master’s degree in science with a master’s degree in business administration can make you eligible to gain employment in hospital management.

Also, adding a post-graduate degree in education can be fruitful if you want to establish yourself in the teaching profession.

Greater Economic Gains

Possessing a dual master’s qualification puts you in the forefront when it is time to negotiate the salary terms.

Furthermore, such a combination of degrees has the power to place you on the fast track to advancements and promotions with a better pay package!

This turns out to be quite beneficial for developing start-ups, showing you ways to cut the expenses and widen your brand’s recognition.

All the above-mentioned reasons hold particularly true for subjects that have a variety of career paths branching out of it.

Colleges here in Singapore will provide you with the knowledge and skills required to get hired as a specialist.

So, log on to our website and pick your choice of subject that you cannot wait to know more about!


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