Interesting Facts About Male Orgasm

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Hello fellas! Ahem ahem, excited! aren’t you? I totally understand people who are reading this very article have higher expectations form this page, and trust me I’m not going to disappoint you. Talking about men orgasm, the process is quite straightforward. Isn’t it? The usual types, stimulation for a while and then boom boom! Okay.. jokes apart, orgasm is always a mystery to be honest, regardless any gender. You never know, that orgasm by your man was really the outcome of your effort or someone’s imaginative picture. If you understand, what I mean? There’s more to it.

Orgasm is the result of muscle contraction, increased heart rate, increased dopamine production and blood pressure that are all associated with immense and intense pleasure. Well, many of you people are already aware of a very common fact about orgasm which is men get orgasm quite easily than women, who take more time to get that sweaty pleasurable feeling.

Now let’s hit the list of other unknown yet interesting facts about male orgasm:

  • Male orgasms don’t last for more than 25 seconds. To be accurate, a typical male orgasm lasts anywhere between 5 seconds to 22 seconds of pure ecstatic pleasure and wonderfulness.

  • If you thinking, only female fake orgasms well, that isn’t true. Men fake orgasms as well. According to the recorded estimations, 30% of young adult males have faked orgasms one or multiple times. However, faking an orgasm does not mean you, or men did not enjoy the sexual activity. In fact, faking orgasm as sexual pleasure can be more enjoyable even and help their partners to reach climax.

  • Men can get orgasm without ejaculating. Yes, that’s true, that not all male absolutely ejaculates with orgasm. Talking about “cumming,” men can have a pleasurable orgasm without discharging or ejaculating any fluid. And it can feel just as great as the orgasm with ejaculation.

  • Multiple orgasms are generally referred to and associated with females but here’s the interesting fact about male orgasm. About 15 to 20 per cent of male have reported enjoying multiple orgasms and it takes quite a bit of an effort to learn this special skill of non-ejaculatory multiple orgasm talent.

Related: Interesting Facts About Female Orgasm

  • Recovery or refectory period of a male which is referred to the rest time men need before getting back to the action or for next round clearly depends on their age, health and fitness. This refectory period varies in men which can last for minutes or an hour or more.

  • No, women aren’t the only ones having g-spot for their super arousing stories. Male have G-spot too! A man’s prostate acts is the instant pleasure switch. Males g-spot is the size of a walnut which is actually a gland located under their bladder. 

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  • Sperms of men are human body’s smallest cell and this isn’t the interesting fact we are talking about here. Male sperms are goddamn so fast that they can travel at the speed of Usain Bolt, which is at 28 mph. Yeah, insane right! But, when these sperms reach the vagina, they eventually slow down to 4 mph. Now, there is more to it that I bet you have no idea about male orgasm. Men ejaculate over straight 50 liters of sperm in their entire lives and to be accurate, they emit 14 gallons of semen in their entire lives. Wow!

  • If men are once aroused, ejaculation becomes inevitable, which is called as “Ejaculatory Inevitability” in scientific term. This phenomenon refers to men after being aroused, reach a certain point, where orgasm and ejaculation is unstoppable.

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