11 Inspirational Life Lessons To Learn From Lord Krishna
This post was last updated on January 9th, 2025

Lord Krishna is the eighth incarnation of Lord Vishnu and considered as the supreme deity by many Hindu communities. As per ancient mythologies, Lord Krishna marked his birth on earth during the Dvapara Yuga and has been portrayed often in mythological stories as a God-child, prankster, an ideal lover and divine hero who flaunted a mesmerising persona.
Lord Krishna is known as the principal protagonist with Arjuna in Bhagvad Gita and was also Arjuna’s charioteer who counselled him to fulfill his Dharma (duties) as a Kshatriya warrior by following the path of Bhakti (devotion) to attain moksha (liberation) from this materialistic world. The Bhagvad Gita is a Sanskrit based 700 verse Hindu scripture that comprises of the narration between Arjuna and Lord Krishna during the great battle of Kurukshetra. In India, Lord Krishna has many devotees who call him by different names in different regions. In fact, in the western world too, many people have accepted Lord Krishna as their divine God.
During Lord Vishnu’s avatar as Lord Krishna, he gave numerous preachings to mankind and if you ingrain his preached lessons in your life, then you will certainly be able to raise from the typical materialistic thought process to understand the true meaning of life.
To know how you can enlighten your mind, body and soul to relieve yourself from negative energies, you must read these inspirational life lessons to learn from Lord Krishna:
1. Be Calm & Composed

After Lord Krishna’s birth, he was taken amidst torrential rains by his father to a safer place in a small village, Gokula. His foster mother Yashoda took care of him but she and her husband lived a simple life with no luxuries. Later in his childhood, he went to Mathura and was offered highly luxurious life. But he never took these materialistic things seriously. He did not express joy or sorrow while he lived a simple or princely life.
We too must learn to live neutral. Nothing is permanent in life. If you are enjoying many riches presently, that doesn’t mean your future will reciprocrate the same. Rather learn to be contented with whatever you have and accept everything as God’s blessings.
2. Being Generous Gives Peace

Once Lord Krishna’s best friend, Sudama offered him a handful of rice. Sudama was a poor person who could barely meet his family’s basic needs and since he did not have money to buy Lord Krishna a beautiful present, he gifted him the most precious thing (a handful of rice) he had at that time. In fact, his wife had to beg to get this gift for Lord Krishna. Despite being opulent, Lord Krishna happily accepted the handful of rice with so much joy as it was a gift from his childhood friend. When Sudama reached home, he was astonished to see his home as it was transformed into gold and there were all kinds of precious stones and wealth. This was actually Lord Krishna’s way to thank him for the gift Sudama gave him.
Similarly, you too must be generous enough to give people more reasons to be happy in their lives. Remember that when a person does something good to you, try to do as much as you can to return the favour. Since we came empty handed and we will go empty handed, we must strive to share everything we have with others so that our life on this earth becomes peaceful.
3. Don’t Distinguish Yourself From The Universe

There is a perfect instance where Lord Krishna established his indispensable connection with the universe. One day, Duryodhana sent a divine sage named Durvasa to meet the Pandavas. The sage was known for his short tempered behaviour and went to the forest with his disciples. At that time, Pandavas were serving their exile term and did not have enough resources to feed the army of disciples. Lord Krishna had given them a holy pot named Akshayapatra that was capable of providing enough food and necessities to the Pandava brothers and Draupadi. But there was a condition that after Draupdi has her meal, the pot would not produce anything for that day.
Unfortunately when sage Durvasa reached their hut, Draupadi had just finished with her meals. All the Pandavas and Draupadi were in jeopardy as to how they will be able to feed the sage and his disciples. They prayed to Lord Krishna to help them. Lord Krishna appeared and saw a grain remaining in the pot. He ate it and felt satisfied. As soon as Lord Krishna felt satisfied, all the living beings of the earth felt full including the sage and his disciples. As they felt full, they feared that they may over feed themselves if they stayed longer. So they went away.
With this, we get to learn that instead of isolating ourselves from this world, we must feel that we are an integral part of the universe just like others. We must feel others’ sorrow, pain, joy, etc and must ingrain an empathetic attitude so that we can help others in retrieving themselves from pain and sadness to live a better life.
4. Kartavya Parayana (Performing Duties With Dedication)

Lord Krishna was known for performing his duties despite innumerable difficulties. Though he was an incarnation of God, he had to face adverse circumstances since his birth. He had to perform his duties honestly as a king by taking care of his kingdom and as a son who had the responsibility of releasing his parents from his maternal uncle’s seizure. At one time, he was supposed to look after the proceedings of his royal court and at another time, he had to take care of his devotees and gopikas. He excelled in every sphere as he was determined to perform every duty with conscientiousness.
We must learn from Lord Krishna’s this quality that prioritising our duties is very important and we must be dedicated to fulfil them with whole heart. We must direct all our efforts in performing our daily duties without expecting great results. Leave the results to God, who is watching us all the time.
5. Be True In Every Role

Of all the roles he played before taking samadhi, Lord Krishna essayed the role of a friend and a guide to Arjuna and was an intense lover of Radha. As a friend and guide to Arjuna, he focused on teaching him the right path to perform his Dharma and inculcated in him the feeling of confidence and directed him to follow the path of truth by believing in God. Being his charioteer, Lord Krishna ensured all the needed back support to pronounce Pandavas as victorious in the Kurukshetra war. As an eternal lover, Lord Krishna would melt in the presence of Radha as her devotional love for him was eccentric. She used to be at peace when she listened to Lord Krishna’s melodious flute. But when Radha gave up her mortal form, he stopped playing his flute. Such was the extra ordinary bonding of a true devotee and Lord Krishna.
All of us have some role to play in our life. We have our motto pre-determined and we must never deviate from it. We must try to excel in all the roles we have to play in our lives without regrets. Maintaining truth in every relationship is vital for keeping our soul free from sins.
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6. Treat Everyone Equally

While he lead his life in the small village Gokula, he had many cowherd friends and gopikas and when he went to Mathura, he was usually accompanied by learned folks. But he treated everyone equally and did not believe in differentiating between rich and poor. He believed that even animals deserved good treatment. His love and equal behaviour towards others convinced everyone to have affection for him.
In today’s world, we generally build perceptions about people in terms of what they own and how much money they have. We must all understand that every little being is a unique creation of God and he has sent all of us empty handed. He made us equally. But it is we who have distinguished ourselves as rich and poor or high class and low class. This is the law of nature that if we start giving more and more love and respect to others, then we too will be loved and respected.
7. Be Ready To Serve Others

Lord Krishna is an apt example of a selfless incarnation on earth. He lived life for others. Since childhood, he protected people in Gokula from the uncontrollable anger of Lord Indra and in Mathura, he saved people from the attack of demons. He always helped his devotees and has showed many people the right path to lead a happy life. His constant smile and composed nature taught many people to live a life filled with truth and devotion.
In our routine life, we have become so much busy in stacking wealth that we disregard all the opportunities of serving others. We need to have a selfless attitude to develop our inner self. Life is too short to run after money. Make your life large and win hearts of people by serving them. Help others with good intention and good things will automatically come to you.
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8. Be Protective Towards Others

Lord Krishna is an exemplary in saving his devotees who truly have sacrificed themselves to the supreme being. When the Mahabharata war was about to end, Ashwatthama, a Kaurava warrior thought of ending the Pandava lineage by killing the unborn child in Uttara’s womb, who was wife of Abhimanyu by attacking her with a Bhramasthra weapon. Since there was no counter-solution to this weapon, Lord Krishna entered Uttara’s womb through his divine powers and neutralised the weapon to save the mother and the innocent child from dying.
Though we can never be as great as Lord Krishna, we must try to follow his principles and must endeavour to protect people around us from all kinds of sufferings when we are actually capable of doing so. Today we are witnessing a whopping rise in crime within our society just because we are not standing when other’s need our help. We are not being united and this is why, our society is getting devoid of moral values.
9. Keep Smiling To Live In Peace

Since Lord Krishna’s birth, he faced life threat from his maternal uncle king Kansa as he used to send demons and other devilish beings to harm the baby. But Lord Krishna would keep smiling looking at those evil creatures and used his powers to kill them. He too faced difficult situations but he never expressed anger, joy, sorrow outrageously. He smilingly tackled all situations and his fascinating face and enchanting smile would bring smile and peace in people’s lives.
So if we compare our life to his, we surely are leading a simple and trouble free life. In fact, when difficult phases come, we must embrace it with a smile so that our mind is at peace and a peaceful mind is capable of finding unique solutions.
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10. Understand The Fact Of Mortality

In the epic Kurukshetra war, Lord Krishna imparted the lesson that we must not attach ourselves to our body. He kept smiling throughout the battle as he knew that truth will find victory at the end and he told everyone to be fearless. He said that the body is a mere cloth that we have put on our soul, which is our true identity. Our body is mortal and our fate is pre-written. However, our soul is immortal and thereby, fearing death will not let us live our life with solitude.
So focus on keeping your soul pure and following the path of truth. Devote yourself to God and his preachings. Do what is right and live life for others and happiness will accompany you wherever you go.
11. Share Your Knowledge About God

At one instance, when Gopala asked villagers to stop worshiping Lord Indra and instead worship Govardhan mountain for supplying them with necessities, then Lord Indra felt insulted. He caused heavy rains in the village to teach the villagers a lesson. When Lord Krishna saw the helpless villagers running for life, he held the Govardhan mountain on the tip of his last finger for several days and nights. All the villagers took shelter under the mountain raised by him. When Lord Indra became conscious about Lord Krishna’s divinity, he immediately came to earth and apologised. He admitted his fault for being egoistic.
In the same way, it is our duty to share our knowledge about God and his supremacy with others so that even others get enlightened. But you should never force others to accept your notions. Your duty is to share the knowledge and it is up to others if they are convinced with it or not. You must never force your opinions to transform others’ thought process about God.
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Snehashree Bhat
A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.