10 Amazing Tips To Feel Happy Instantly
This post was last updated on May 24th, 2021
We all once believed that happiness is felt by some event or action. But as per a famous Buddha quote “Happiness does not depend upon what you have or what your are. It solely relies on what you think.” You feel happiness the moment you think you are happy. Many people have perception that successful people are happy but the truth is that it is the happiness and cheerfulness that can make people conquer success.
In our life, most of us may score good grades, get married to the person we love, achieve good position at work, make lot of friends and money. We consider our achievements as our instrument to gain happiness. We all perceive that happiness is ephemeral. In fact, our minds need some psychological tweaks to understand from where happiness actually comes from. Here is a list of 10 amazing tips to feel happy instantly
1. Bask In The Early Morning Sun
Not only you get your quota of the Vitamin D from the rays of early morning sun but it will also leave you feeling rejuvenated. The soft rays of the sun in the morning will make you feel that its a new day and you just have to kick it off with a new zing. Moreover, it will make your skin look radiant too!!
2. Appreciate Your Life
We feel sad, upset, depressed, etc just because we surround ourselves with negativity. This negativity can be easily detached from your mind just by looking at your past and appreciating every experience you had. Express your gratitude to God for what he had stored for you and welcome what is yet to come, but with a big smile!
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3. Exercise And Meditate
Exercising regularly can boost your energy levels and can de-stress your mind and body. You feel enthusiastic and more positive. The benefits of exercise doubles in combination with meditation. Meditation is a process that connects you to your inner self. For some moments, you find yourself disconnected from this world and your soul feels calm, peaceful and happy.
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4. Plan An Outing
Going out with your loved ones, friends, colleagues, etc is a mind-blowing trick to keep your tensions at bay. The very idea of going for a vacation or short outing uplifts your mood and you start feeling the relaxation just while prepping up for the trip. Moreover, you can plan an outing with just yourself or with your pet, as it is the best way to peek into your real self.
5. Listen To Your Favourite Music
Music has an abstract ability of motivating, cheering or soothing you to an extent that you can’t resist yourself from being impacted by it. Just turn on your choice of music and let your feet dance to the tunes for hours and hours.
6. Pamper Yourself
Just tired of the boring routine being blindly followed? Then it is time to get pampered. You need to give yourself a treat and spend sometime for yourself. To instantly add spice to your mood, grab a chocolate and relish it completely. Give a break to your diet routine once in a while. Also you can book an appointment at any beauty saloon or spa or go swimming and revitalise yourself.
7. Go Shopping And Do Something For Others
Shopping is an exercise that can divert your mind and give you a relaxing feeling. Moreover, if you spend money on buying experiences like movie or concert tickets, amusement parks, etc then you will surely feel happier than buying any other stuff.
Also, it is not necessary that you spend money for yourself only. You can buy gifts for your near and dear ones and it is the art of giving that will always make you happy and feel contented. Try to do something for strangers too and charity in the form of money or in kind, is the best way to give peace to your soul.
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8. Maintain A Personal Diary
It is said that experiences, whether good or bad, has the capacity to teach you something in life. And remembering your diverse experiences at every juncture of life is very vital. The best way of memorising things is by noting them down. You feel lighter at heart when you note your day’s experiences and your opinions regarding them. Later when you read them, you will feel happy about experiencing those events.
9. Start Reading
Reading not only enhances your knowledge but also shapes your attitude towards life and its complexities. Reading makes you adaptable, flexible and gives a poise in your approach. So just take a book of your favourite genre back from the rack and give it a chance to cheer up your mood instantly. Since we are in the internet age, you can also search for your favourite topics and feed your hungry mind with oodles of knowledge.
10. Spend Time With Your Pets
Many a times, the feeling of loneliness grips you and at that time, it is your pet, a speechless creature that cheers you up. Simply by cuddling or playing with your pet can fill your heart with joy. Pets have the quality of giving you immense pleasure and can encourage you to have an optimistic attitude towards life. Interacting with pets, especially in the morning can make you smile throughout the day.
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Snehashree Bhat
A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.